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Topic: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates (Read 162712 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #475

1. Use different user folders for 32 and 64 bit. That way both versions could be installed without breaking each other (especially when it comes to themes and add-ons which are not yet ported.

2. Some kind of helper or import/export function between Facets and ReFacets. Currently I have a lot of filters defined and several foobar2000 installations, thus it would be a lot work to write each one again manually. Ideally, the facet config file would be imported into a new refacet config file when moving from 1.x to 2.x I'm guessing right now the config for ReFacets is stored in the core config file.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #476
- please give ReFacets a vertical option. <--- This is pretty crucial
- consider adding a the ability to enable/disable "summary item" on each pane.
- please allow us to display album artwork in ReFacets album pane

In addition to the above, I have another big ReFacets request:  Please provide an option so that double clicking the selection sends it to the Default or "Library Selection" playlist.  Right now, double clicking either makes a completely new playlist, or it overwrites/adds to the current list you're looking at, which can lead to playlists getting messed up just because you selected an album.


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #477
UPnP servers using NAS or other are widely used and are essentials.  The old "UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point" (foo_upnp) component was quite nice but :
1. is no more maintened since 2015,
2. has no 64 bits version and thus is not compliant with fb2K V2
3. does not really need the server functionnality most of the time

My wishlist is simple and crucial : embed a UPnP/DLNA Browser and Control Point (and Renderer but a maintened component already exists) into foobar2000 V2 core !

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #478
Playlist Manager
- Add leaf node functionality, where users can create nodes and drag and drop their playlists within nodes. This helps so much with organizing huge sets of playlists

Playlist (DUI)
- Ability to customize the colors of the clickable rating stars, i.e. set unticked stars to grey to better differentiate them from the populated stars.
- Group statistics (item count, rating, etc) ala SimPlaylist
- Sticky headers when scrolling ala SimPlaylist
- Sub group headers ala SimPlaylist

Item Properties (window)
- Add the ability to quickly copy album art from one track to others. Either through context menu copy and context menu paste, or by drag-and-drop from one properties window to another.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #479
- please give ReFacets a vertical option. <--- This is pretty crucial
I'm planning to replace my filter panels in ColumnsUI with REfacets but can't, because lack of vertical setup.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #480
Playlist (DUI)
- Ability to customize the colors of the clickable rating stars, i.e. set unticked stars to grey to better differentiate them from the populated stars.

It would also be wonderful if we could customize the column itself, similar to how we do on CUI with custom value $rgb.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #481
Hi, fb2k v2: an iternal burning support were nice :-)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #482
Different spectrogram color settings for light and dark modes. I'd like to do this: X
The global setting is always dark and there is only one custom setting that is not remembered if I check "Use global settings". I change the color mode twice a day with this program. If I want different custom colors for the light and dark modes, I have to redo the setting every time I change the mode.

And thanks to the developers for making this dark mode.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #483
Titleformat functions
  • $sort(str) - Returns str sorted in case-insensitive ascending order. Useful for multi-value tag fields like %genre% and %artist%
  • $unique(str) - Returns only unique str values. Useful for multi-value tag fields like %genre%. The clean-up feature does this but it would be neat to have as a titleformat function too.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #484
I would like an option to have the playlist automatically clear when closing Foobar. The goal being when you reopen there would be a blank playlist.


Re: Add support for INSTRUMENT (Performer) in ReFacets

Reply #485
Otherwise you'd need some fancy title formatting to try splitting values up - I did not investigate that any further. (And I'm not sure it would work in either Re/Facets or even Album List, since they both have warnings about multi-values and "string functions" - see wiki 1 "Safe Functions" and 2 "Multi-value Fields")

I can't find any thing in wiki to split INTRUMENT 1(Performer 1; Performer 2); INTRUMENT 2 (Performer 2; Performer 3)

MOD edit: Add quote for reference

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #486
I would love to see an existing tagging feature added to the foo_masstag component, the option to remove [all] pictures which exists under the tagging menu.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #488
I'd like to +1 the wishes for:
  • Sub-group headers (DUI)
  • Vertical mode (ReFacets)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #489
(I don't like double posting but it's too late to edit)
DUI: the ability to use dimming and highlight in group headers

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #491
Hi there,

When will there be a new MIDI component for 2.0 x64-architecture, this ain't compatible for the latest version !


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #492
When will there be a new MIDI component for 2.0 x64

You are pointing at a 3rd party component, and that is a topic for a different subforum. But you can get an answer straight away: the author of that component has quit supporting fb2k altogether, so unless someone else takes it on (and I don't even know if the license permits it), the answer is negative.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #494
I would like the & added to the shell extension context menu items to provide a shortcut.
Example: "Play in foobar2000" could be rewritten as "&Play in foobar2000", then pressing p in the context menu would always find it.
On my Win10 system, p won't find it, because it's taken by Unpin from Start, and I have to arrow to it each time.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #495
For foobar2000 on Mac OS - could you please add option to move a song to the top of queue? This option is available on Windows and I happen to use it from time to time. Thank you.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #496
I would be very happy if built-in Peak Meter and Spectrum were changed a little.
a. Peak Meter - it would be nice to be able to change the bottom and upper limits (which are now as far as I remember fixed at -60 and +10). The bottom should be changable between -140 and -60 and the uppper between -10 and +10, both in 5dB steps (or upper end even in smaller steps). We should also be able to see more data - right now it is just -60 -50 -40....0. Especially at the upper end when the peaks go, we can only see -10 and 0 and the "real action" is usually somewhere between, so we ought to know what happens between those valuse (is it -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1..).
b. Spectrum - it would be great if it had more values - something like in Musical Spectrum plugin - from 16Hz to  56kHz (or with changable limits) plus changable amplitude and channels. Right now the digits are not very well visible, especially when we use more bands and with too many they disappear at all (I'm using 1920 resolution on my display). So more bands but with less always visible digits (other ones could be displayed only when touched with cursor) would be great.

Or maybe someone can suggest good counterparts to those built-in for 64 bit FB. Right now I use Musical Spectrum and Enhanced Spectrum Analyser but those are not maintained since forever and do not work with 64bit.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #497
Hi :)

\foobar2000\profile\dsp-presets folder is very convenient.

But, I want you to remove the character limit and frame limit of DSP chain presets.

SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #498
Tag "Clean up":
* Option to have it leading/trailing tabs/newlines, just like spaces are removed.
* Option to convert other newline to Windows crlf format.

Could be an option under Preferences -> Advanced -> Tagging -> General

Line separator U+2028 in <ARTIST> found in the wild here:
(To test, download for free - I checked that <ARTIST> starts with two such characters in both Ogg Vorbis, AAC (delivered in .m4a), MP3 and FLAC.)

I meant, of course: Option to make it remove leading/trailing tabs/newlines.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #499
Missing search looks like in Library window.

I use foobar2000 on an M1 MacMini

nice greetings
Fred (Fritz) - on M1 Mac, macOS Ventura