
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => foobar2000 for Mac => Topic started by: Guildencrantz on 2024-02-19 21:44:46

Title: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-02-19 21:44:46

– CPU usage is very high, approx. 15–20% while playing MP3 files. Music.app playing the same files consumes approx. 4–5%.

– ReFacets window doesn’t remember column widths.

– Playlist Search and Media Library Search windows don’t remember their sizes and positions.

– Console window doesn’t remember its size and position.

– MP3 tag types window doesn’t remember settings used last time. At least override settings.

– Preferences > ReplayGain Scanner > Downsample high-definition content has an unnecessary [ character before “choose automatically”. Or maybe the corresponding ] character is missing, I’m not sure.


– App not quitting when the main window is closed.

– Monospaced figures to be used throughout the app. Or at least in columns that contain only figures (e.g. track number, duration, date, etc.). Right now these columns look very uneven. The same for elapsed/remaining time shown at the bottom of the app.

– Window showing the artwork: proper multiplication sign (×) surrounded by thin spaces indicating artwork size instead of a letter “x”.

– Artist/album shown in main window to be separated by an en-dash instead of a hyphen.

– ReplayGain tab in Properties window to use proper minus sign (−) instead of a hyphen.

– Ability to save AccurateRip check results right from within the app (like in XLD). Right now you have to copy and paste them elsewhere if you want to save them.

– Customizable toolbar (preferably at the top of the main window like in literally any other audio player for Mac). Bottom part can be used to show the total length of added tracks.

– Built-in updater.

– Built-in help.

– Shortcuts (yes, I know, everybody wants them). Especially for hiding/showing the sidebar. Or at least there should be a menu item for hiding/showing the sidebar enabling people to make their own shortcut to hide/show it.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-02-20 13:11:18
Thank you very much for the detailed report.
All issues noted and are being looked into.

Regarding MP3 tag types, this works as intended - initially shows tags that the files currently have, not last used selection.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-02-21 15:00:47
Today's build addresses large portion of the above.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-02-21 15:45:07
Thanks, that was insanely fast and is very welcome.

There’s a new bug though: whenever I launch this preview version, it automatically saves console log.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-02-21 18:38:39
CPU usage is now indeed much, much lower. For flac files it dropped from like 15% to just 5%. I’m absolutely stunned.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-15 16:26:25
In today’s preview version (v2) Decoding speed test doesn’t show any window.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-22 16:43:53
ReFacets still don’t remember column widths. Not the facets’ widths, but the widths of columns *inside* facets. Both in stable and preview versions.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-23 07:55:20
There’s also a discrepancy in the behaviour of ReFacets and Album List: when you open ReFacets, you are in the search field by default, but when you open Album List, you aren’t.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-28 16:32:22
Great features in today’s preview version, but:

Buttons in the redesigned properties window are slightly cut off at the top.

Saving Accurate Rip logs is fantastic, though I have two minor gripes:
1) it suggests .txt extention instead of .log
2) it uses Windows CRLF instead of Unix LF.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: The Link on 2024-03-28 16:37:07
I can't reproduce what your screenshot shows. What version of macOS are you on?
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-28 16:46:57
I can't reproduce what your screenshot shows. What version of macOS are you on?

I’m on macOS 12 (Monterey).
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-28 16:54:27
Buttons in redesigned Console window look as they should.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-28 16:57:01
Also: Save buttons in Console window and Accurate Rip check window are of very different size.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-03-28 19:53:11
Will fix all toolbar related glitches tomorrow, thanks for testing.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: 7thw on 2024-03-29 10:48:25
Hopefully OP doesn’t mind me hijacking this thread,
but I am most looking forward for the following things to get changed:

1. Not needing to double click in ReFacets to populate the main window (making it work like the Windows version)
2. ReFacets generating two playlists automatically: one for browsing, and one for playback (like old Facets or CUI Filters in the Windows version) so that you can skip tracks while browsing something else
3. Populating the main window using ReFacets should IMO not result in all tracks being selected
4. In a short playlist, you can deselect by clicking white space below the tracks. But if the playlist is long, you currently cannot deselect with the mouse at all.
5. It’s great that closing the main window doesn’t quit the program altogether anymore, though at the moment there’s no way to bring the main window back without selecting “Open”, “Add Files”, “Add Folder” or “Add Selection”
6. Merging “Pause” and “Play” into one “Play / Pause” action so that it can be targeted by a single keyboard shortcut instead of two

It would be great if there was a bit more interface customization in the future, like being able to merge the main window with ReFacets, tabs, etc,
but it’s mainly the above that would make regular usage of Foobar2000 much more comfortable IMO.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-03-30 10:53:36
Will fix all toolbar related glitches tomorrow, thanks for testing.

Yep, now everything looks (and works) fine.

Also found a couple of minor bugs in Preferences:
1) Display section: when you click on Front Cover / Back Cover / Artist / Disc buttons, they start jumping up and down;
2) It seems that Advanced section also doesn’t remember column widths (maybe other sections too?).

And one feature request:
Is it possible to add Title Case (i.e. the one that doesn’t capitalise prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) to Edit > Transformations?

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: grblzbx on 2024-03-30 15:32:36

First, thanks for the Mac version of fb2k!

I don't know if this a bug or a feature but... the playlists use the unique volume IDs for the path to the music files. I just replaced the external SSD on which my music collection lives, and that was the end of some 30 playlists. The playlist files themselves appear to be in a binary format that isn't so easy to fix for me.

If it's possible to use the volume label (name) instead of the unique volume ID in the playlists (and Media Library, in extension) it would probably avoid this issue, but I obviously don't know the implications of this.

Thanks for giving it a thought,
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: eagleray on 2024-03-31 05:51:15
I have noticed the volume behavior of external headphones (exclusive) is linked to the system volume control level at the time I switch from "external headphones" to "external headphones (exclusive). If system volume is not set to maximum when the output device is changed to exclusive then maximum volume will be limited. External mode completely bypasses system volume (probably not unexpected) however even hitting the mute key does nothing.

MacBook Pro M3 Pro, Sonoma 14.4.1
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-08 19:32:29
A couple of suggestions:

1. Shouldn't the artwork automatically resize when you resize the window showing it?
2. When saving AccurateRip check results, wouldn't it be better if fb2k automatically suggested "Artist - Album" name instead of simply "Untitled"?
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-12 12:55:41
New bugs:

– contrary to what the change log says, foobar now *forgets* playlist column widths (especially the date column). It remembered them just fine before the fix.
– new equalizer window forgets its size and position between relaunches.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-16 13:57:35
Also: artwork looks noticeably worse in foobar than, say, in Preview. I attach a comparison (fb2k on the left, Preview on the right). "Composed & performed by" is especially jarring.

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-16 16:53:09
And: foobar doesn’t remember the state of the side bar (i.e. if it’s shown or hidden) between relaunches.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: koupa on 2024-04-16 20:02:40
The ability to change between playlist sidebar and album list. I use F2K "for ever" in windows and now it seems another program. Almost crippled.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-04-26 14:56:29
Today's build addresses quite a few things.
It's still work-in-progress, but stuff that's included works quite well, including the whole of toolbar items.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-26 15:38:26
Looks interesting!

But now there’s a lot of empty unused space to the right of rewind/play/forward buttons. I think that volume indicator can be moved there thus freeing more space to show artist name and track title, no?
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-04-26 17:51:06
Another problem is that now there are two menu items both called Album List: one shows it in a separate window (naturally, I created a shortcut for it) and the other is responsible for the one living in the side bar. Now my shortcut only shows me the Album List in a separate window but does nothing to the one in the side bar (though it is shown in the corresponding menu item). I think that something should be done with this, though I’m not sure what exactly (renaming menu items probably? but how?).
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: koupa on 2024-04-26 19:12:02
The ability to change between playlist sidebar and album list. I use F2K "for ever" in windows and now it seems another program. Almost crippled.

Great upgrade the 2024-04-26. The album list does the work.

Now for DSD support.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: ukg123 on 2024-04-29 11:15:07
Thanks so much for the latest update, having the library on the side is a game changer.

One major bug from my side is regular buffering/stuttering when playing FLAC files from my NAS (every minute or so). This issue only happens with foobar, the same files from the same NAS play fine on Cog and VLC. This was a known issue with VLC and they patched it relatively recently. Would be great to have this addressed.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-16 09:43:30
Date column in the main window continues to forget its width. Not systematically, only from time to time, so I’m not sure what causes this. But sometimes I see, say, just two digits instead of four. And, alas, they are still proportional, not tabular.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-20 19:57:43
Nailed it. Steps to reproduce:

—open the main window;
—adjust date column width to your liking;
—open search window (I mean media library search window, not the playlist search window; why these commands have different locations in the menu is beyond me, by the way);
—close it;
—close the main window;
—open it again;
—date column width is reduced.

And can you please add at least Properties command to the menu? Since I also use fb2k for tagging, I’m tired of opening this window by right-clicking, I’d rather use a (manually created) shortcut for this.

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-05-22 16:42:30
Column width bug, fixed for the next update, thanks for reporting.

Another problem is that now there are two menu items both called Album List: one shows it in a separate window (naturally, I created a shortcut for it) and the other is responsible for the one living in the side bar. Now my shortcut only shows me the Album List in a separate window but does nothing to the one in the side bar (though it is shown in the corresponding menu item). I think that something should be done with this, though I’m not sure what exactly (renaming menu items probably? but how?).
Not sure what you mean two menu items, there's no menu item for showing the embedded Album List.
Ideally I'd like the "Album List" menu item to highlight the embedded Album List if present, cycling tabs if necessary, but I haven't gotten to implementing that yet.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-22 19:38:37
I mean:

1. Library > Album List


2. View > Layout > Album List

Both items show my shortcut but it only works for the first one. Not that it really bothers me since I prefer to use ReFacets in any case and don't us the side bar at all. But it's a strange situation nonetheless.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-22 19:44:13

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-23 12:34:32
Thanks a lot for today's update, these columns no longer make my eyes bleed. However, there's lots of other places where tabular figures would be appropriate, e.g. ReplayGain tab in Properties window, Album List, ReFacets, etc., etc. Wouldn't it be easier in fact just to use tabular figures throughout the whole app and just forget about this problem? After all, proportional figures only look good in continuous text and foobar2000 mostly consists of lists and columns...
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: eagleray on 2024-05-23 14:21:54
My main wish is for the convert functions. However, I do believe getting the interface right should have priority.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-26 15:13:32
It seems that file renaming became much slower in recent previews. @peter, can you please look into this?
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: slnc on 2024-05-27 09:28:50
Thanks a lot for all the work, @Peter. I use foobar for many hours every day and every time I install an update it feels like Christmas.

Some minor suggestions for your consideration:

1) When I save a Playlist, the default export filename is Untitled.m3u8. Could we change it to be the playlist's name? I sync a dozen playlists across 3 foobar2000 mac installations and an iPhone one, and this would save me typos and time.

1b) A complementary and even better solution would be to add an "Export Library" menu option so that I have to do O(1) work per source computer each time I do a sync. At the same this would let me version control my foobar settings and track stats, and it would make my sync-across-computers setup much simpler.

2) I would like to use the "Save playback statistics on each track", but I'm not using it because when it's on, I get distracted 62 seconds after a track starts playing when the foobar2000 dock icon jumps (and an Updating Files foobar popup opens). Is it possible to update track statistics invisibly to the user?

3) Have you considered adding an "Automatically check for new foobar2000 versions once a week" feature? I now regularly "miss" on new features for days or weeks because I forget to manually check.

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-28 20:39:36
Another bug:

If you try to rename some files that already have "correct" names (i.e. there is nothing to rename) and by mistake hit Run button instead of Cancel, foobar2000 invariably crashes. Or if you mistakenly hit Run again after files were succesfully renamed.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-05-29 19:44:43
One more thing:

When you first invoke the Equalizer window after the launch of foobar2000, it appears with a significant delay. When you invoke it for the second or third time, it appears as fast as all other windows (Album List, ReFacets, etc.). But if you relaunch foobar2000 and invoke Equalizer again, you'll see the same delay.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: heybart on 2024-06-10 03:23:30
First, thank you, Peter, for this app. It's so good already and better than just about all the apps I've tried (and boy I've tried so many). Using the preview and haven't seen any serious bugs. My main wishes are for UI stuff and quality of life issues.

1) I really need a way to increase the font size (playlist, panels). They're a tad too small for me and coupled with the tight line spacing it gets tiring. The UI needs room to breathe :)

2) A way to add tracks in one playlist to another. Seems odd that this isn't already possible. Only way to add tracks to playlist is from a search panel or a library browser.

3) Please either add shortcut keys for volume up/down or just add volume up/down to the playback menu so the user can assign shortcut keys via keyboard maestro or similar app.

In addition, it would be great if fb2k intercepted the volume keys on my keyboard and responded to them. I play music through a different device than the default output device (using exclusive mode) so the volume keys don't change fb2k's volume.

4) fb2k seems to keep an internal queue, which is not necessarily the same as the current playlist, but there doesn't seem to be a way to see this queue.

5) this is a major request: it'd be nice be able to open multiple playlists in separate tabs, each keeping its own cursor.

6) a small and simple improvement: when creating a playlist/autoplaylist from a search result, please auto-name the playlist with the query rather than "new playlist"

7) a suggestion for the Settings > Selection Viewers option: maybe make it more flexible as follows: if "prefer current selection" is chosen, show the currently playing track briefly for a few seconds when the playing track changes then revert back to current selection. Likewise, if "prefer currently playing track" is chosen, show the current selected track briefly as the selection changes then revert back to the currently playing track.

8 the time counter should change as you drag the scrubber so you know exactly where you'll be.

Thanks for reading.

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: heybart on 2024-06-12 20:33:24
Not sure if a bug or a limitation, but framerate in an Audio Unit plugin window is quite low, the animation isn't smooth.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: ongaku on 2024-06-16 14:16:23
I noticed this behaviour: if I filter in the album list the tree is correctly filtered according to the query. In the screenshot four tracks have been selected by the filter. I now would expect that double-clicking on "All Music (4)" would only transfer the tracks selected by the filter to the playlist. But what happens is that in addition all other tracks in the library are transferred to the playlist.

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: luxferre on 2024-06-16 17:37:41
i wish sending to current/new playlist from refacets, creating autoplaylist will not drops current playback and does not start new one (i've did not checked but may be it drops queue too)!
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: heybart on 2024-06-16 18:39:10
I wish %last_modified% had msec precision for sorting purpose. I usually do a `touch *` after downloading / ripping an album so when I sort by date modified the tracks are listed in order, but this doesn't work if the precision is only to the second.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-06-17 19:13:07
I wonder what’s new in today’s preview (release notes are missing). Don’t see any visible changes anyway.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: godzfire on 2024-06-22 22:11:40
Just downloaded Foobar after seeing it finally got component functionality. Here's a list I'm seeing of major things missing (feel free to educate me if these do exist):

1- Edit Metadata in playlist view. Available in the Windows version under Prefs > Display > Columns UI > Playlist View > Allow mouse activated inline editing. This is a huge one since it's essentially impossible to easily and quickly tag metadata otherwise.

2- Assign default keys to media control features. By default, every music player out there has the following keys mapped:
Play/pause: Space
Next track: Right arrow
Previous track: Left arrow

3- Additional built-in column options: Composer, Album Artist (Not Artist/Album), Sample Rate, Year, Comment

4- Repeat and Shuffle buttons on the main toolbar next to the other controls instead of just a drop down menu in the upper right

5- Changing font size for playlist. Available in the Windows version under Prefs > Display > Columns UI > Colors & Fonts

6- Playing icon doesn't clear itself if playing another song below it, it leaves "ghosts" of itself. Only way to remove them is to select that played track which clears it.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: heybart on 2024-06-23 18:50:53
3- Additional built-in column options: Composer, Album Artist (Not Artist/Album), Sample Rate, Year, Comment

You can create custom columns yourself. Right click on a column header and select More...  Then add custom column, using formatting strings found here


For example, add a column named "Quality" and use this pattern: %codec% %bitrate% %samplerate%

Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: godzfire on 2024-06-23 23:28:20
3- Additional built-in column options: Composer, Album Artist (Not Artist/Album), Sample Rate, Year, Comment

You can create custom columns yourself. Right click on a column header and select More...  Then add custom column, using formatting strings found here
For example, add a column named "Quality" and use this pattern: %codec% %bitrate% %samplerate%

Yes I am aware of that and did that, but those columns are ID3 spec standard and should be included by default. That's what I was saying. It shouldn't have to be custom added.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-06-27 13:03:56
"Automatically fill values …" and "Apply gain to file content …" have unnecessary spaces before ellipses (in all other cases there is no space before the ellipsis).
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-06-30 12:50:20
Just verified an album with AccurateRip and the log looks as follows:

Track 1: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC EAF0B289]
Track 2: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 92184E63]
Track 3: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 8EE517E1]
Track 4: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 15F3022D]
Track 5: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 7178E285]
Track 6: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 6623FD61]
Track 7: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 20D3B2AB]
Track 8: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC AACE3945]
Not Enough Information in AccurateRip to Verify
Track 10: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC 96E805BF]
Track 11: AccurateRip Verified Confidence 2, Pressing Offset -637 [ARv2 CRC B95B6FA9]

Shouldn't line 9 start with "Track 9: "? It looks inconsistent right now.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-07-07 10:28:36
New "Edit Layout …" item also has an unnecessary space before the ellipsis.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: The Link on 2024-07-07 10:38:36
I agree that it should be consistent, but the space isn't a bug -- just look at the menu of apple's mail app. I also think it looks better with a space before the ellipsis (though that's subjective).
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: KireKolaroski on 2024-07-07 20:03:09
I have a bug to report.

Consider the following layout:
Code: [Select]
splitter horizontal style=thin
 splitter horizontal style=thin
  splitter vertical style=thin
  tabs position=top
   refacets tab-name="A"
   refacets tab-name="B"
Now if foobar2000 is opened, and I tweak refacets A and B, add different filters and so on everything is fine. Once I close foobar2000, refacets A = refacets B This means that all the filters that are in A, are also in B. I think it picks the refacet it was last modified as the context of the change.

Tested on the latest Macos preview version v2.7 07-07-2024
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-07-09 19:02:51
I agree that it should be consistent, but the space isn't a bug -- just look at the menu of apple's mail app. I also think it looks better with a space before the ellipsis (though that's subjective).

Looked through all the menus of Apple Mail. Spaces are nowhere to be seen. And foobar2000 itself doesn't have them in most cases, I only pointed out three exceptions that are probaly just errors.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: The Link on 2024-07-09 19:33:22
This is how it looks here.

edit: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/796

Guess that explains it.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-07-09 22:34:50
This is how it looks here.

edit: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/796

Guess that explains it.

Ah, my system is set to use English, so I guess these rules are different for different languages.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: ukg123 on 2024-07-26 17:47:02
Bug: v2.7 2024-07-08 crashes when selecting any of the options from File Operations (Library element) other than Delete files

Files stored on NAS. Don't think this happened on the previous preview version
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Peter on 2024-08-30 11:43:57
Thanks for the bug report.

File Operations crash should be fixed in today's build.
Title: Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Post by: Guildencrantz on 2024-09-15 19:56:33
foobar2000 still uses proportional figures when showing elapsed/remaining time and because of that they jiggle slightly now and then (which is not good, imo).