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Topic: [EAC] FLAC final part of the song cut cleanly, while the original fades out (Read 752 times) previous topic - next topic
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[EAC] FLAC final part of the song cut cleanly, while the original fades out

Hello everyone,
I am actually ripping my CD's collection, trying to do that in the best possible way.
I am using Exact Audio Copy, that worhs great; the only problem is that, while the original songs on CD, ath the end fades out, the ripped file (FLAC) ends suddenly in a not pleasant way.
I tried so long to search any setting into EAC that could fix this issue, without any result.
Could someone help me?

Re: [EAC] FLAC final part of the song cut cleanly, while the original fades out

Reply #1
EAC extraction logfile might be helpful. Please upload.

Note: If a CD crossfades between tracks, ripping to individual tracks may result in an abrupt start or end if you only play one track instead of playing all tracks continuously in order.