that would be nice..
anyone like what i did with the queue manager panel?

This uses Panels UI to draw the playlist and queue manager.
This code manages the size of the playlist and queue panel if applicable.
// Columns Playlist
$panel(Columns Playlist,Columns Playlist,0,0,%_width%,
// Queue Panel
$panel(Queue Info,Track Display,0,$sub($sub(%_height%,16),$getpvar(QHeight)),%_width%,$add(16,$getpvar(QHeight)),)
This code is for the queue panel, it draws the header and the queue manager
$drawrect(16,0,$sub(%_width%,32),16,pencolor-null brushcolor-SYSCOL-15)
'Queued Tracks'
// Queued Track Count
%cwb_queuelength%' Item'$ifgreater(%cwb_queuelength%,1,'s',)
// Clear Queue Button
$button($sub(%_width%,90),0,0,0,80,16,/images/Buttons/ClearQ.png,/images/Buttons/ClearQ.png,Flush playback queue,TOOLTIP:"Flush Playback Queue")
// Queue Manager Panel
$panel(Queue Manager,Queue Manager,10,16,$sub(%_width%,20),$getpvar(QHeight),)