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Topic: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac) (Read 328055 times) previous topic - next topic
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Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #150
Where can I find windows binaries with this mystical codec?
Ffmpeg is supposed to have, but no-one compiled a build with it...

Compile your own ffmpeg. Download VirtualBox, a Linux installer ISO (i usually going with Linux Mint MATE), install the distrib, leave enough space for compiling (~10GB, so I've setup a 30GB dynamic disk), go to terminal, clone this repository and follow the instructions:
It will download everything required and cross-compile the Win32 and Win64 ffmpeg executables, including libfdk-aac. Prepare for a long compile though, it took me almost 5 hours to compile with this script last weekend.

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #151
fdkaac can be built automatically with this utility.
It used to work a few months ago, but now I keep getting these errors when attempting to build the library:
"g++.exe / cc1plus.exe - There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR1".

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #152
Where can I find windows binaries with this mystical codec?
Ffmpeg is supposed to have, but no-one compiled a build with it...

Compile your own ffmpeg. Download VirtualBox, a Linux installer ISO (i usually going with Linux Mint MATE), install the distrib, leave enough space for compiling (~10GB, so I've setup a 30GB dynamic disk), go to terminal, clone this repository and follow the instructions:
It will download everything required and cross-compile the Win32 and Win64 ffmpeg executables, including libfdk-aac. Prepare for a long compile though, it took me almost 5 hours to compile with this script last weekend.

Yeah. I won't waste my time like that. Anyway I used Apple AAC instead, it was much less tedious to get working.

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #153
fdkaac can be built automatically with this utility.
It used to work a few months ago, but now I keep getting these errors when attempting to build the library:
"g++.exe / cc1plus.exe - There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR1".

Everything back to normal now.


Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #155
Everything back to normal now.

nope, it hasn't. I keep getting requests for drive I:
What the hell is going on there?

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #157
I can't even get the build-tools to install:
Code: [Select]
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\temp\fdkaac\install-mingw.js(76, 5) (null): Unspecified error


The zip-file is downloaded and extractable, though.

Extracting it manually and rerunning the script with line 84 (    extract_zip(zip_file, rootdir)) removed works.

But then compilation fails in build_libfdk_aac.bat:

All these files exist in these folders.

Running build_fdkaac.bat after this error successfully creates fdkaac.exe. 

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #158
Here's a follow-up:

The reason for the script not being able to extract the file was because I disabled the "compressed folder"-feature of Windows:
Reverting that change solved the extraction-issue.

And for the error after compiling libfdk-aac, nu774 already checked in a commit for that:

Everything's working now. 

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #159
what's the changes for FDK 0.6.2

Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #160
think i found quite a killer sample for fdk-aac Q3 setting...
drum shot at about 02:15 in the track "Overture" from Tron² OST by Daft Punkt

it gets a clearly noticeable loss in sharpness on q3 setting (102kbit final bitrate) of fdkaac 6.2
however, i could not hear a difference when encoded with qaac on V=45 setting, yielding 96k
even with lame v7 it was harder to detect and i only got max 7-8 of 10 when abx'ing the spot

i suspect its due to the cutoff at 14500

lame 3.99r - V5, V7
fdkaac 0.6.2 - m4, m3
qaac 2.49 - tvbr 45
opustools 0.1.9 - vbr 96, 128


Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #162
This installer refuses to work on my Win10 64 Bit system. Is anybody else having problems? I've tried 3 times, and all I get is a bunch of error messages saying certain things can't be downloaded, or a config file in MinGW is missing. WTF?

BTW: I created the previous verison of FDK AAC that I have now using the same installer. No problems at all.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #163
nu774 can you check this please? Thanks.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #164
Well, have you guys tried with the latest fdkaac_autobuild from ?
Due to incompatibility brought by recent updates on MinGW side, old scripts shouldn't work.

Actually, I'm not quite happy with maintaining fdkaac_autobuild project.
fdkaac is an opensource project based on standard GNU autoconf/automake build system. Therefore, building fdkaac is no more difficult compared to other opensource projects.
Now that Windows 10 comes with WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux), building is even easier than ever.

I don't distribute compiled binaries of fdkaac because I want to avoid any troubles regarding AAC patents, but situation is no different compared to other patented codecs such as H264 or something.
Why do we need automated build scripts then?

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #165
Well, have you guys tried with the latest fdkaac_autobuild from ?
Due to incompatibility brought by recent updates on MinGW side, old scripts shouldn't work.

Thanks. That version worked & created a workable version of FDK AAC 0.6.3. The one that's here...

...refused to even create anything at all.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #166
Maintaining a way to build Windows native binaries is probably still an admirable calling, since I don't think the Linux subsystem can be used to pipe data with Windows processes (like foobar2000) even using bash.exe somehow.

Then again, if you're going to use foobar2000 or another Windows command line frontend converter, you may as well use qaac or the FhG frontend. You even get the benefit of the encoder being somewhat licensed, if only for use with the respective products they were bundled with.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #167
Maintaining a way to build Windows native binaries is probably still an admirable calling, since I don't think the Linux subsystem can be used to pipe data with Windows processes (like foobar2000) even using bash.exe somehow.
Well I was thinking of mingw-w64 cross compilation on WSL.
Having said that, piping from win32 to WSL process is possible through wslbridge like this:
Code: [Select]
C:\foo\bar\> flac -dc  foo.flac | wslbridge -- fdkaac -b 128 - -o o.m4a
With this command line, fdkaac is invoked under /mnt/c/foo/bar as current working directory on WSL, and is piped from win32 side flac.exe.
I think this method also works for fb2k as long as the file is under a drive that is automatically mounted on WSL side (network paths won't work).

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #168
Code: [Select]
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>d:

'fdkaa' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\>cd fdkaa

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

D:\fdkaa\install-mingw.js(97, 9) (null): The system cannot find the file specifi

The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

D:\fdkaa\install-mingw.js(97, 9) (null): The system cannot find the file specifi

The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.

'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'unzip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the path specified.
        0 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the path specified.
        0 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the path specified.
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.



Can't a simple mortal just download compiled exe?
Can someone please help me and share the latest version of fdk aac?
Please help my head not to explode!
WinXP 32bit


Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #169
I feel your pain:

Can't a simple mortal just download compiled exe?
Can someone please help me and share the latest version of fdk aac?

I am not sure if there needs to be any licensing information included with this binary but here is fdkaac 1.6.3 static build for 32bit Windows:

Compiled using MXE and tested in 32bit Windows where it runs nicely, should be ok with 64bit as well...

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #170
Well, have you guys tried with the latest fdkaac_autobuild from ?
Due to incompatibility brought by recent updates on MinGW side, old scripts shouldn't work.

Actually, I'm not quite happy with maintaining fdkaac_autobuild project.
fdkaac is an opensource project based on standard GNU autoconf/automake build system. Therefore, building fdkaac is no more difficult compared to other opensource projects.
Now that Windows 10 comes with WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux), building is even easier than ever.

I don't distribute compiled binaries of fdkaac because I want to avoid any troubles regarding AAC patents, but situation is no different compared to other patented codecs such as H264 or something.
Why do we need automated build scripts then?

There is a lot of persons out there that don't have the 'tech knowledge' to setup compiling environments, doing compling etc. I've personally tried to get me the needed knowledge to do this but i failed in the end. It was really frustrating but then i got my hands on media-autobuild_suite and it solved everything, I've also used your 'fdkaac_autobuild' before my needs for more windows codedc binaries grew. So thanks a lot for the work you do on your automated build script,

So automated build scripts is a great help for a lot of people out there.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #171
So I don't mind keeping a small bank of unofficial Windows binaries on my web site if there is any interest. For fdkaac that would simply be a static 32bit Windows build and a static Windows 64bit build with a brief explanatory document in each archive. As I mentioned a few threads above a sample of the 32bit build for the latest fdkaac is here...

Importantly I don't want to tread on anyone's toes here, particularly the developer of fdkaac :). It is a simpl build: compiling the fdkaac source against the MXE libraries using the MXE cross compiler

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #172
I have done a little more work on the Windows binaries of fdkaac 0.6.3 and I have created and tested both 32bit and 64bit binaries. These are available on my personal website:

If you are not sure which version of Windows you are running simply download the 32bit package, this will run on both versions of Windows.

Being a Slackware user I am a little uneasy with pre-compiled packages so perhaps you could consider building your own with the cross compiler MXE under Linux. Once this has been setup correctly run the following from within MXE:

Code: [Select]
make fdk-aac libiconv MXE_TARGETS='x86_64-w64-mingw32.static i686-w64-mingw32.static'

and then run the following single command to build both 32bit and 64bit versions:

Code: [Select]
cd $HOME/Desktop && \
wget --content-disposition && \
tar xvf fdkaac-0.6.3.tar.gz && cd fdkaac-0.6.3 && \
autoreconf -fiv && \
./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32.static \
            --with-libiconv-prefix=$HOME/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static \
            --prefix=$HOME/Desktop/fdkaac_i686-w64 && \
make && make install && \
cd $HOME/Desktop && rm -rf fdkaac-0.6.3 && tar xvf fdkaac-0.6.3.tar.gz && cd fdkaac-0.6.3 && \
autoreconf -fiv && \
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32.static \
            --with-libiconv-prefix=$HOME/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static \
            --prefix=$HOME/Desktop/fdkaac_x86_64 && \
make && make install && \
cd $HOME/Desktop && rm -rf fdkaac-0.6.3

These are the simple steps I took to create the Windows binaries of fdkaac 0.6.3 which have been very popular on my site :).

edit: 1.6.3 -> 0.6.3

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #173
EZ CD Audio Converter just updated its FDK encoder (

- Codec Updates
- - FhG FDK AAC encoder 3.4.22p
- - - Improved audio quality
- - - Performance improvements for x64

Sorry nu774 for always calling you on updates, any news on this? Thanks man.

Re: Open Source Fraunhofer AAC Encoder (fdk-aac)

Reply #174
- - FhG FDK AAC encoder 3.4.22p
FDK-AAC encoder 3.4.22 came out about 6 months ago, and necessary fixes are already applied to fdkaac 0.6.3.