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Topic: Post your DAE Quality results (Read 55634 times) previous topic - next topic
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Post your DAE Quality results

Reading the forums I've seen people refer to their own private results with DAE quality tool but I haven't seen a single place where someone actually published their results in detail (C2 graphs etc.).
So I'd like to know if there actually have been published results for various drives somewhere.
If not I encourage people that have results lying around to publish them.
I myself have plans to get my hands on some old plextor drives and test those and of course also test the other drives from various manufacturers I have.

Numerous tests have now been published. Be aware that you can't directly compare tests made by different people since different test cds were used.

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #1
Updated with a bunch of links.

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #5
Samsung SH-182D

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #6
PLEXTOR 40TS - 4 days old from out of box - test at 12X

Code: [Select]
Errors total        Num : 1080777
Errors (Loudness)   Num :  32449 - Avg :  -70.4 dB(A)   -  Max :   -8.3 dB(A)
Error Muting        Num :  10156 - Avg :   15.8 Samples -  Max :   3583 Samples
Skips               Num :     49 - Avg :   24.7 Samples -  Max :    406 Samples

Total Test Result       :   59.2 points (of 100.0 maximum)

SAMSUNG SH-203P - test at 12X

Code: [Select]
Errors total        Num : 689410
Errors (Loudness)   Num :  21612 - Avg :  -69.8 dB(A)   -  Max :  -17.8 dB(A)
Error Muting        Num :   2880 - Avg :    1.1 Samples -  Max :      3 Samples
Skips               Num :      0 - Avg :    0.0 Samples -  Max :      0 Samples

Total Test Result       :   77.7 points (of 100.0 maximum)

Why are these Plextors regarded as one of the best drives?????

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #7


Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #8
So the Plextor gets better and the Sammy gets worse 
This is not unusual.  Plextor drives are known to do better at lower speeds, but this isn't true for all drives.

I know that DAE Quality can't report on the C2 accuracy of some drives, but it would still be nice to see results when it can.

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #9
Why are these Plextors regarded as one of the best drives?????

Maybe because the "real" ones can overread? Dunno...

Well, I finally got the c2extract program working now (needed the Nero ASPI driver) and it is a bit strange: No problems with the Toshiba drive (results are essentially the same as when ripping in EAC/burst). Ripping with c2extract and my Plextor drives also makes no problems. But when analysing the results with analyse.exe, it takes nearly 10 hours (!!) (in comparison: analysing the Toshiba's results took aprox. 5 minutes). The generated graphs then show something you could call the worst case. I don't think that they are really representative.
OK, c2extract seems to always rip with max. speed and Plextor drives usually perform better when slowing down. Anyway, the results should be comparable to EAC rips with max. speed, shouldn't they?

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #10
Finally I got my hands on a 716A. 
So here's the test:

Plextor PX-716A

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #11
Very cool idea - but unfortunately flawed as we're all using different (albeit slight), evaluation CDs.

Might someone take it upon themselves to create a 'Master CD' that we can all share back and forth?  Snail-mail is slow, but gets the job done, and sending one CD around is dirt-cheap.

At least this would give us a true reference.

Andrew D.

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #12
Very cool idea - but unfortunately flawed as we're all using different (albeit slight), evaluation CDs.

Might someone take it upon themselves to create a 'Master CD' that we can all share back and forth?  Snail-mail is slow, but gets the job done, and sending one CD around is dirt-cheap.

At least this would give us a true reference.

Yes, your're right. Only the results done by the same person/with the same test disc can be compared. I've tried to test some of the "praised" Plextor drives just for personal interest, but thought that it would be interesting to share the results.

However, a while ago the idea of creating a master CD and sharing it came up, but unfortunately this idea was dropped (maybe because only a few pepole agreed to participate?). You can find the corresponding thread here.

Post your DAE Quality results

Reply #15
Updated with the tests I currently know.