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Topic: foo_rmx beta (Read 85896 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_rmx beta

Reply #75
well, obviously, it cant OPEN foobar, since the plugin wouldnt be running.  (this can be fixed with a yet to be released "Stand-Alone" copy that support application launching), and as for closing, i thought i had that in there, but i guess i dont.  that'll be a quick 5 min add-in.  playback order is already in there under "Playback -> Order"    as for scripting, i really wish i hadnt mentioned this... it doesnt do ANYTHING extra yet.  there is no special script functions AT ALL.  i mearly imported the lua scripting engine to be used LATER.

as for seeking... is this easily accessable from the API?  such as a simple fast forward and rewind..  and does foobar support speed adjustments?  like increasing and decreasing playback speeds?  i would really like to see that with something else im working on lately.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=250943"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Foobar can do seeking, there are keyboard shortcuts to do so already.  Also, I misworded one request.  I meant playlist sorting not playback order.    All these things are already functions of foobar, just not assignable that I know of with RMX.  It would be useful to allow the mapping of all of foobars commands, although I've no idea how easy that would be.  There are quite a few keyboard shortcuts, not sure if those functions could be used by RMX though. BTW, thanks for this great plugin.  I'll be looking forward to the stand-alone.  It'a about time something like this came around.

foo_rmx beta

Reply #76
Foobar can do seeking, there are keyboard shortcuts to do so already.  Also, I misworded one request.  I meant playlist sorting not playback order.     All these things are already functions of foobar, just not assignable that I know of with RMX.  It would be useful to allow the mapping of all of foobars commands, although I've no idea how easy that would be.  There are quite a few keyboard shortcuts, not sure if those functions could be used by RMX though. BTW, thanks for this great plugin.  I'll be looking forward to the stand-alone.  It'a about time something like this came around.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=250952"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

code examples?    i always love those. 

i'll try to dabble around more with the foobar SDK to see what i can come up with for these added functions.  so far ive only really played around with playback headers, but not really anything else.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #77
code examples?    i always love those. 

i'll try to dabble around more with the foobar SDK to see what i can come up with for these added functions.  so far ive only really played around with playback headers, but not really anything else.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=251077"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I really wish I knew something about coding.  I'd love to do more than point out possible feautures and flaws.  I'll be looking forward to this though.

foo_rmx beta

Reply #78
I really wish I knew something about coding.  I'd love to do more than point out possible feautures and flaws.  I'll be looking forward to this though.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=251110"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

well, i threw in "seek" and "seek delta".... so, thats at least a starting point.    (and seek delta can take negative numbers to seek backwards)
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #79
well, i threw in "seek" and "seek delta".... so, thats at least a starting point.    (and seek delta can take negative numbers to seek backwards)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=251498"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Sounds good, can't wait to try it out.  With this plugin i can finally have foobar minimized and still change tracks.  Very useful for playing games with foobar running in the background, or when your in bed.  Great thing also is that if your monitor shuts off after how ever many minutes, using RM-X doesn't cause it to come back on like keyboard shortcuts do. 

foo_rmx beta

Reply #80
Sounds good, can't wait to try it out.  With this plugin i can finally have foobar minimized and still change tracks.  Very useful for playing games with foobar running in the background, or when your in bed.  Great thing also is that if your monitor shuts off after how ever many minutes, using RM-X doesn't cause it to come back on like keyboard shortcuts do. 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=251500"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

ya, it is nice.. even more so, because Stand-Alone can even shut off your monitor.    (but then again, i really shouldnt talk about something that isnt publicly available yet, and wont be for at least another two months)
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #81

i started working on extending the RM-X API to
1) include support for inter-plugin communication, starting with
2) a playlist API structure to help plugins interface with the media player, and tested it with
3) the playlist plugin, as showin in that picture.

take note tho, i'm currently testing this out on RM-X SA, this way i can access bolth playlist systems at the same time.  i'm going to try to standardize the data structures and commands the best i can between ALL of the media players i am working with (the list has grown to at least 6 possible players)

i figured i would just post this, to see what kind of comments i would get about extending my API structure in this manor..

i was also curious to know if the foobar2000 api allowed for access to all of its playlists at the same time?  this way i can expose ALL of them, instead of jsut the active one?
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #82
i was also curious to know if the foobar2000 api allowed for access to all of its playlists at the same time?  this way i can expose ALL of them, instead of jsut the active one?[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=253510"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Read access - yes, however you can only modify the active playlist.

foo_rmx beta

Reply #83
How does the "system mixer" plugin work? I have been able to configure the RMX to control foobar's internal volume but not system mixer. I have installed the "system mixer" plugin and RMX of course. Should I use some sort of script? If that is the case then could you provide an example script?

foo_rmx beta

Reply #84
How does the "system mixer" plugin work? I have been able to configure the RMX to control foobar's internal volume but not system mixer. I have installed the "system mixer" plugin and RMX of course. Should I use some sort of script? If that is the case then could you provide an example script?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=254699"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

ok ok ok... ive said this a bajilion times now to the point where im considering disabling it.  THE SCRIPTING SYSTEM DOESNT DO ANYTHING YET!!!

ok, see, right now, the system mixer plugin is just a GUI based access to the system mixer, it doesnt register any control functions yet, and even if it did, RM-X Media Edition cant query for them to use them anyways... only RM-X Stand-Alone can.

currently, most of the plugins are mearly examples of the varrious API forms that RM-X supports, not *just* the control API.  many of the features that are in there now (such as the system mixer) where more ment for future inter-plugin-communication expansion.  in other words, now that the system mixer is exposed as a GUI object, other applications and possibly even other computers (or a PDA) could access that information, and expose it to its local GUI, and thus, you could remotely change the volume.  but again, its that whole "future expansion" thing (and yes, i AM working on that scenario described above)
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #85

here we go.  a new build.  its been a while, but then again, ive been busy w/ other stuff. 

the RM-X API is basically complete at this point, so now its time to start working on RM-X add-ons.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #86

As noted in the RM-X CLOG (ChangeLog), things are moving right along again with continueing bug fixes and feature improvements.  i'll probably try to push for a 20050110 beta later tonight.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #87
Nice work.  This has been a plugin I've used constantly since the first version.  It's in use on 2 different boxes actually, one with a remote wonder and another with the IntelliRemote.  Keep it up.  I've never had any problems with it so far, but any new features will be itneresting.  Scripting would be cool, or more assignable functions for foobar. 

foo_rmx beta

Reply #88
please update this plugin i want more features

ie anything that i can use with my plugins  i love my plugins

foo_rmx beta

Reply #89
Download link is dead and I can't find any mirrors anywhere... I MUST have this, please put it up somewhere, someone

foo_rmx beta

Reply #90
Download link is dead and I can't find any mirrors anywhere... I MUST have this, please put it up somewhere, someone

The link is not dead.  Just go to [a href="][/url]
The site may not allow direct linking if thatd what the original link was.  I love this plugin.  I won't be using v0.9 of foobar unless this plugin is updated when it becomes final.  It is still being developed, so I am rather sure it will be when the time comes.

foo_rmx beta

Reply #91
Just installed this, works awesomely with my Audigy 2 Platinum. Works awesomely, and I love the way its all so integrated and flexible.

As nice as it is to be able to change track from in bed, I still have to get up to turn the PC off. I take it that the standalone version will allow me to also control OS functions (Power management, launch applications etc?) Also the LUA support looks interesting, I've never used LUA before, will it allow access to COM servers? I can imagine COM integration being quite useful for controlling applications not directly supported by a plugin.

One more thing, this maybe be a foobar issue, but it would be nice to be able to control the rate of changing volume, its quite slow. I was going to try linking "Volume Up" to 10 "Volume Up" functions as a workaround, but although the Add Function dialog looks like it would allow this, theres no way I can see to add functions. I'm assuming this is coming too?

foo_rmx beta

Reply #92
I would like to have support for seeking in seconds on my RM-1000W, like you have described for Remote Wonder in the "wiki". My seek button just makes the track go back to the first second of the track

foo_rmx beta

Reply #93
I'm glad to see that people are still using this plugin, and loving it.   

now for some replies:

I won't be using v0.9 of foobar unless this plugin is updated when it becomes final.

I check the foobar2000 website almost daily for 0.9 final.  when it comes out, RM-X for it will be right around the corner.  it will be my #1 top priority to support the new foobar.  i have recently gone back to using foobar 0.9 as a media player, and want my RM-X on it soo bad... its driving me insane.

I can imagine COM integration being quite useful for controlling applications not directly supported by a plugin.

per usual, get me some source code, and i'll see what i can do

Download link is dead

I had a problem with other web sites directly linking to too much stuff on my domain, so i disabled almost all external linking.  as mentioned by Duble0Syx, just go to the RM-X download page, and you will be able to get it from there.

My seek button just makes the track go back to the first second of the track

hmmm, interesting.  this is not how "seek" should be working,  i'll look into it.  have you tried the various v1.2 RC builds? if so, which ones.  the way selectable functions are handled has been completely redone from scratch in the past month or so, and i might have missed a thing or two here and there.  reguardless, i'll look into it tonight.

I take it that the standalone version will allow me to also control OS functions (Power management, launch applications etc?)

this is EXACTLY what Stand-Alone is designed for.  and if you have admin rights on your network, you can even shutdown, reboot, or even power on (via WOL) other machines in your house. 

it would be nice to be able to control the rate of changing volume, its quite slow.

hmmm, i thought the rate was an adjustable parameter.  as i just mentioned, functions have been re-done from scratch, so i might have missed this one as well.  i'll look into this one as well.

Thanks for all the input!  RM-X v1.2 Final will be released this month, if all goes according to plan.  Stand-Alone will also be released at the same time.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #94
I can imagine COM integration being quite useful for controlling applications not directly supported by a plugin.

per usual, get me some source code, and i'll see what i can do[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=361753"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Don't you have Lua support?

Code: [Select]
Lua 5.0.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
> assert(require "luacom")
> app = luacom.GetObject "Foobar2000.Application.0.7"
> if app then app.Playback:Start() else error("foobar2000 is not running or the COM support is not installed") end

Of course, it depends on the capabilities of your integrated Lua. I have found that LuaCOM has a few problems with COM events, but if you don't need that, it is a very convenient solution.

The "0.7" in the AppID refers to the version of the COM server (see foo_comserver), not to the foobar2000 version (which would be 0.9 in this case). Supposedly, it works with - let's say - Windows Media Player as well, though I don't know its COM interface by heart.

foo_rmx beta

Reply #95
Don't you have Lua support?

Yup, its specifically LuaPlus, which is based off of Lua 5.0, but also has additional support geared specifically for C++ implementations.

I checked out LuaCOM, but because I use Visual Studio and not GCC, there was no pre-made projects for me to work with.  I was able to get it compiled, after basically commenting out something that was defined in the makefile that MSVC isnt using.  I hope this wont be an issue.

Man, LuaCOM has some of the ugliest code I've personally seen.  35 compiler warnings.    Up until now, my entire project only had 2 warnings, both comming from Wasabi.  LuaCOM added 116KB to the binary size of RM-X as well, making it I think the largest 3rd-party library included in RM-X now.

I'm going to test this thing out to see how well it goes.  Not sure if I'm going to keep it included or not. 

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this library tho.  I'm still much of a Lua n00b.  I personally havn't used it a whole lot, and still dont know all that much about it.  I just know it was fairly easily integrated into RM-X, and easy to expand upon with my plugin system.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #96
I've got a small bug to report.
When I first installed foo_rmx, every time I opened foobar I would see windows flash onto the taskbar and disappear. This was not a problem because they disappeared. However just recently whenever foobar is open with foo_rmx loaded, I get a "RMX Console 00000029" button on my taskbar. If I right click on it, it has the system menu of a console window (like cmd.exe).

foo_rmx beta

Reply #97
I've got a small bug to report.
When I first installed foo_rmx, every time I opened foobar I would see windows flash onto the taskbar and disappear. This was not a problem because they disappeared. However just recently whenever foobar is open with foo_rmx loaded, I get a "RMX Console 00000029" button on my taskbar. If I right click on it, it has the system menu of a console window (like cmd.exe).

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=361961"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

ya, i noticed this last night too.  thanx for the info on opening/closing the console to remove the task bar button.  i thought it had just randomly fixed itself, but i guess it isnt.  i'll try to figure it out, but its weird, because this problem is ONLY happening with foobar, and not any of the other instances of RM-X (such as on Winamp or Stand-Alone).

also, your edit just reminded me of something... i need to add OS information to the info RM-X collects automatically for bug reports, so i'll go ahead and throw both of those into my "todo" list.

oh, and a quick update on the "volume incrementing slowly" bug, i found the problem, and it is at the top of my "todo" list for either sunday or monday ( depends on how hard i party  )
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-

foo_rmx beta

Reply #98
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=361961"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

well, i fixed up a different bug in some code the console depends on, and ever since then, i havnt been able to reproduce the console task bar bug.  lets hope its gone for good!!

still need to add the param stuff to volume tho, but this is gonna take a day or three, as i dont want to half-ass it.  i want it to be standardized across all versions of RM-X.  so, while you might be used to -db for volume, it will still be represented as 0-100% in RM-X.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-


foo_rmx beta

Reply #99
I'm glad to see that people are still using this plugin, and loving it.  
My seek button just makes the track go back to the first second of the track

hmmm, interesting.  this is not how "seek" should be working,  i'll look into it.  have you tried the various v1.2 RC builds? if so, which ones.  the way selectable functions are handled has been completely redone from scratch in the past month or so, and i might have missed a thing or two here and there.  reguardless, i'll look into it tonight.

I've tried "seek delta" now and that worked out just fine  I thought the seek-button was used to seek throug a track, some seconds at a time but that I've understand is what delta is used for!

Thanks for a kickass plugin! Now I finally have some use for the remote

But, I do have a request to make, the Play button, can you do it to a Play/Pause, so when you press play when a track is playing it will pause, so you dont need one play button and one pause button. I hope you understand what I mean.