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Topic: Hard-to-compress rock song clip: FLAC at 90 percent of PCM (Read 2177 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hard-to-compress rock song clip: FLAC at 90 percent of PCM

In case anyone is interested.

I sorted my CDDA collection by FLAC bitrate. A lot of noise music, but this is a rock song thing, which when you listen to it, is surprising that can be FLAC'ed only down to 90 percent of PCM bitrate. For what foo_dynamic_range is worth, it measures to as much as 5.
Not a known band at all - it is from some promo sampler issued by Metal Hammer and the now-defunct Northern Ireland Music Industry Commission.

This is certainly not the least-compressible thing I have; I have CDDA full tracks - even a full album! - that compress worse than this, but that is largely noise music, which, I admit, occupies just a tiny corner of my music obsession: With exception of an old Hypnoskull track (downloadable for free as .wav at their Soundcloud), everything involves Merzbow:
For those interested in Merzbow in lossless samples, Woodpecker No. 1 (from Pulse Demon, 1996) appears on some free samplers from the Relapse record label. The original master (free on this 194-track compilation)  is less compressible than the remaster (free here).

Re: Hard-to-compress rock song clip: FLAC at 90 percent of PCM

Reply #1
in your .wav, there are ID3 tags inside

Re: Hard-to-compress rock song clip: FLAC at 90 percent of PCM

Reply #2
Yes, and the format allows that.