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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2208727 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #75
AlexVallat, this has grown into a very nice app! Thanks.

I have only one "note".. Have you considered using tabs instead of new windows?

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I'm not sure how well tabs would work for this application, really. The original decision at design-time was to make this an SDI rather than MDI app. This means that there is no overall application window to have child 'document' windows, which could be shown as tabs or any other UI to taste.

The design was chosen to mesh well with its intended usage of being called from a command from another application (like foobar), rather than typically being the starting-point application for a task. Running a command opens a window as a result of that command, it does not generally open another tab in the window of the previous command's results.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #76
does version 0.10 contain everything needed for downloading from iTunes or do i need to get a seperate script?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #77
does version 0.10 contain everything needed for downloading from iTunes or do i need to get a seperate script?

It contains everything you need, but only searches iTunes storefront 143457. I put up an alternative script to search storefront 143441 instead, which some users have been reporting has having better results. If you want to use that instead, you need to download it:, and replace the existing script with it.

If I have time, I hope to create a script that searches all storefronts until it finds a match, as suggested by McoreD.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #78
This seems to be an excellent program. There are several features mentioned in the opening post that I have been unable to figure out how to implement. The features in question are:

# Analyse files to find Artists and Albums from tags, and check if album art is already present.
# Read your foobar2000 media library to find Artists and Albums, and check for album art.

I have been able to search for album art one album at a time by imputing the necessary information in the search fields, but I have not been able to figure out how to do the above.

One other matter, when I go to File>New>File Browser or File>New>Foobar Browser the only thing that happens is that a blank window opens. Am I missing some necessary Foobar components. I have the foo_browser component installed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Nevermind. I must have been using an older version of the program. After installing the latest, everything works just fine.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #79
It contains everything you need, but only searches iTunes storefront 143457. I put up an alternative script to search storefront 143441 instead, which some users have been reporting has having better results.
With almost every search i do the itunes script gives me 1 result back. That is at first unknown by size and after clicking for a preview its 177x177. This is also happens with albums that i allready downloaded via the itunes script with  a very old version (coverart) a long time ago.
Is the above also related to my problem with the itunes script. Or is it normal for this script to output such small files?
The rest if the scripts worked way fine. Thank you for this tool!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #80
With almost every search i do the itunes script gives me 1 result back. That is at first unknown by size and after clicking for a preview its 177x177.
Yeah, same here since yesterday. I'm afraid it's related to this.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #81
I reaaaaaaaaly like this program. It's just missing one feature that would save me so much time. Could you possibly include some built-in image resizing feature?

ie: I specify that my target size is 500x500, so when i save a 800x800 cover it resizes it down to 500x500, but leaves a 300x300 cover alone (because resizing up is ugly!)

I often times find covers in 200x200 and 1000x1000 size with nothing really good in-between.

At any rate, thanks for this great and useful application.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #82
Has anyone written a script for

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #83
Hey excellent app but I was scanning my foobar library when I got this message:

Error occured while reading media library: The specified path, file name, or both are too long...

anyway I can check a log to change the file or directory name?
or is that a bug that will be fixed ?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #84
I reaaaaaaaaly like this program. It's just missing one feature that would save me so much time. Could you possibly include some built-in image resizing feature?
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure whether I want to be doing post-processing on the images after downloading or not. If I do, then resizing will certainly be one of the options offered, as would conversion to .jpg, and possibly aspect ratio correcting.

Hey excellent app but I was scanning my foobar library when I got this message:

Error occured while reading media library: The specified path, file name, or both are too long...

anyway I can check a log to change the file or directory name?
or is that a bug that will be fixed ?
There is a way to get a log file - create a file called AlbumArt.exe.config in the program folder (or edit your user.config for Album Art Downloader, but that's trickier to find!), and put this in it:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <trace autoflush="true">
        <add name="debugListener"
                initializeData="tracelog.txt" />
For any .net app, that causes the trace log output to be written to a file called tracelog.txt in the program folder.

Unfortunately, reviewing the source for 0.10, I don't think you will see anything useful enough to tell you which file it is that is too long. I've stuck up a version 0.10.1 which if you update to will provide more useful information, and also not abandon scanning the rest of the library just because one file failed. The only other change to 0.10.1 is to remove the iTunes script from the installer, since Apple have blocked access again.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #85
thank you very much for your fast reply!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #86
this program is amzing
thanks really for your job!

but how can i save the thumbs in covers.jpg?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #88
I think it miss an option to show size in kb for each cover.

Thanks for this amazing software !

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #89
i would love to download automatically  the best match

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #91
This component is not designed for downloading lyrics. franesco, you get quite some plugins for acquiring lyrics here in the forum - just do a search.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #92
This component is not designed for downloading lyrics. franesco, you get quite some plugins for acquiring lyrics here in the forum - just do a search.

yes i know
the lyrics downloader doesn't work

it's could be a great new feature for album art downloader

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #93

This component is not designed for downloading lyrics. franesco, you get quite some plugins for acquiring lyrics here in the forum - just do a search.

yes i know
the lyrics downloader doesn't work

it's could be a great new feature for album art downloader

but then it wouldn't be called album art downloader 

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #94
Though beeing off-topic, take a look at foo_uie_lyrics. It does it's job quite well!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #95
Is the Cover-Paradies script working for anybody?
Seems like I'm not getting any results from it anymore (been like this for weeks, if not more than a month) while I get nice results when using the web-search.

Example: Porcupine Tree - In Absentia

I would appreciate it if somebody could take a look at it and possibly provide an updated version of the script, since this is the best source for high-quality Albumart scans imo.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #96
Is the Cover-Paradies script working for anybody?
Seems like I'm not getting any results from it anymore (been like this for weeks, if not more than a month) while I get nice results when using the web-search.

Example: Porcupine Tree - In Absentia

I would appreciate it if somebody could take a look at it and possibly provide an updated version of the script, since this is the best source for high-quality Albumart scans imo.


While I'm here:
  • Lyrics Downloading: Not going to happen. Sorry, but its out of scope for this utility.
  • Automatically downloading the best match: Interesting, but 'best' would have to be a little better defined. Largest isn't always best. I suppose you could set up an order of preferred sources, too. Needs more though.
  • Show size in kb for each cover: Probably counter-productive, as to know the size, you'd generally need to download it first, and by then it's no longer important.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #99
i have a bug with "local files" display.

image is sometimes wrong but path is correct.

i use this string with foo run and foobar 0.95 b2

C:\Program Files\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe "%artist%" "%album%" "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,folder.jpg)"
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