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Topic: Make default double-click action configurable (Read 602 times) previous topic - next topic
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Make default double-click action configurable


A few times now I've accidentally wiped out a carefully constructed playlist by double clicking something in the Facets panel and it replaced the entire playlist with the double clicked item.

Ditto adding something via File > Open

This is rarely what I mean to do! Seems to me it'd safer for the default action to add to current playlist or better yet create a new playlist, automatically naming it as appropriate.

As it is, I always have to remember to create a new playlist before double clicking something, which I too often fail to do.

I think it'd be good to make this configurable, and to reconsider what the default default action should be.

Thank you for reading.

PS: where are the playlists stored on Mac? I looked at ~/Library/Application\ Support and /Library/Application\ Support and don't see foobar2000.

Re: Make default double-click action configurable

Reply #1
Double-click in ReFacets is already configurable.


Re: Make default double-click action configurable

Reply #2
Ah I found it. Thank you. Now I feel silly