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Topic: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio (Read 5143 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

1) Choosing libflac and put the slider at compression level 6.

2) Afterwards, recompressing with flac --best --force *.flac (that's a version 1.3.1 of reference flac.exe).
Getting around 0.51 ...

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #2
Sorry, slider at "8". But still, -6 being DOUBLE the size of -8 would be so "abysmal" that you should not believe it.

Indeed, recompressing with "-0" improves enormously over CUETools-generated -8. (Yes, -0 over -8, not the other way around.)
CUETools-generated with the "8" setting, after which I removed all tags and optimized layout using fb2k (that affects the HTOA with padding, I guess).
830 for CUETools 2.1.8 at setting "8"
630 for flac.exe -0
583 for flac.exe -8

Pasting from command line window:

Code: [Select]
c:\copy4flac-0>flac --force -0 *.flac

flac 1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson, 2011-2014  Xiph.Org Foundation
flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type `flac' for details.

flac (0) (HTOA) - Copy.flac: wrote 8544 bytes, ratio=47,378
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 47,378, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
flac (1) - Copy.flac: wrote 39438228 bytes, ratio=0,696
flac (10) - Copy.flac: wrote 23047738 bytes, ratio=0,791
flac (11) - Copy.flac: wrote 16080409 bytes, ratio=0,907
flac (12) - Copy.flac: wrote 13939740 bytes, ratio=0,901
flac (2) - Copy.flac: wrote 28144850 bytes, ratio=0,881
flac (3) - Copy.flac: wrote 24087487 bytes, ratio=0,697
flac (4) - Copy.flac: wrote 29653427 bytes, ratio=0,688
flac (5) - Copy.flac: wrote 18441542 bytes, ratio=0,768
flac (6) - Copy.flac: wrote 31910628 bytes, ratio=0,782
flac (7) - Copy.flac: wrote 13865914 bytes, ratio=0,682
flac (8) - Copy.flac: wrote 26342544 bytes, ratio=0,763
flac (9) - Copy.flac: wrote 10463287 bytes, ratio=0,736

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #3
I could not duplicate your result (showing last 3 of 10 tested rips but other results consistent)
All source test files from CUETools 2.1.8 compressed using libFLAC -8
flac -8 --force *.flac (using flac.exe 1.3.1)
all ratios are ≥ 1.000

Code: [Select]
E:\>flac -8 --force E:\test08\*.flac

flac 1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson, 2011-2014  Xiph.Org Foundation
flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type `flac' for details.

01.flac: wrote 38820757 bytes, ratio=1.000
02.flac: wrote 38321296 bytes, ratio=1.000
03.flac: wrote 37511600 bytes, ratio=1.000
04.flac: wrote 27624624 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
05.flac: wrote 31336520 bytes, ratio=1.000
06.flac: wrote 21499974 bytes, ratio=1.000
07.flac: wrote 26099143 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
08.flac: wrote 26090780 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
09.flac: wrote 25965161 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).

Code: [Select]
E:\>flac -8 --force E:\test09\*.flac

flac 1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson, 2011-2014  Xiph.Org Foundation
flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type `flac' for details.

00. (HTOA).flac: wrote 27867 bytes, ratio=0.999
01.flac: wrote 4578024 bytes, ratio=1.000
02.flac: wrote 18047899 bytes, ratio=1.000
03.flac: wrote 20906307 bytes, ratio=1.000
04.flac: wrote 42327147 bytes, ratio=1.000
05.flac: wrote 25447212 bytes, ratio=1.000
06.flac: wrote 43811398 bytes, ratio=1.000
07.flac: wrote 46834980 bytes, ratio=1.000
08.flac: wrote 21281388 bytes, ratio=1.000
09.flac: wrote 23251622 bytes, ratio=1.000
10.flac: wrote 12663375 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).

Code: [Select]
E:\>flac -8 --force E:\test10\*.flac

flac 1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson, 2011-2014  Xiph.Org Foundation
flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type `flac' for details.

01.flac: wrote 75194955 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
02.flac: wrote 45266060 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).
03.flac: wrote 33099510 bytes, ratio=1.000
04.flac: wrote 29421938 bytes, ratio=1.000
05.flac: wrote 71845318 bytes, ratio=1.000
FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio 1.000, should be < 1.0).
This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons:
 * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting.
 * Insufficient input data  (eg, very short files, < 10000 frames).
 * The audio data is not compressable (eg a full range white noise signal).

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #4
I vaguely remember something similar happening few years ago, but I don't remember in what context. I just know that We had to download libflac.dll (or something like it) from rarewares to fix that.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #5
Oh thanks - and that was myself, and I totally forgot it. I.Am.Getting.Demented! (I still remember that St. Matthew Passion repair though. CUETools <3 .)

I did a fresh download now with the _HF1 version linked to from . Same thing, and problem vanishes by replacing CUETools_2.1.8_HF1\CUETools_2.1.8\plugins\x64\libFLAC_dynamic.dll

Testing with a vastly different album (some black metal) as an example - yes it is CDDA that produces 1408:
1408 by CUETools at "0"
1381 by CUETools at "8"
1075 by flac.exe version 1.3.1 at -0
1013 by flac.exe version 1.3.1 at -0
1013 by CUETools with the 1.3.3 .dll provided in this build.

Note, the latter .dll is much bigger.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #6
Sorry for my 'abysmal' ignorance, but all that is state here is good or very bad?

I ask because I am fan of CUETools.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #8
problem vanishes by replacing CUETools_2.1.8_HF1\CUETools_2.1.8\plugins\x64\libFLAC_dynamic.dll
So does replacing the dll fix the problem for you or not? You still have to re-compress?

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #9
does replacing the dll fix the problem for you or not?
It does.

But when answering someone who asks an unspecified "good or very bad" question, I certainly want to make the point that whatever CUETools did, is lossless. It might be bad compression-wise, but it is not so bad that it is dangerous to use.

Recompress what CUETools has converted, and all is fine.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #10
The problem is apparently specific to certain chipsets (which is bad for you but not necessarily bad for everyone) and fixable in such cases by replacing the dll.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #11
in such cases
Of course it should be fixed not only "in such cases", but for everyone - by replacing the dll in the version offered for download, with one that doesn't malfunction. I have had that problem with two chipsets of which one was a not-too-ancient Dell laptop - I cannot be the only one and I wasn't.

I am not whining for myself, as it is not my problem anymore - all the rips that CUETools ever repaired for me (many, as I bought a lot of my CDs second-hand, scratches included) were duly tagged, so that was done overnight. But others who use it to convert a collection to/from img.flac+img.cue might have a job to do.

And to everyone else who might want to recompress: Stay off the "flac frontend" application, it is not safe. For novices to safely recompress flac files, use an application like e.g. foobar2000 to write a copy to a [different rootdirectory]\%directory%\%filename% and then, use to ensure that new and old are the same. Only then overwrite.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #12
@Porcus  Thanks for reporting this issue.
libFlac will be updated in CUETools.
Currently, flac is at commit in CUETools
whereby the build at Rarewares (flac_dll-1.3.3.git-ce6dd6b5) is using a newer version, at commit

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #13
Please find an updated build of CUETools for testing in this PR:
libFLAC has been updated to 1.3.3 git ce6dd6b, which is the same version as used in the current builds of libFLAC at RareWares.

Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #14
Please find an updated build of CUETools for testing in this PR:
libFLAC has been updated to 1.3.3 git ce6dd6b, which is the same version as used in the current builds of libFLAC at RareWares.

Looks OK on this computer (Intel H97)! All the following tests ended up with 1.000 when trying to recompress using version 1.3.1 flac.exe at same setting as the CUETools slider:
One high-bitrate album (black metal) at -0 and at -8
One lower-bitrate album (classical organ works, presumed near-mono) at -0, -8 and -3.
I have probably never even applied the "-3" before.


Re: CUETools 2.1.8's flac produces abysmal compression ratio

Reply #16
Thanks for the info about the new builds at RareWares. In the meantime, the pull request has been updated, using the same commit 27c6157 of xiph/flac. An new build for testing has been added to the PR: