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Topic: Powering external disc drive (Read 1113 times) previous topic - next topic
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Powering external disc drive

Hello -

A friend has given me an external DVD disc drive which I want to use in conjunction
with windows laptop (no disc drive) to rip some CDs to flac.

I would like to power the drive separately so that it's not drawing power from the laptop
via the usb connection while I rip.

The drive is: J-bonest "external ODD & HDD device" (r/rw), I can't find a model number.
It has a captive cable ending in a choice of usb connections and it has multiple USB
slots and even an SD slot.

SO, will it draw the necessary power if I run a usb cable from mains/phone charger
to one of the spare USB slots ???

(On the back it says, Power Supply: DC 5V. But there is no dedicated socket).

Many thanks

Re: Powering external disc drive

Reply #1
I've got a drive enclosure like this with a separate adapter cable for power,   (I plug them both into the computer.)

Re: Powering external disc drive

Reply #2
Thanks.  Looks like that one has a proper power socket for a barrel type connector.
The one I've got hasn't, hence my dilemma.  Unfortunately the packaging, instructions etc
are long gone.

Re: Powering external disc drive

Reply #3
Hopefully I answered my own question.

I found a picture of a similar drive, with one of the small slots that looks like a mini usb
labelled as "power" and I have a usb lead that fits...

so I guess it's suck it and see

Re: Powering external disc drive

Reply #4
You should be OK with that, presuming this "power" socket is a mini-USB type B.  Power only flows out of a type A and into a type B.  This article explains.

Without the dedicated power inlet, the alternative would be to run the drive via a powered USB hub.

The external optical drives I have work fine running from the laptop power only, but they don't have a separate power socket so I guess yours might not be specified for running off a USB port (0.5A max).

It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Powering external disc drive

Reply #5
Thanks very much for the link.
I've tried it out plugging into the mains via a phone charger and it seems
to work perfectly well :)