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Topic: Finding source files in the Media Library based on DAP tags  (Read 1196 times) previous topic - next topic
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Finding source files in the Media Library based on DAP tags


Hi all,

I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, but my brain isn't finding it.

I want to tag my source audio files in my fb2k media library with a tag that says DAP (indicating it's been processed and is active on my  fiio player).

So what I think I ought to be able to do is load up all the files from my DAP into a fb2k playlist and then say find the duplicate files based on tags in the fb2k media library. 

Any idea how I do this?

Any and all help much appreciated.


PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: Finding source files in the Media Library based on DAP tags

Reply #1
I've downloaded the latest fb2k and have installed SQLite utilities.

I know nothing about SQL commands - but if someone could give me some code for running a duplicate check on my media library (I'll add the DAP files to a Media Library directory) and I think a simple Artist (%artist%) + Title (%title%) + Album (%album%) duplicate check would be sufficient.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: Finding source files in the Media Library based on DAP tags

Reply #2
Something like this should work:
Code: [Select]
select a.path, a.artist, a.title, a.album
  from mediaLibrary a
         inner join
       (select artist, title, album
          from MediaLibrary
          group by artist, title, album
          having count(*)>1
       ) b on (    a.artist = b.artist
               and a.title = b.title
               and a.album = b.album)
  order by a.path

Sorry it's a bit rushed by I'm just off out, so if you need any more help/examples you should be able to find them here.

Replace 'select a.path, a.artist, a.title, a.album' with 'select a.*' to see all the tags you have available to you.

Re: Finding source files in the Media Library based on DAP tags

Reply #3
Excellent -- thanks.   I ended up doing it manually in the end as it wasn't a huge job and I was getting some strange results.   However, your script gives me more than enough to work with (I need to add a few more fields as my classical stuff is tagged in a non-orthodox way and throws up duplicates that are just by different performers). 

This will come in handy in the future -- so thanks !!! Really appreciate it.

Hopefully the mods can move this thread to a sensible home. (Maybe foobar2000 components)  ;)

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)