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Topic: Turning off the excess crap. (Read 8496 times) previous topic - next topic
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Turning off the excess crap.


Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #1
Bandwidth is expensive over there, eh?

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #2
I like to see all this info you call "excess crap".What's wrong with it?.Some extra knowledge doesn't hurt.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #3
Avatars give you a quick visual identification of the poster.

Post count is an indication about how long someone has been there, and so might be an indication of how you can trust his judgement/opinions.

Country gives you idea about the time-zone, which is important in order to continue a conversation. With this you know if you can expect a reply soon or only in 10 hours.

Status gives you indication about what are the activities of the user.

Well, all this seems to carry information...

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #4
Avatars give you a quick visual identification of the poster.

They also give you endless opportunities to abuse rendering and parsing bugs of certain browsers (well, one browser in particular).

Post count is an indication about how long someone has been there, and so might be an indication of how you can trust his judgement/opinions.

Of course there has to be the mandatory ego extension to those who can't be arsed to write thoughtful threads or posts. Also it would be very bad for any n00b to challenge the opinions of multi-thousand poster.

Country gives you idea about the time-zone, which is important in order to continue a conversation. With this you know if you can expect a reply soon or only in 10 hours.

It's also good that the users can easily see who's from poorly developed country and act appropriately dismissing their opinions and beliefs.

Status gives you indication about what are the activities of the user.

Dunno what this is in exact, but I guess it's a mix-match of all the above things.

Well, all this seems to carry information...

Not all information is useful, especially when it gets repetitive..

Yes, I'm bored and dislike any unnecessary bloat.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #5
It's great that we're able to disable the avatars, signatures, inline images, and all that, but what about the rest of this nonsense that has been added?

I don't care or want to see the post count, country flag, or location, or anything else.  I prefer to stick with discussion and thats it.  I don't care that I'm member #20 of the forum and have xxxx posts.  It doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Hell, there isn't even a flag for Scotland anyway. =)

Seriously, how difficult would it be for you to add options to disable this crap? 

Just to let you know I'm using Proxomitron filter rules right now to filter much of this garbage out.


Disabling the crap?

Use Opera ( browser instead of crappy MS IE and only load images you need. Switching between load_images/disable_graphics/load_from_cache is useful if the connection speed is low (like in my case). Or simply download MyIE, if you're addicted IE browser.

The rest is not that annoying (at least for me).

Hope, this could help a little.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #6
Use Opera ( browser instead of crappy MS IE and only load images you need. Switching between load_images/disable_graphics/load_from_cache is useful if the connection speed is low (like in my case).

That's what I do, I only enable images when I want to post a reply -- hence the Add Reply/Quote button's are not accessable without images enabled.

If you want a text only version of HA plead your case to Dibrom.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #7

It's great that we're able to disable the avatars, signatures, inline images, and all that [...]

Hey, you're using an avatar and a signature yourself!

Seriously, how difficult would it be for you to add options to disable this crap?

Even if it's not that difficult to code, if you have too many hacks and want to update the forum software, it makes everything more complicated.

And do those few lines of text really hurt? The buttons and the topic subscription links displayed in every thread are far more bandwidth-consuming, so a text-only skin would be far more effective than disabling the display of user information.

(I do agree that one should be able to turn flags off though, even though I like them.)

<OT>I remember your location field saying "Boca Raton, Florida" a year or so ago (unless I'm confusing something here), what's this about Scotland? </OT>

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #8

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #9

If you would like to make a new skin for ibf (forum software) which does not include these things, I'd gladly install it (at least as a temporary solution).  As it stands, I haven't had time to worry about this kind of thing lately though, and there are much bigger HA related issues that are a higher priority in the queue of "things to do".

I can't always please everyone really, and I think that those people who are simply annoyed by this information are the significant minority :/

Anyway, that said, I'll see what I can do.  No promises though.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #10

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #11
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](sorry if i sound like an ass here..)[/span]
Hey TrNSZ, now that's much better ...too bad you were too angry in the first post, mentioning the things you said at the above post would have been perfect. I now understand your opinions much better and support them as well.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #12
Country gives you idea about the time-zone, which is important in order to continue a conversation. With this you know if you can expect a reply soon or only in 10 hours.
It's also good that the users can easily see who's from poorly developed country and act appropriately dismissing their opinions and beliefs.

It is up to the person who provides the information specifying where they are from to decide whether providing it would bring predjudice comments and dismissals of their intellect or character and whether they even care about these type of presumptions or prejudgements from the type of person who would make these assumptions.
I don't know whether your comment was a joke or not, but it could easily offend others.  Just a heads up.
WARNING:  Changing of advanced parameters might degrade sound quality.  Modify them only if you are expirienced in audio compression!

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #13

Please know that I think of you as a friend, and I wouldn't want to ask you to go out of your way for just myself, or even a small minority of people who can easily find other solutions (like Proxomitron filters), and I know you're very busy with other aspects of HA.

Of course  I think of you as a friend as well.  I hope my comments didn't seem dismissive, I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not certain that I can really address something like this quite yet.

I remember talking about the PM forums before they were even made with you, and we were discussing the differences in the userbase of mailing lists and web forums, and the pros and cons of both.  I know that the web forum is here to stay, it's friendlier for new users, and it provides a running archive of the threads, but at the same time, I still prefer mailing list and usenet discussions.  There is also a large portion of the audio community who will never be "bothered" to post here or on other web forums, such as many members of lame-dev, etc.

I realize this.  I am attempting to address this still, but things are slow going.  The mailing list integration script has been mostly ready for awhile, but things have slowed down for me over the last few weeks while I've been working towards finishing up school projects and studying for finals.  I'm hoping to spend some more time with it again soon.  It should be possible to provide a mailing list and usenet interface to the boards here when it's done.. but it may be a good while still before that happens.  This doesn't even count the testing and fine tuning that will need to take place before public deployment either.

Without any kind of e-mail or Usenet gateway to access the forums, I think a minimalist interface would be a great addition to people who think the same way I do.  You know my time has been very limited, and since I've moved from the r3mix forums to PM/HA, I've dropped by moderator status for the news forums and post much less frequency as I don't have much time to myself anymore -- I work 80 hours a week, sometimes more.  Bypassing all the forum cuteness would make at least myself more productive here and be able to focus more on the content of the site and increase at least my own participation.

My original intentions for the forum included the choice of using a "text-only" skin for the boards here, but a few issues prevented that from happening right away.  However, I've spent a little bit more time with this again lately, and I think that it is not unreasonable to expect this to become a possibility sometime in the not too distant future.  On the other hand, writing the code that would allow users to turn off all of the items you mentioned individually would be a lot more of a hassle.. so that's something that I'm not sure will happen for a long time, if at all.

I haven't looked into creating IBF "skins" and I don't know if what I want would even be possible to do, but if it is, I will glady create and maintain a minimalist skin for myself and those who are like-minded.

It certainly is possible.  You can change anything you want regarding the layout of the site with a new skin.

For more information, you can check: ( for a tutorial)

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #14
Woah! Tripple post!  Now that's a first...and by -Dibrom-  (weird)

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #15

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #16
Woah! Tripple post!  Now that's a first...and by -Dibrom-  (weird)

Sorry.. I was having some weirdness with my connection and the post didn't appear to have gone through (it stalled the first 2 times).

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #17

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #18
This is probably simply because the portal code doesn't check the user preferences for displaying avatars.  I'll look into it sometime.

Turning off the excess crap.

Reply #19
I know that the web forum is here to stay, it's friendlier for new users, and it provides a running archive of the threads, but at the same time, I still prefer mailing list and usenet discussions.  There is also a large portion of the audio community who will never be "bothered" to post here or on other web forums, such as many members of lame-dev, etc.

Right, a new usenet hierarchy alt.hydrogenaudio.* with all boards as separate newsgroups and threading enabled via message-ids would be great...  My good old DOS-based offline mail- and newsreader could serve as a searchable database then like in former times, even searching through HA via would be possible - wow... B)
ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen
BLUEZZ BASTARDZZ - "That lil' ol' ZZ Top cover band from Hamburg..."
INDIGO ROCKS - "Down home rockin' blues. Tasty as strudel."