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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357716 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1650
I only saw this today, but it's probably relevant I post it for anyone vaguely interested with iPhone/iPod touch 2.x software support:

Very well, actually, I'm studying law and this issue, not this one particularly, but in general, the way how Apple handles their hardware is tickling me quite some time... I can see how this can be unconstitutional.
Yeah, but this doesn't mean that hacking specific piece of software isn't a violation...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1651
Very well, actually, I'm studying law and this issue, not this one particularly, but in general, the way how Apple handles their hardware is tickling me quite some time... I can see how this can be unconstitutional. Yeah, but this doesn't mean that hacking specific piece of software isn't a violation...
I'm not sure where the DMCA violation is  Possibly they re-used some part of Fairplay in their protection mechanism, I'm not sure what else they could be trying to say.

I also just noticed it was posted on Slashdot, there's some reasonable points in which of the comments:;cid=25837581

Yes but things are getting messier. With regards to Mediamonkey specfically.. they are in a worse position because of the method they used (I described it before). I don't know what Apple's intentions are here.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1652
IIIRC there was a part on the DMCA where it said something about the protection not being obvious or easy to defeat.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1653
Wait a moment.... Ipod Hash wiki on Bluwiki was the one, used with 1.x firmwares, wasn't it?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1654
nope.. it was work on the 2.x firmware support. Keep in mind it's a wiki.. You know what you can normally do there right  (It also seems like this lawyer tried to edit out his phone number on a wiki )

Slight development:

BTW: Is anyone interested in a VBS script to convert videos for playback on an iPod (using ffmpeg & neroaacenc)? You just drag as many files as you want onto the .vbs file and it will convert them. If so I will clean it up a bit and put it on the wiki some place.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1655
foo_dop is an iPod management component for foobar2000 0.9.5+.

Home page with details and download

Notes and changelog moved here. If you read the notes before asking any questions, it will keep me happy

Is there a beta version for 1st gen Fw 2.1 ipod touch?
Will it be supported and if so do you need testers?
Mine is jailbroken if that makes any difference.

Moderation:Removed duplicate post.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1656
Man this whole thing is killing me.  My touch experience would 100% better if I could just use iPod manager (I know it's not your fault, and I love the work you have done with columns ui + ipod manager).  There are so many things about iTunes that are extremely annoying, not to mention their "SoundCheck" technology (or whatever their ReplayGain equivalent is called) is god awful.  Not much we can do I guess.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1657
Is there a beta version for 1st gen Fw 2.1 ipod touch?
Will it be supported and if so do you need testers?
Mine is jailbroken if that makes any difference.
This will/has come up a few times, I created a wiki page with some info on status:

Man this whole thing is killing me. My touch experience would 100% better if I could just use iPod manager (I know it's not your fault, and I love the work you have done with columns ui + ipod manager).  There are so many things about iTunes that are extremely annoying, not to mention their "SoundCheck" technology (or whatever their ReplayGain equivalent is called) is god awful.  Not much we can do I guess.
I won't start on iTunes  It's all unfortunate - not sure what we can do either except spread the story around.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1658
Can anyone tell me please, does foo_dop work with playback statistics (transfering play counts and play dates to file tags)?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1659
First of all, Thank you very much for this plugin!

It works great for me and my iPod nano 4th Gen...

I just have one problem:

When I send files to my iPod, the artwork is not transferred as it should be.
I checked "Add Artwork to files sent to iPod" and set the source script to"./folder"

In my library, there's the following structure:
Code: [Select]
+  Artists
   +  A
      + Audioslave
         + Audioslave - 2002 - Audioslave
            <Songs from this album>

So, every last folder is an album and contains folder.jpg

What do I have to put in "Source Script" for my artwork to be transferred automatically?

IDE? This is S-ATA!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1660
File>Preferences>Tools>iPod Manager>iPod Features (tab)

Check off "Add artwork to send to iPod"

Source script: folder

That should do the trick for you.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1661
I've identified my problem:

It seems for artwork to work as expected foobar2000 needs Admin rights!

I'm running a security tool (SuRun) which has me have limited rights but can give me admin privileges for a millisecond when starting applications (so they then have admin privileges as well).

When I start foobar2000 without admin privileges, I get the following message in the console:
Code: [Select]
Failed to get iPod Property list: CreateFile failed: Zugriff verweigert  . Artwork functionality will be unavaiable

I can configure the component to whatever I like, artwork is never transferred!
Furthermore, I can't get any info to show in "iPod" --> "Properties", there I get the following message:
Code: [Select]
Failed to send SCSI Inquiry command: CreateFile failed: Zugriff verweigert  
Trying to read SysInfo. Model may not be identified if SCSI Inquiry failed due to denied access.

Model: Unknown.
Serial Number:

When starting foobar2000 with admin rights, I get no such message. Artwork is then transferred when I check "Add Artwork to files sent to iPod" and set the source script to "folder". "Additionally use foobar2000 built-in artwork reader" is checked off...

I had no such trouble when using iTunes (7.0.4) or Floola (3.5 I think), so there must be a way around this.

I don't remember if I used SuRun before I got my iPod, if not there could be some file access restrictions on the artwork database or the file system itself, right?

IDE? This is S-ATA!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1662
Can anyone tell me please, does foo_dop work with playback statistics (transfering play counts and play dates to file tags)?
Play counts are copied in one direction - to the iPod - only.

It seems for artwork to work as expected foobar2000 needs Admin rights!
On Windows XP it does need admin rights, yes. Windows Vista does not have this restriction. This info is buried in some places (changelog, this thread probably).

(If you are running Vista/your program SuRun is going below standard user rights, then well you can blame that.)

I had no such trouble when using iTunes (7.0.4) or Floola (3.5 I think), so there must be a way around this.
iTunes uses a service. Maybe you could consider that my component is more sophisticated than Floola....

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1663
At work I do not have admin rights, so to be able to transfer artwork to my iPod I use version 0.5.4. It's the last version that I know of that is not restricted by admin rights in XP.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1664
I can not sync my whole library in Foobar2000. I can sync a couple albums, even whole artists, but I can not sync my small library of 2800 songs. I usually sync all of it, and then I get a "Delayed write failed" error bubble, although it continues syncing. After it's done, I get a "Error writing iTunesDB file". I look at the errors and it goes like this.

It syncs all the songs up til ONE (I've tried this multiple times), and then all songs after that it says "Could not find file" for every song and album art. I have done a chkdsk p:/F multiple times, have restored it DOZENS of times, and have used a different USB port, and a different iPod wire to sync. Nothing has worked.

Can somebody please help me? (Btw I am using updated versions of foo_dop and Foobar2k.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1665
You really should post this at foo_dop, not here at foo_pod, They are different plugins, altogether.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1666
Problem solved, drbeachboy.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1667
I can not sync my whole library in Foobar2000. I can sync a couple albums, even whole artists, but I can not sync my small library of 2800 songs. I usually sync all of it, and then I get a "Delayed write failed" error bubble, although it continues syncing. After it's done, I get a "Error writing iTunesDB file". I look at the errors and it goes like this.[...]
Try another computer. If it still doesn't work, your iPod is broken.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1668
Wow. I just reinstalled to foo_dop to borrow my sister's iPod. I'm quite impressed. There has been a lot of work put into this component since I used it last. Well-done, musicmusic.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1669
While synchronizing, I would like iPod Manager not to delete all my playlists I created on the iPod (e.g. On-The-Go).

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1670
Hi, I am wondering 'bout one thing... If I am not wrong, iPod (6th gen. in my case) should support lyrics view during song playing.

And in Foobar I can insert the lyrics into music file (tag LYRICS).

I have no idea if iPod is using this tag, or if it stores the lyrics somewhere else separately during sync iTunes<--> iPod.

Anyway, would it be possible to integrate some kind of lyrics transformation (similar to the albumart  function), so that I can add lyrics to my favourite songs in foobar2000 and transmitt it to iPod using iPod manager in such a way, that i can view it on iPod later on?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1671
You need to use UNSYNCED LYRICS for MP3 and LYRICS for MP4.

"Don't ask me why"

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1672
Would you be willing to add a function that automatically transfers timestamped lyrics as unsynched Lyrics to the iPod?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1673
For the past 4 years or so, I've accumulated a large collection of album art images that reside in E:\covers, and they are all named in this format: %album artist% - %album%.jpg (or .gif or whatever)

How can I add them to my iPod? I cleared the contents of my iPod, and then had foo_dop synchronize my foobar library with the iPod, which worked great, except no album art files were added. I had the "use foobar album art fetching" box (or something to that effect) checked, thinking that would use the settings I had set in the album art panel settings. So I then added "E:\covers\$album artist% - %album%" in the box and resync'd, but still no album art imaged were added. What do I need to do here? Do I have to wipe clean my iPod again, and start from scratch? I'd really rather not do that because much of my collection is .wv, which takes forever to encode into an iPod-friendly format (my only windows computer is a 10 year old celeron laptop)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1674
If you have pointed the component in the right place, do "File/iPod/Load library" and then select everything and run "iPod/Update metadata [...]".