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Topic: Columns UI appearance (Read 3376961 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI appearance

Reply #500

Columns UI appearance

Reply #501

Columns UI appearance

Reply #502
After years of using the Default UI, this is my first own PSS setup, I didn't want transparency so I went with black, duh ...

[a href="" target="_blank"]

Columns UI appearance

Reply #503
Looks very good 

Columns UI appearance

Reply #505
Thanks tedgo

btw, for whoever is interested in better art view, I found a little program that really integrates well with foobar.


Columns UI appearance

Reply #506
After years of using the Default UI, this is my first own PSS setup, I didn't want transparency so I went with black, duh ...

[a href="" target="_blank"]

Any chance to get this?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #507
I made some updates on my layout.

"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

Columns UI appearance

Reply #508
After years of using the Default UI, this is my first own PSS setup, I didn't want transparency so I went with black, duh ...

[a href="" target="_blank"]

Very nice config.

I can see two WSH seek bars in your config. One is displaying the total playback time of the album and the other is displaying the track playback time (if I'm right).

Do I need el_playlist to implement the album total playback time in WSH? If possible I would like to implement this with CUI only.

Thx in advance.


Columns UI appearance

Reply #509
I think the left one is a seekbar and the other one is just a volume bar

Columns UI appearance

Reply #510
I think the left one is a seekbar and the other one is just a volume bar

What a pity.

Still looking to solve the elapsed playtime problem....

Beside that: is in CUI something like group count (like in EL_PLAYLIST) available?

As I said, I would like to stick with CUI only...EL_Playlist is great. But I want to keep my foobar config lean...

Columns UI appearance

Reply #511
Any chance to get this?

When I find time to clean up the code, sure. As it stands, there is no nice and easy way to setup this configuration, I wasn't very organized while creating it  Plus there is a lot of code in there that is only useful to me, and only of marginal interest to others.

I think the left one is a seekbar and the other one is just a volume bar

Yep, that's it.

I think the left one is a seekbar and the other one is just a volume bar

What a pity.

Still looking to solve the elapsed playtime problem....

Beside that: is in CUI something like group count (like in EL_PLAYLIST) available?

As I said, I would like to stick with CUI only...EL_Playlist is great. But I want to keep my foobar config lean...

Subjectively ELPlaylist, if at all, is only minimally slower than NGPlaylist, as long as you turn off transparency, that is.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #512
Can someone give me a link to the album art panel download? I cant find it anywhere. also, post your track info codes! some of them are really nice

Columns UI appearance

Reply #513
ELPlaylist keeps all the title formatting crap to itself at least.

Someone should marry WSH Panels with ELPlaylist and then use JScript for everything. Even Panel Stack Splitter could be merged into it.
Like WSH for everything. You just need to add the proper objects and methods to be used from JScript.
Just with the basic drawing commands and event system I could make a simple painting application out of WSH Panel so then just imagine what else you could possibly cook up.

Time to finally get a proper skinning system for fb2k instead of all these half-assed components.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #514
Really good idea
My dreams would come true if there would be something like "foo_wsh_splitter" (as replacement for the PSS) or "foo_wsh_skin" (as a new skinnable user interface) instead of those crappy TF "abusing" elements. But there is none at the moment...
There was a thread about something similar a few month ago (replacement for Panels UI using XML) .
I hope one day there'll be a clever guy who creates something like that

Although i doubt it would be widely in use.
I remember gfx_window that uses lua...

Columns UI appearance

Reply #515
ELPlaylist keeps all the title formatting crap to itself at least.

Someone should marry WSH Panels with ELPlaylist and then use JScript for everything. Even Panel Stack Splitter could be merged into it.
Like WSH for everything. You just need to add the proper objects and methods to be used from JScript.
Just with the basic drawing commands and event system I could make a simple painting application out of WSH Panel so then just imagine what else you could possibly cook up.

Time to finally get a proper skinning system for fb2k instead of all these half-assed components.

So there is no way with CUI only for the group count thing?

What I also really need and its hard to find: plugins with a proper keyboard control. I'm using foobar as my hifi player and therefore I need to navigate trogh foobar with my remote control. This requires a proper fine with the filters from CUI. Once I start adding PSS etc. things become difficult.
Unfortunately I didn't find any way to map keys buttons etc.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #516
A work in progress.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #517
Very nice colours. Good work


Columns UI appearance

Reply #519
tmt that is great looking 

Columns UI appearance

Reply #520
I'm having a little beginner's trouble with Columns UI. First off, I can't see straight up what it does better than the Default UI. Secondly, where can I browse usermade preset themes?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #521
... Secondly, where can I browse usermade preset themes?

I'm also new to foobar & one of the best places I have found for preset configs is DeviantArt HERE. You need to read the descriptions carefully however as some are PUI (Panels UI) and some are CUI (Columns UI) configurations. The PUI configs won't work with the most recent foobar versions.

Some of the better (in my opinion) configs I have found are: DarkOne, Kameleon, & Curacao. There is a big enough variety however to suit anyone's taste and once you start messing around with a config (and with some help from these forums) you can pretty easily tweak it even more to your tastes.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #522
... Secondly, where can I browse usermade preset themes?

I'm also new to foobar & one of the best places I have found for preset configs is DeviantArt HERE. You need to read the descriptions carefully however as some are PUI (Panels UI) and some are CUI (Columns UI) configurations. The PUI configs won't work with the most recent foobar versions.

Some of the better (in my opinion) configs I have found are: DarkOne, Kameleon, & Curacao. There is a big enough variety however to suit anyone's taste and once you start messing around with a config (and with some help from these forums) you can pretty easily tweak it even more to your tastes.

perfect, cheers!

Columns UI appearance

Reply #523
My tabbed layout with lots of use of custom buttons 

hey, very cool. what's the plugin you use to get those album/artist images remotely?

It's foo_run and AlbumArtDownloader, both highly recommended. The former is a plugin that can call external programs. The latter is a stand-alone program which can also be set up to read your foobar Media Library. If you need any help setting it up let me know 

Columns UI appearance

Reply #524
My tabbed layout with lots of use of custom buttons 

hey, very cool. what's the plugin you use to get those album/artist images remotely?

It's foo_run and AlbumArtDownloader, both highly recommended. The former is a plugin that can call external programs. The latter is a stand-alone program which can also be set up to read your foobar Media Library. If you need any help setting it up let me know 

is ther any way to make album art download 100% automaticly? I now have to press a button, AAD will appear and i have to press a second time to download the art.