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Topic: Changes Made to TAG.EXE (Read 172721 times) previous topic - next topic
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Changes Made to TAG.EXE

Reply #125
- Can anyone please tell me what the return codes are? I've searched and can only find that (as expected) we get non-zero for errors or warnings, but no more detail than that. I've tested with a read-only file and find that it works (great!) and I get an errorlevel of 32 so I'm guessing there is some bitsetting going on, but would really like to distinguish between "Failed to write but no damage done", and "Ooops, just chewed up your file" so my script can respond appropriately.
That sounds suspiciously like the return value of the windows function ShellExecute -

In that case 32 indicates that the command was succesfull, see the return value section of the above link!

Numbers less than 32 indicate one of the windows Win32API error.

Changes Made to TAG.EXE

Reply #126
Hi there,

I have a question:
Code: [Select]

SET pathToLame="D:\Binaries\lame (MP3 Encoder 3.99.5 using libsndfile 1.0.25, 29022013).exe"
SET pathToTag="D:\Binaries\tag (Tag 2.0.52, command line tagger).exe"

mkdir "%~dp1MUSIC_(mp3)"
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO end
%pathToLame% -V 5 --nohist --noreplaygain %1 "%~dp1MUSIC_(mp3)\%~n1.mp3" && %pathToTag% --hideinfo --hidetags --fromfile %1 "%~dp1MUSIC_(mp3)\%~n1.mp3"
GOTO loop

While this batch script creates perfectly tagged mp3s in a sub-dir "MUSIC_(mp3)":
Code: [Select]
Tag - Automatic Tag from filename
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Case.  Minor additions by Neil Popham, 2004-2007
Version 2.0.52, Compiled 2007-05-04

Lyrics3 v2.0 tag written.

Code: [Select]

SET pathToLame="D:\Binaries\lame (MP3 Encoder 3.99.5 using libsndfile 1.0.25, 29022013).exe"
SET pathToTag="D:\Binaries\tag (Tag 2.0.52, command line tagger).exe"

mkdir "%~dp1..\MUSIC_(mp3)"
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO end
%pathToLame% -V 5 --nohist --noreplaygain %1 "%~dp1..\MUSIC_(mp3)\%~n1.mp3" && %pathToTag% --hideinfo --hidetags --fromfile %1 "%~dp1..\MUSIC_(mp3)\%~n1.mp3"
GOTO loop
...this code does not.

Code: [Select]
Tag - Automatic Tag from filename
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Case.  Minor additions by Neil Popham, 2004-2007
Version 2.0.52, Compiled 2007-05-04

Failed to open file.
File time stamp modification failed.
Lame encodes the flac-file to mp3 into "MUSIC_(mp3)", which in this case is 1 directory higher than %~1. This all goes well, but Tag seems to have some difficulties.
Does anyone know what's going on?

Changes Made to TAG.EXE

Reply #127
I'm sorry Synthetic Soul, but now I can't reproduce the issue anymore , which is of course good never mind. Mp3's in a parent directory now get properly tagged.

Changes Made to TAG.EXE

Reply #128
I've noticed that when using --fromfile with FLAC files that have multiples of one tag, like multiple artist tags, tag.exe will only copy the first instance of that tag that it finds instead of copying all of the tags. That would be really nice if it were fixed.


Re: Changes Made to TAG.EXE

Reply #129
I know this post has been running for some time, but I have been trying to automate the writing of tags on my radio station for almost 20 years, without success.

I found tag.exe but until recently couldn't work out how to use it, and now I have, but there is a limitation I need help with.

The limitation is that when I write ID3 tags from the filename it doesn't write all the tag as there seems to be a character limitation.

This is typical of the file I use in the renaming:

c:\Radio\Housekeeping\Tag.exe  --auto --scheme "A - T" "c:/Radio/Enhanced Sessions/part 01/*.mp3"

And this is typical of the file I would like to tag:

Enhanced Music @enhancdmusic - Enhanced Sessions Episode 123 #ES123

Can anyone tell me if this is possible with tag.exe or not please, and if it is, what I need to change.

I'm using version tag_2.0.52