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Topic: ABX tests - mp3 and acc - shocking results (Read 10590 times) previous topic - next topic
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ABX tests - mp3 and acc - shocking results

Reply #25
LAME 4 Alpha has not been touched in 4 years and it's far from being mature.

I have done a personal test with LAME 4 in the past, and it's far far away from producing transparent results, even at V0. LAME 3.97 and LAME 3.98.4 is very competitive against AAC, which are recommended to use over alpha or older versions of LAME.

If you want to try out a alpha version of LAME, I would recommend the latest alpha of LAME 3.99 at -V2 --vbr-new (different from 3.97). Which has experimental tweaks that seem to improve greatly with killer pre-echo samples.
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