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Topic: Replacing CDs what to do with the Booklet? (Read 1987 times) previous topic - next topic
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Replacing CDs what to do with the Booklet?

I own a copy of R.E.M. Automatic From the People and I got it when the CD was new in 1992 or 1993. When I re-ripped my CDs I noticed that my copy is scretched and it couldn't be really be read with any CD player or drive I own. A new CD of the CD was cheap and I bought it.

Just a question remains for me, that this is a new pressing, and they changed a few things in the book let and even the jewel case is different, like having a black inlet instead of the yellow one of my original.

What do you keep, I won't keep the failed CD though. Or do you just put the new CD in the old case, which feels wrong.

Re: Replacing CDs what to do with the Booklet?

Reply #1
You can sell these types of items on Discogs for a low price. Someone may buy it to 'marry' their better condition CD with your better condition booklet. Honestly, it rarely happens with CDs, these types of marriages happen mostly with rare and expensive vinyl.

You can always get a picture frame and hang it up on a wall.
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Re: Replacing CDs what to do with the Booklet?

Reply #2
You can sell these types of items on Discogs for a low price. Someone may buy it to 'marry' their better condition CD with your better condition booklet.
That would be a listing violation on Discogs.

Listings that do not include any physical media will not be permitted. While it is possible to list incomplete items (Example: a CD box set but not all CD's are included) a listing for just a record sleeve or cd insert is not permitted.