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Topic: foo_uie_queuemanager (Read 474078 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75
Unfortunately, I don't have time to fix this at the moment.

If you aren't using foo_trackpos you could try version 0.2.1

this should work for sure - otherwise there's something very wrong with your setup

You have made me a very happy man. Version 2.1 (your link was to 2.2 but I figured it out) solved the problem. Truly excellent.
(I''l keep checking back. It would be nice also to have the 'stop after queue' feature from 2.3. But this is great for now.)


Reply #76
Thanks for this excelent component, but a functionnality miss me.
In the 0.8 version i had possibility, after queue ending to go back to original song before queue play, or go after the last queue's song.
is it possible again ?



Reply #77
Thanks for this excelent component, but a functionnality miss me.
In the 0.8 version i had possibility, after queue ending to go back to original song before queue play, or go after the last queue's song.
is it possible again ?

no, and I'm not going to implement it - request it for foobar core if you want it.


Reply #78

Thanks for this excelent component, but a functionnality miss me.
In the 0.8 version i had possibility, after queue ending to go back to original song before queue play, or go after the last queue's song.
is it possible again ?

no, and I'm not going to implement it - request it for foobar core if you want it.

Ok, thanks for your answer.


Reply #79
I'm probably just being exceptionally dense, but how do I open this window displaying the queue? I'm running the columns_ui version and have a .net thing installed correctly.


Reply #80
file -> preferences-> columnsUI -> Layout (tab)

Right click on a splitter -> panels -> queue manager


Reply #82
Hi Chronial,

are you going to implement the possibility to change queue order via Drag&Drop? I would really love to have this function. Thanks.


Reply #83
Hi Chronial,

Are you still intending to update this (with the features you had on the front page) or make the source code public ?



Reply #84

I just discover this panel, very useful

but can we expect a new version soon that allow transparency for background ... in order to be used as well in a PanelsUI config ?

Thant by advance for feed back




Reply #85

This is my favourite panel...but as said many times, being able to change the order of the queue would be great. So I am also waiting (and hoping  ) for an update!
Les mots d'amour...


Reply #86
that would be nice..

anyone like what i did with the queue manager panel?

This uses Panels UI to draw the playlist and queue manager.

This code manages the size of the playlist and queue panel if applicable.
Code: [Select]

// Columns Playlist
$panel(Columns Playlist,Columns Playlist,0,0,%_width%,


// Queue Panel
$panel(Queue Info,Track Display,0,$sub($sub(%_height%,16),$getpvar(QHeight)),%_width%,$add(16,$getpvar(QHeight)),)

This code is for the queue panel, it draws the header and the queue manager
Code: [Select]
$drawrect(16,0,$sub(%_width%,32),16,pencolor-null brushcolor-SYSCOL-15)


'Queued Tracks'

// Queued Track Count
%cwb_queuelength%' Item'$ifgreater(%cwb_queuelength%,1,'s',)

// Clear Queue Button
$button($sub(%_width%,90),0,0,0,80,16,/images/Buttons/ClearQ.png,/images/Buttons/ClearQ.png,Flush playback queue,TOOLTIP:"Flush Playback Queue")

// Queue Manager Panel
$panel(Queue Manager,Queue Manager,10,16,$sub(%_width%,20),$getpvar(QHeight),)


Reply #87

I think that can be realizable with PanelsUi even if your main iterface is ColumnsUi: But don't ask me how to do that!


Reply #88

I think that can be realizable with PanelsUi even if your main iterface is ColumnsUi: But don't ask me how to do that!

it's pretty simple man. sorry, i should have posted the code i used, it's up there now


Reply #89
I'm having a huge problem withe this module which I otherwise love. As I add more tracks to the queue and it then advances to play the next song in queue, the name of (what then becomes) the top track in the queue becomes incorrect. (The problem isn't limited to just the next track although it appears mostly there.) Is it just me?      My problem is one that you couldn't miss.

after reading this i found out what was bugging me. reverting to 2.1 fixed it here too. i really hope this component gets updated or at least the source released. plus, it would be nice if it wasn't .net.


Reply #90
i have a queue question.

lets say i queue some tracks while one song is playing but after the song is finished i dont want to listen to the first song i queued but i want to select another one from the playlist.
the problem is that if i have a queue and i select another song from the playlist it destroys/deteles my queue. what should i do so the queue won't get deleted when i select a song ?



Reply #91
i have a queue question.

lets say i queue some tracks while one song is playing but after the song is finished i dont want to listen to the first song i queued but i want to select another one from the playlist.
the problem is that if i have a queue and i select another song from the playlist it destroys/deteles my queue. what should i do so the queue won't get deleted when i select a song ?


might be related to the problem above. try a slightly older version, it may fix your problem.


Reply #92
it didn't fix it


Reply #93
Using columnsUI, how can i change color of selected text background in queue manager?

can someone help please?


Reply #94
Using columnsUI, how can i change color of selected text background in queue manager?

can someone help please?

U will find its settings in foobar preferences under "Playback -> Queue Manager"

hopefully someday will come "rearrange by drag&drop"


Reply #95
thanks Infernus .. but what i wanted was to change color of the selected row, not complete background.

my foobar is complete black background including queuemanager, but when i select a queued song, it shows bright blue background for that particular selected text. i want to change it to gray.

any ideas?


Reply #96
don't know if this is the right thread...
but i was just looking for a way to reorder tracks in queue and found this thread.

i think i now figuered out a work around which works good for my panels_ui set up and fits in my layout concept:

I manage my music and playlists with playlist_tree component.
In playlist_tree you can define source as "@queue"
So i created a new playlist_tree query with source set to @queue and a query which is always true:
criteria: "NOT 1 IS 2"
when i now click the "Queue"-query in my playlist tree, it sends the tracks of queue to the defined playlist, than activates the playlist. In my case the name of the playlist_tree auto-send playlist is always the name of the query. Therefore, after doing so, i am editing a playlist named "queue" which contains exactly the queue.
now i reorder the tracks the way i want them, push my "flush queue"-button, do a ctrl+a to select the whole playlist and than "add to playback queue".

im sure there is much more potential in using playlist_tree component and the simple playlist-editor as a queue-editor if you utilize the @scheme programming interface included in playlist_tree... maybe its even possible to simulate a real queue-editor

for me and my foobar layout this makes foo_uie_queuemanager redundant. but i liked the component alot in my coloumns ui times...



Reply #97
Will there be a non columns ui version, too?

EDIT: Oh I searched through the thread and found out that there won't be one. What a shame. Does anyone have a download link for the last non columns ui version?

EDIT2: Nevermind I found the old link: 

I like the non columns ui version too, mostly because I don't use columns ui, doh.  Thanks for the link!


Reply #98
Foobar 0.9.5 has beed released.
Is the plugin compatibale with 0.9.5?
I cannot add a new UI element as a queue manager.
Maybe it's just because I'm a noobie to ColumnUI which I don't use til 0.9.5



Reply #99
It works for me in 0.9.5. But you need .NET to use this component.