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Topic: How to convert WavPack Files to FLAC (Read 14789 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: How to convert WavPack Files to FLAC

Reply #26
If you want the same directory structure then i strongly recommend the already suggested $directory_path(%path%)\%filename% . This much more reliable than tags. No need to do a full testrun even.
The tags might not be correct for each song, or might have unexpected output in some other way. The chance to mess up is huge.

About the flac compression. I believe your harddisk speed will be the bottleneck. So you might wanna use V5 instead of V0. Even for a test run.

Re: How to convert WavPack Files to FLAC

Reply #27
About the flac compression. I believe your harddisk speed will be the bottleneck. So you might wanna use V5 instead of V0. Even for a test run.

Interesting! Note, this is for encoding&writing time during a test. 
For the permanent set, use -8 and leave it overnight. Encoding is done once, and -8 has same decoding CPU load but saves space.

Re: How to convert WavPack Files to FLAC

Reply #28
It depends on your cpu and hdd speed. Also when reading and writing to the same hdd it will be slower.
I've never really tested it myself though.

Yes, i use -8 myself too. But i have never reencoded my whole collection. You can use -8 and be done with it once and for all (probably).
Or you use -5 or -6 to speed up the process. The size difference between 5/6 and 8 is small.

You can try it with just one album and see what the speed difference is (on your hardware) compared to the encoded filesize.