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Topic: libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation (Read 178540 times) previous topic - next topic
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libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

inspired by the wonderful work in this thread, I wrote my own implementation of the EBU R 128 standard.
It is written in plain ANSI C and designed as a library, so you can use it in your own code. It's licensed under the MIT license.

I've also implemented a simple scanning tool, which outputs something like this:
Code: [Select]
$ ./r128-sndfile -l -p both ~/music/bad\ loop\ -\ Luo/*.flac

-12.81 LUFS, LRA: 14.16 LU, sample peak: 0.89151001, true peak: 0.99826229, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 01 Nio.flac
-11.15 LUFS, LRA: 8.26 LU, sample peak: 0.89163208, true peak: 0.99095666, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 02 Eri Valeire.flac
-10.14 LUFS, LRA: 11.79 LU, sample peak: 0.89154053, true peak: 0.99171823, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 03 Kauniit Ihmiset.flac
-11.31 LUFS, LRA: 11.75 LU, sample peak: 0.89157104, true peak: 0.92898595, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 04 Mmin.flac
-26.13 LUFS, LRA: 14.87 LU, sample peak: 0.25204468, true peak: 0.25203928, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 05 3b Or T.flac
-14.10 LUFS, LRA: 11.40 LU, sample peak: 0.89151001, true peak: 1.02603507, /home/jan/music/bad loop - Luo/bad loop - Luo - 06 Kannas Nsp.flac
-11.75 LUFS, LRA: 13.34 LU, sample peak: 0.89163208, true peak: 1.02603507

There is also ReplayGain tagging, using a reference level of -18 LUFS to match RG's loudness:
Code: [Select]
r128-mpg123 -t album [FILE|DIRECTORY]...
r128-mpg123 -t track [FILE|DIRECTORY]...

Download current version here.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #1
While I'm really a big proponent of modern coding principles, it's nice to see another example of fine, bare-bone ANSI C, which surely still has its share in the embedded market.

The code looks quite decent, great job!

Could you also publish your results for the R128 test samples?

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #2
IMHO, you should both think about contributing your work directly to SoX.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #3
Nice nice work.

IMHO, you should both think about contributing your work directly to SoX.

Why, because then it can go LGPL? >_>

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #4
The code looks quite decent, great job!


Could you also publish your results for the R128 test samples?

Code: [Select]
seq-3341-1-16bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-2-16bit.wav: -33.0 LUFS
seq-3341-3-16bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-4-16bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-5-16bit.wav: -22.9 LUFS
seq-3341-6-5channels-16bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-6-6channels-WAVEEX-16bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-7_seq-3342-5-24bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS
seq-3341-8_seq-3342-6-24bit.wav: -23.0 LUFS

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #5
Great! Even gets the 6-channel case right in contrast to the current version of R128GAIN.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #6
Hmmm, shouldn't  ebur128_write_frames be  ebur128_read_frames, if its the main sample reading function?

Just thought it would be a bit more descriptive.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #7
Great! Even gets the 6-channel case right in contrast to the current version of R128GAIN.

Yes, the channel map is not hard coded into the library, but can be set with the function ebur128_set_channel_map. The default is: left, right, center, unused, left surround, right surround. If the scanner finds a file that has five channels, it sets the correct channel map.
Also, if libsndfile finds a channel map in the file (some WAV files embed one), it uses that one.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #8
Hmmm, shouldn't  ebur128_write_frames be  ebur128_read_frames, if its the main sample reading function?

Just thought it would be a bit more descriptive.

I guess you are right. I've though of it like "write frames to the library", but read sounds indeed more intuitive. How do other libraries name those functions?

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #9
Is there a good mapping between LUFS and ReplayGain values?

edit: nevermind, found the discussion in the other thread.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #10
How do other libraries name those functions?

From a high-level point of view 'write' is more appropriate.

Code: [Select]
int ebur128_write_frames(ebur128_state* st, const double* src, size_t frames)

But you wrote it as low-level as it can get (not even array notation): 'I pass you the address of a double named src, read frames double values from memory  starting from src'. So, in this case, I agree with mudlord.

Personally I would use the term 'add'. It's compatible with both, a high-level and low-level point of view.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #11
First of all congratulations, Raiden, for the great solution!

IMHO, you should both think about contributing your work directly to SoX.

Maybe part of R128GAIN can become part of SoX because the main part of the R128 algorithm is already implemented as a SoX effect.

On the other hand it is not obvious to me how calculating the album gain would fit yet into the SoX commanline syntax. Maybe someone has a good idea.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #12
Why, because then it can go LGPL? >_>

As you've propably already noticed most of R128GAIN is (for software technical reasons) organized as a library called "libr128.a" from the very first day. Unfortunately the library's API is by far from being stable. The focus is on the command line tool anyway.

If anything gets stable some day I will think about the licence for another time. Currently it's not first priority.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #13
Great! Even gets the 6-channel case right in contrast to the current version of R128GAIN.

Yes, the channel map is not hard coded into the library, but can be set with the function ebur128_set_channel_map. The default is: left, right, center, unused, left surround, right surround. If the scanner finds a file that has five channels, it sets the correct channel map.
Also, if libsndfile finds a channel map in the file (some WAV files embed one), it uses that one.

I suspect that's a consequence of being based on libsndfile. R128GAIN is based on SoX and potentially on FFmpeg. Up to now I couldn't figure out how to get the channel information from SoX and more importantly from FFmpeg. Maybe someone can help out?

The advantage of being based on FFmpeg is that virtually any existing formats and codecs can be processed.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #14
On the other hand it is not obvious to me how calculating the album gain would fit yet into the SoX commanline syntax. Maybe someone has a good idea.

I wouldn't care about the context of an album from the angle of SoX. SoX would just report the R128 loudness and peaks for a given range of audio data. If SoX really doesn't interpret channel mapping information, it probably won't work or be too much structural change for a simple, additional effect.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #15
I've just uploaded version 0.1.2:
- fixed a rare bug where "ebur128_gated_loudness" returned NaN and not -inf.
- rename main sample read function to "ebur128_add_frames".
- add sample read functions for short, int and float in addition to double.
- add FFmpeg scanner (that one needs C99).

I won't distribute the FFmpeg DLL's because of patent issues. You'll need avcodec-52.dll, avcore-0.dll, avformat-52.dll and avutil-50.dll.
On Linux I recommend to build it yourself. If there are any problems with the CMake build system, let me know...

Source (tar.gz)
Source (zip)
Win32 build (zip)

I can't seem to edit the first post. Help?

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #16
Up to now I couldn't figure out how to get the channel information from SoX and more importantly from FFmpeg. Maybe someone can help out?

I've played around with FFmpeg, and the channel map is saved in the in64_t "channel_layout" in the codec context. Each bit corresponds to one channel. The mapping is defined in avcodec.h with macros like CH_FRONT_LEFT or CH_FRONT_RIGHT. The channels in the file will always appear in the same order as the corresponding bits in channel_layout, so the left channel will always come before the right channel and so on. If there is no channel map in the file, channel_layout will be set to 0.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #17
Up to now I couldn't figure out how to get the channel information from SoX and more importantly from FFmpeg. Maybe someone can help out?

I've played around with FFmpeg, and the channel map is saved in the in64_t "channel_layout" in the codec context. Each bit corresponds to one channel. The mapping is defined in avcodec.h with macros like CH_FRONT_LEFT or CH_FRONT_RIGHT. The channels in the file will always appear in the same order as the corresponding bits in channel_layout, so the left channel will always come before the right channel and so on. If there is no channel map in the file, channel_layout will be set to 0.

Thanks a lot. I've tried this already with the 6 channel sample from the R128 test vector, unfortunately it's set to zero. Maybe I've made something wrong.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #18
Thanks a lot. I've tried this already with the 6 channel sample from the R128 test vector, unfortunately it's set to zero.

You are right, all R128 test files are without channel map... I currently check manually for files that have no channel map but 5 channels.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #19
0.1.3 is up!
- Added tagging support. You need Python and Mutagen (a tagging library written in Python) for that. I've written a little script that writes ReplayGain style tags to OGG, MP3 and FLAC. Just run r128-ffmpeg with this script as argument, like this:
Code: [Select]
r128-ffmpeg -t FILENAME(S) ...
...and it will tag your files as an album. Currently only gain is supported; peak is always set to 1. The reference level is -18 LUFS (5 LU louder than the EBU R 128 standard says) to approximate RGs reference level.
- Improved accuracy of the filter coefficients.

Source (tar.gz)
Source (zip)
Win32 build (zip)

Please let me know if it works! Hint: To install Mutagen under Windows, run "C:\Python27\python.exe install" in the Mutagen dir.


libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #20
I gave this a try yesterday (r128-sndfile, version 0.1.2) and today (0.1.3) and looked at the code, and I can say you've done a beautiful job! It's especially nice to see that
  • you fully implemented my optimization proposed in the R128gain thread
  • you do not resample. The absence of any resampling makes your version run about 60 times faster than R128gain on my single-core Athlon. Still, the results for 44.1-kHz audio never differ by more than 0.1 dB from those obtained by R128gain, which resamples every input to 48 kHz.

If you want to have my opinion: I'm pretty sure the true peak values can be estimated quite accurately without resampling, so please don't consider adding resampling in the future.

Now two questions: I noticed you changed the algorithm for the calculation of the filter coefficients. Could you provide a reference where you got the new algorithm from? And if I read your code correctly, you store every block energy in your linked list, even the ones which are quieter than -70 LUFS (which you don't need later). I assume that's a design limitation (buffering, album gain handling, and stuff)?

By the way, on the 4 CDs I tested so far, versions 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 give exactly the same results.

If I don't reply to your reply, it means I agree with you.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #21
If you want to have my opinion: I'm pretty sure the true peak values can be estimated quite accurately without resampling, so please don't consider adding resampling in the future.

R-REC-BS.1770-1-200709-I!!PDF-E.pdf states regarding true peak determination:

  • Attenuate: 12.04 dB attenuation
  • 4 × over-sampling
  • Emphasis: Pre-emphasis shelving filter, zero at 14.1 kHz, pole at 20 kHz (optional)
  • DC block (optional)
  • Absolute: Absolute value
  • Max: Highest value detection (optional, included if DC block is included).

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #22
If you want to have my opinion: I'm pretty sure the true peak values can be estimated quite accurately without resampling, so please don't consider adding resampling in the future.

Like I said, it's my opinion. I'm perfectly fine with trading some true peak accuracy for a 60x speed increase.

If I don't reply to your reply, it means I agree with you.

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #23
I'm perfectly fine with trading some true peak accuracy for a 60x speed increase.

I agree. Probably R128GAIN will offer a "--fast" switch which at least drops up-sampling to 192 kHz which is probably the most important  performance killer.

On the other hand I'm also interested in Raiden's method for calculating the filter coefficients for various sample rates on the fly. I've searched the whole net several times, ask the question in the forum, unfortunately no answer yet.

R-REC-BS.1770-1-200709-I!!PDF-E.pdf states:

These filter coefficients are for a sampling rate of 48 kHz. Implementations at other sampling rates will require different coefficient values, which should be chosen to provide the same frequency response that the specified filter provides at 48 kHz. The values of these coefficients may need to be quantized due to the internal precision of the available hardware. Tests have shown that the performance of the algorithm is not sensitive to small variations in these coefficients.

It is not obvious for me how to quantize the given coefficients with respect to other sample frequencies, hence I decided to re-sample to 48 kHz

libebur128 - (yet another) EBU R 128 implementation

Reply #24
I noticed you changed the algorithm for the calculation of the filter coefficients. Could you provide a reference where you got the new algorithm from?

On the other hand I'm also interested in Raiden's method for calculating the filter coefficients for various sample rates on the fly. I've searched the whole net several times, ask the question in the forum, unfortunately no answer yet.

I've thought long about this. There are five filter coefficients for a normalized, second-order IIR filter like the ones in BS.1770-1. Such a filter depends on five design parameters: High-pass gain, band-pass gain, low-pass gain, Q factor, and angular frequency (K = tan(pi * f_c / f_s), f_s is the sampling frequency, f_c the frequency "where it happens").
If one knows how the filter was designed, one can solve the resulting system of equations to get the parameters.
In the original paper f_s was 48000, but one can recalculate the filter coefficients for any f_s.

Yesterday I had some fun with Maxima and LaTeX, and wrote a little paper that explains what I did.

This paper was very helpful. On page 3 there are formulas for b_0, b_1, b_2, a_1, a_2, obtained with bilinear transform.