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Recent Posts
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: Is there a way to quick search current playlist?
Last post by _Stevie_ -
If you want to do a simple artist or album search, the cursor will be on Top Track in Playlist View.
Edit > Select All > All selected in Playlist View

Oh that is great, I had no idea that would work, thanks! That's a good workaround for now :)

I agree.
There's still a lot to come, right?
But I think evolution is slow.

Yeah, can't wait for more improvements and features. A Waveseekbar for Mac and I would be a happy camper :P
MP3 - General / Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder
Last post by maikmerten -
Just to clarify what's in that dev-build: I removed an artificial lower bound on MPEG-1 bitrates. Previously, one could not encode MPEG-1 modes (32, 44.1, 48 kHz) with less than 48 kbps per channel. Now it also allows for 32 kbps and 40 kbps per channel.

Absolutely no change otherwise.
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec
Last post by Nania Francesco -
Hello everyone. I hope soon to publish the latest version of ADC which, as mentioned a few days ago, is still time-dominated. With the next version I will introduce fast and slow compression. Currently the minimum compression value is around 256 kbps and with a quality (measured with Peaq parameters) comparable and often superior to Wavpack option "-b2.6 -hh". Of course, your listening is obviously missing.  It obviously cannot compete in terms of overall quality with frequency domain codecs.