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Topic: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022 (Read 8334 times) previous topic - next topic
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AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

We have updated the CD Drive accuracy list, by running the raw submissions from AccurateRip we can determine which drives have more errors than others (on the basis that people who have a drive would have the same number of damaged disks as everyone else, on average). There is a requirement for 40 users and 4000 disc submissions for a drive to be listed.

Re: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

Reply #1
Thanks for posting. Am I right that HL-DT-ST = LG and ATAPI = LiteOn?

Re: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

Reply #3
The 2019 "winner" was ASUS BW-16D1HT, a 5.25-bay Blu-Ray burner. Had 373 users, 5101 accurate and 22 inaccurate, 99.5706 %.
Since then, it has gotten 480 more users (that's a lot!), 9869 more accurate rips, and 182 more inaccurate rips.
Note the 182 vs 22.

I wonder whether people with lots of CDs to re-rip picked this drive because it made top of the list. 160 wrong rips wouldn't take that many of the 480 new.
On the other hand, this is among the drives with highest number of users, so it might just have sold well in general - and people with troublesome CDs would "pick" this drive to re-rip, because it is their new drive, whatever their new drive might be.

No wonder the 2019 runner-up hasn't had much increased userbase: is a DVD (not Blu-Ray) slimline drive that was fitted in some laptops. Not what people rush out buying.

Stats students can ask their professor how to make sense of this :)

Re: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

Reply #4
It would be more useful if we could see a list of internal vs. external drives.  Not man people have a compute which will accommodate the old-style internals.

Re: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

Reply #5
I notice some of the new drives have smaller buffer size.
512 KB Buffer instead of the 4MB buffer.
EZ CD Audio Converter

Re: AccurateRip CD Drive Accuracy List 2022

Reply #6
Any link where I can actually buy this BH14NS48   winner? All links i found are from japan. Is this japanese only model?