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Topic: Seeking with cursor keys (Read 1034 times) previous topic - next topic
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Seeking with cursor keys

It baffles me that this app has so many advanced features, yet one cannot seek through the audio using the left and right arrow keys  :'(
I assume there are plans to add some kind of keyboard mapping in the future, but I would be cool with some hardcoded seek function until then.

Anyways, keep up the great work! Love all the updates <3

Re: Seeking with cursor keys

Reply #1
It baffles me that this app has so many advanced features, yet one cannot seek through the audio using the left and right arrow keys  :'(
I assume there are plans to add some kind of keyboard mapping in the future, but I would be cool with some hardcoded seek function until then.

Anyways, keep up the great work! Love all the updates <3
What do you mean? I can seek back/ahead just fine with the arrow keys after assigning keyboard shortcuts.

Re: Seeking with cursor keys

Reply #2
It baffles me that this app has so many advanced features, yet one cannot seek through the audio using the left and right arrow keys  :'(
I assume there are plans to add some kind of keyboard mapping in the future, but I would be cool with some hardcoded seek function until then.

Anyways, keep up the great work! Love all the updates <3
What do you mean? I can seek back/ahead just fine with the arrow keys after assigning keyboard shortcuts.
This is about the Mac version