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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ilovefb2k -
Hi @All,

The weekend is coming, FriYAY!

Let’s have some fun with text, color, and music: JSP3_playbacktime_dancing. I combined scripts from @TomPro (text, color), @Case (VU Meter), and @Marc2003 (font): the script ‘draws’ playback time.

- Text, color: any color we can think of. {@TomPro's script: }
- VU Meter: smooth, bar, or galaxy.
- WYSIWYG font: we can select a font based on that ‘true’ rendering.

Wish you all a nice weekend.

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ilovefb2k -
Hi All,
I have just  created a script to add 'value' to foo_youtube component by providing it with a song list.

//------------ CREDIT -----------------//
Credit goes to:
- @Wil-B ( for the fantastic 'Find-and-Play' app, along with the 'Biography' and 'Library-Tree' scripts based on Spider Monkey Panel. The 'Find-and-Play' inspired me to explore [YouTube searching]. However I've tried, @Wil-B's scripts still set the benchmark.
- @Marc2003 ( for the excellent [JScript Panel 3] component. @Marc2003 actively updates this component with new features, bug fixes, and beautiful, tidy sample scripts.
# This script uses some API (web service) keys from @Wil-B and @marc2003 for trial purposes. Even though these keys are bundled with their public scripts, we should show and treat them with respect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hi @All ,

Please find the following:
1. _ 'JSP3 foo_youtube_addon' script attached hereafter. This script reflects Air KEN’s feedback {,104379.msg1050940.html#msg1050940}
Change log:

- 23Aug24: YouTube searching.
- 20Sep24:
   + YouTube channel management

2.  _ ‘JSP3 Now playing 64bit (text display)’
Change log:
. . .
- 20Sep24:
   + YouTube download (please pay attention to YouTube clip IP ): audio only, video best by size.
   + Favorite list (aka fb2k playlist): maintain a favorite song/clip list.


1. youtube download is based on the yt_dlp.exe , ffmpeg.exe
   - yt_dlp path: {fb.ProfilePath} \skins\external_helper\yt-dlp.exe
   - ffmpeg path : {fb.ProfilePath} \skins\external_helper\ffmpeg.exe
2. about yt-dlp, ffmpeg.
_ yt-dlp : is a feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader with support for thousands of sites []. The project is a fork of youtube-dl [] based on the now inactive youtube-dlc []
- ffmpeg: information as @marc2003's sample >

Wish you all a nice weekend.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_youtube
Last post by ilovefb2k -

While the track is playing, right-click on the "foo_youtube addon" Panel.
Input text for Youtube Search > 1 ~ :> input text for direct youtube search > 1.1 ~ by (Web/YT-DLP) foo_youtube_addon search engine

The searched video will start.
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Hi @Air KEN,

I thought Marc2003’s JSP3 component was beyond a compiled-script engine, as we can build ‘apps/widgets’ based on that ‘language’. Anyway, thank you for your feedback and suggestion. I will go back to the JSP3 thread, but let me make a post here for others’ quick reference.

Hi @All,

Please find the ‘JSP3 foo_youtube_addon’ script attached hereafter. This script reflects Air Ken’s feedback. I will continue this topic on the JSP3 thread.

Wish you all a nice weekend.

AAC / Re: CBR AAC Encoder
Last post by Klymins -
I don't want to use that low cutoff, this is just for testing): qaac -c 24 -r 22050 --lowpass 2000 sh44m.wav

Code: [Select]
L:\test>qaac64.exe --ignorelength --no-optimize -c 24 -r 22050 --lowpass 2000 "L:\test\Bird.wav"
qaac 2.82, CoreAudioToolbox

44100Hz -> 22050Hz
AAC-LC Encoder, CBR 24kbps, Quality 96
[100.0%] 0:29.789/0:29.789 (211.3x), ETA 0:00.000
656861/656861 samples processed in 0:00.141
Overall bitrate: 24.0019kbps
[attach type=image]32551[/attach]
I still can't get a lower cutoff with theses two additional commands, should I use the 64-bit version?

@itisljar You recommend me using sox for which part of the job? If you mean the cutoff point, I can't get a higher cutoff point this way (I need it for some specific bitrates).

I don't understand. You do this:
sox input.wav output.wav lowpass 3300 rate 22050

Afterwards, encode the audio with encoder of your choice.
You can tweak lowpass filter with sinc to get more precise lowpass controls.
I won't be able to get a higher cutoff point with this method, am I wrong?
AAC / Re: CBR AAC Encoder
Last post by itisljar -
@itisljar You recommend me using sox for which part of the job? If you mean the cutoff point, I can't get a higher cutoff point this way (I need it for some specific bitrates).

I don't understand. You do this:
sox input.wav output.wav lowpass 3300 rate 22050

Afterwards, encode the audio with encoder of your choice.
You can tweak lowpass filter with sinc to get more precise lowpass controls.
AAC / Re: CBR AAC Encoder
Last post by korth -
I don't want to use that low cutoff, this is just for testing): qaac -c 24 -r 22050 --lowpass 2000 sh44m.wav

Code: [Select]
L:\test>qaac64.exe --ignorelength --no-optimize -c 24 -r 22050 --lowpass 2000 "L:\test\Bird.wav"
qaac 2.82, CoreAudioToolbox

44100Hz -> 22050Hz
AAC-LC Encoder, CBR 24kbps, Quality 96
[100.0%] 0:29.789/0:29.789 (211.3x), ETA 0:00.000
656861/656861 samples processed in 0:00.141
Overall bitrate: 24.0019kbps