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Topic: Need Audio Server (server-side) recommendations (Read 1727 times) previous topic - next topic
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Need Audio Server (server-side) recommendations

My small company does auctions that involve an actual auction house holding live auctions. They hook into our site and our members are able to join the live auction by listening to the proceedings along with watching the progress on the site.

The issue we ran into now is that U-Stream, which is what we'd been using, added commercials right in the middle of the stream and they want $500 for the non-commercial version (and that's not a one-time fee).

We don't care at all about video. Just audio. The client (the auction house) can't host the solution as they often do these where bandwidth is limited so just recording the audio there is all they can handle.

We're able to host it on our site or, better yet, have it hosted on another service.

The key is that there can't be any real delay. Even a 2 second delay is a problem for our members. They see something happen on the site and don't hear the call on it for 2 seconds which, in auctions, can be a big deal.

The auctions happen once every few months for 8-10 hours with, at the peak, 100 users listening.

We also looked at LiveStream and JustinTV and neither fits the bill.

What would be some good approaches to solve this one? We don't mind paying a bit but not something nutty like U-Stream.
