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Topic: What's with so much necroposting lately? (Read 540 times) previous topic - next topic
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What's with so much necroposting lately?

Don't wanna come across as a zealot, but I bet I'm not the only one frustrated when I spot a new post on the homepage - just to discover it's responding to a thread that's been dead and buried for years - or even decades!

More often than not, these are just random thoughts that could easily kick off a new thread, but it seems like in most cases the poster got carried away/excited about the discussion they've just read but didn't even bother checking when the last update was.

I probably got HA's TOS confused with rules from other forums, but before re-reading them, I could've sworn they had rules against that.
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: What's with so much necroposting lately?

Reply #1
Don't wanna come across as a zealot, but I bet I'm not the only one frustrated when I spot a new post on the homepage - just to discover it's responding to a thread that's been dead and buried for years - or even decades!

More often than not, these are just random thoughts that could easily kick off a new thread, but it seems like in most cases the poster got carried away/excited about the discussion they've just read but didn't even bother checking when the last update was.

I probably got HA's TOS confused with rules from other forums, but before re-reading them, I could've sworn they had rules against that.

Are you talking  about me :)

Re: What's with so much necroposting lately?

Reply #2
Nope! I was obviously referring to what, IMO, appears to be a trend - or a bad habit at least.
There'd be no point in singling out any one member.

No need to throw down the gauntlet or put up your dukes.
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: What's with so much necroposting lately?

Reply #3
The "forum" concept has lots its allure to the young generation. They are more interested in reddit and discord and social media? Forums aren't getting attention from them so most of us are probably from older generations. I still think forums have a lot of value. Reviving an old thread is not a bad practice per se, if it serves a purpose. Opening a new thread for every new question or remark is bad practice in my book.

If i remember correctly, hydrogen audio used to have more traffic back in the day when audio compression was big deal when there was no "streaming" services. We all used to carry our own music with us. Those were the times. So yeah, we and this forum probably is a dying breed. I don't really think anybody will need to carry pretty much anything in the near future. It will be up in the cloud.

Re: What's with so much necroposting lately?

Reply #4
Well, young audiences not caring about anything (or caring about nobodyknows) is equally annoying to the old audiences, who want a www forum to become a well-organized, clean library, who demand every posting to be a scientific work.

Yeah, www forums die. Recently eg, closedown of WATMM music forum was announced.

I'm 50+ and witnessed the glorious days of Usenet. Then witnessed the time when advertising company Google was great and a search engine, you could even find user output with their search, instead of ads.


Re: What's with so much necroposting lately?

Reply #5
Thats so funny earlier this day i was thinking about reviving a thread from 2006 just for the meme.,48206.0.html
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.