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Topic: Using pregap with CUETools.ARCUE.exe (Read 1359 times) previous topic - next topic
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Using pregap with CUETools.ARCUE.exe

When I use the command line version of CueTools to AR-verify a rip:
Is there a way to account for a pregap? Since there is only an offset parameter, could you just add an additional offset (converted from frames to samples)?
Code: [Select]
Usage: CUETools.ARCUE.exe [options] <filename>

 -O, --offset <samples>   Use specific offset;
 -v, --verbose            Verbose mode

Sorry, didn't check my topic: Should read "Using pregap with..."

MOD edit: title (add "Using pregap with...")
Note: CUETools command line version of ARCUE


Re: Using pregap with CUETools.ARCUE.exe

Reply #1
I'm using this work-around now:
  • Create a dummy Cuesheet file with the CD's tracks, if you don't have the "real thing"
  • Edit the Cuesheet by adding a PREGAP line for track 1
  • Use the modified Cuesheet to run CUETools.ARCUE.exe to apply your PREGAP information
Needs some extra work instead of just using an argument for the executable, but these steps above could also be scripted.