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Topic: foo_podcatcher (Read 228462 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #300
Does anybody know why podcatcher is no longer able to download podcasts from this feed:
When I try to download it with podcatcher I get a popup saying "Error downloading podcast."

In the console it says:
Podcatcher: Downloading podcast item '
' to 'file://C:\Users\Helgi\Music\Podcasts\Top Score with Emily Reese - Minnesota Public Radio\top_score_20110803_128.mp3_'
Podcatcher: Error opening '
' for reading (Bad Request (400))


Reply #301
Does anybody know why podcatcher is no longer able to download podcasts from this feed:

Maybe the Podcatcher component can't handle the appendix that seems to be added to the mp3 download addresses? Subscribing to the Top Score podcast with Opera, the episode's article says

After the download from this URL, Opera's Downloads Window however states (appendix = ?_kip_ipx=191366326-1312645280):
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #302
Whatever it was it doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.


Reply #303
Love this component, but having trouble with podcast downloads that are interrupted for whatever reason.  I find that for partially downloaded subscribed podcasts, I am currently restricted to just listening to whatever I caught on the first download attempt.  I cannot find a way to resume or re-download a partial download of a subscribed podcast other than manually going to the podcast website, finding the specific individual partial podcast, and individually downloading that.

I'd love to have a way to have subscribed podcasts recognize that a podcast was not completely downloaded and give me another shot at fixing it.  Any suggestions?  thanks


Reply #304
Any chance we could have foo_podcatcher apply per-file replaygain automatically upon downloading podcasts?

Seems like a no-brainer to me...


Reply #305
Is there any way to make the interrupted broken files redownload automatically? I often loose connection to the net and many files do not come in full form, I only find it out when I try to listen to each one and redownloading one by one when discovering it come broken is really the worst option. Thanks for the help!


Reply #306
After trying to download subscribed podcasts for a while, I'd like to request the following enhancements:

- correctly recognize when a download is partial or complete
- upon interruption or erroring of a download before completion, resume download from the point of error or interruption rather than start over
- upon interruption or erroring of any download, proceed to the next item in the queue rather than also erroring out (wiping out) the entire queue
- if wiping out the entire queue upon any download error cannot be avoided, then automatically refresh feeds and create a new queue without having to exit Foobar.

Glad to clarify any of the items above.  Thanks for this component!


Reply #307
Why is it that the seekbar is disabled when playing a podcast as a stream directly from the internet? As far as I remember, this used to be different...


Reply #308
Also, there is a duration shown in the playlist before a file is played. However, the info vanishes as soon as playback starts, then, there's no %playback_time_remaining%. Am I missing something?


Reply #309
Recently every time I start foobar2000, it maxes out the CPU and does so much disk access that my computer practically stops.  I found that it's because of foo_podcatcher.  This problem makes it quite inconvenient to use the program.

I have version 0.2.5, and these days I mostly use foobar2000 for podcasts (not music), so I don't start it up very often.  I have 10 podcast sources added (it sounds like a lot, bust most of them don't update frequently).  I have had this setup for a very long time so there are lots and lots of already downloaded podcasts.

EDIT:  Is podcatcher simply not able to handle this much?  I have now removed those podcasts I don't listen to frequently and removed all but the smallest auto-playlists (in the all-feeds playlists there were ~1400 items, thanks to some frequently updated one-minute podcasts).  Hopefully this'll fix it.


Reply #310
Hi, I installed this plugin in my foobar player but I can not add any feeds. When I go to "View-> Library-> handler podcast feed", I can click only create a playlist but does not add anything. What's wrong? I use foobar v1.1.8 & Xch4nge.


Reply #311
Hi, I installed this plugin in my foobar player but I can not add any feeds. When I go to "View-> Library-> handler podcast feed", I can click only create a playlist but does not add anything. What's wrong? I use foobar v1.1.8 & Xch4nge.

Just use File => Subscribe to Podcast Feed

Has anybody heard from nausea ? I tried to contact him, but so far he hasn't reacted !


Reply #312

As erst of the users I must admit that it's a damn good plugin, my congrats.

Nonetheless I've got one RFC : add an option to edit feed General data, like Author, Title, ... and especially Image and Offline Image.

The reason behind it is because some podcasts do contain an invalid URL to their logo or too long names etc.



Reply #313

Is the development and bug fixing of this nice component completely dead?

Is there any way to contact its creator nausea? Does he responded to anyone anywhere?

It would be wonderful plugin if the problems mentioned in previous questions will be solved, but I have a fear the project is now unfortunately dead and  if so, does anyone knows any alternative way for integrating podcasting with foobar?

Thanks so much


Reply #314
There is one barrier to me switching full time to foobar and this podcatcher app: I need the option to manage my backlog of 'casts. iTunes has the option of setting storage preferences: how long to keep a podcast, how many to keep, and so on. Without that, I'm quickly swamped.

I've been through the backlog of posts and didn't see anyone else asking about this. If I missed something, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks.


Reply #315
There is one barrier to me switching full time to foobar and this podcatcher app: I need the option to manage my backlog of 'casts. iTunes has the option of setting storage preferences: how long to keep a podcast, how many to keep, and so on. Without that, I'm quickly swamped.

I've been through the backlog of posts and didn't see anyone else asking about this. If I missed something, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks.


Reply #316
There is one barrier to me switching full time to foobar and this podcatcher app: I need the option to manage my backlog of 'casts. iTunes has the option of setting storage preferences: how long to keep a podcast, how many to keep, and so on. Without that, I'm quickly swamped.

I've been through the backlog of posts and didn't see anyone else asking about this. If I missed something, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks.

Try it; everything you ask is there, but you have to set it manually.


Reply #317
Speech, I'm also interested in features that control how long to keep a podcast and how many to keep, but I can't find those settings.  Could you please point out where they are?  thanks


Reply #318
Speech, I'm also interested in features that control how long to keep a podcast and how many to keep, but I can't find those settings.  Could you please point out where they are?  thanks

Foobar properties / Tools / Podcatcher / Time range
or settings for individual feeds:
View menu / Podcatcher Feed Manager - double click on the feed you are interested in changing

I hope this helps; this is all podcatcher has for now.


Reply #319
@speech: I'm aware of those settings, so I'm confused: in post #317 you stated that the retention features requested in post #316 were present, but in post #319 you seem to acknowlege that podcatcher only has what amount to download options and none of the retention features you previously stated to exist.

What am I missing?


Reply #320
@speech: I'm aware of those settings, so I'm confused: in post #317 you stated that the retention features requested in post #316 were present, but in post #319 you seem to acknowlege that podcatcher only has what amount to download options and none of the retention features you previously stated to exist.

What am I missing?

I think when you set the option for example at 1 month it will download all the podcasts which are published within the last month and when the time goes bye it will delete every podcast which is older than one month.

Just wondering, is it possible to manually add podcasts to a subscribed feed? I have 27GB of podcasts on iTunes, and I don't really want to download them all again. So could I add a feed and get the plugin to scan the folder I set as the download location for already-present episodes?

When you configure your podcatcher you could configure all your podcasts that they would be downloaded exactly to the path were you have them saved allready. Also the filename has to match!
When this circumstances are given foo_podcatcher will ask you if it shall download the file again and replace the old file or just take the old file and import it to your podcasts.

It's a bit complicated and you have to click for every single podcast on "No" when you are asked if it's shall replace the file but you don't have to redownload the files.

Hi, i want to thank you for this plug-in, really makes fb2k powerful, but i have an issue with it. Im using ESPlaylist and i cant download pod-casts, since the Podcatcher context menu is unavailable. Can you fix it or create an optional short-cut for people with custom play-list components?

I've got the same problem while using ESPlaylist. Did you found a solution?!

I've got also another question. I am listening to this podcast: which I can highly recommend to electro/techno fans. In foobar I add to my podcasts. But there are only the last 15 Podcasts in the feed. The old ones are in this feed:
Since they are both called the same ("Distrikt") They are stored in the same folder. It is possible to join them also in foobar to one?




Reply #321
I think when you set the option for example at 1 month it will download all the podcasts which are published within the last month and when the time goes bye it will delete every podcast which is older than one month.

Have you directly observed this behavior, or are you speculating?  I've not observed such behavior, nor would I logically expect such from the description of that setting, which specifically only mentions "downloading".  thanks


Reply #322
Since I've got only one podcast which I set to keep to "All time" I am only asuming it. Will try it and let you know ;-)
I think the words:

Try it; everything you ask is there, but you have to set it manually.

are very clear.


Reply #323
Hey everyone!

I'm trying to dock/embed podcatcher into columns ui interface but it won't give me the podcacther panels into columns ui layout config.
Is it possible?


Reply #324
Hi everyone. Love the plugin!
I have a feature request of my own, or maybe this is already possible somehow but I simply haven't realized it yet...

Would it be possible to somehow prevent some of the files from a podcast from being downloaded? I have several podcasts I have subscribed to and they sometimes have episodes I'm really not interested in. So would it be possible to exclude them with some kind of filter (E.g. exclude episodes starting with "week in review" or other labels)? People could then maybe also prevent episodes that are too large from being downloaded and so on.

This is a feature that no podcatcher out there seems to have, so maybe this would be another reason for people to switch over to foo_podcatcher... . I have no programming expertise but if this is doable without much effort I would love to see it implemented.

Also as far as I can tell it is so far not possible to sync the downloaded files with an mp3 player, right?