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Topic: foo_uie_graphical_browser (Read 250320 times) previous topic - next topic
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Readme translated by thuan (rev014):
Code: [Select]
Graphical Browser

● What this component does:
Album cover browser for the active playlist.

● Caution
Settings are per panel so if you delete a panel, the settings for that panel
also disappear.

● Sort
Blank → Whatever works.
* → Sorted by grouped strings.

If you want to arrange in the same order as the playlist → $num(%gb_playlist_number%,10)

● Popup
Transparent mode
You can apply different level of transparence to every pixel. (e.g.: transparent background
with full opacity image and text.)
I think that GDI can't be used, please use GDI+ only.
Even with GDI+, text rendering without using $gp_set_text_rendering_hint(aa) doesn't look
good enough.

Per track
Draw order:
Popup → Per track(0) → Per track(1) → ...
Rendering settings (e.g.: pen, brush, font, ...) can't be set again midway.

● Image cache methods
rev011 and older way. Cache images of all items.
Image cache is purged when switching playlist.

Cache images to the set size.
Image cache is not purged when switching playlist.
If the image cache reach the limit, it will be purged.

● Variables
[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return the group string. E.g.: If you used $if2(%album%,@skip) to group,
it will return %album%.

Item width
[Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Popup width

Item height
[Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Popup height

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Check whether focus is on the item or not

Check whether mouse cursor is on the item or not
[Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Probably always true

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return item index

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return item count

[Sort], [Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return number of songs in an item

[Sort], [Item], [Popup]
Return position of song in playlist for the first song in an item
[Per track(Popup)]
Return position of song in playlist

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return item column number

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return item row number

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return number of columns

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Return number of rows

[Item], [Popup]
Return true if a song in the item is playing
[Per track (Popup)]
Return true if it is playing

[Per track (Popup)]
Position of track in item (O based)

[Sort], [Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Total length of item/track

[Sort], [Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Total length in seconds of item/track

[Item], [Popup], [Per track(Popup)]
Dimension calculations
Values change with functions below

● About functions:
Functions are divided into GDI and GDI+. They are different in pens, brushes and points.
For GDI, to set color with "r-g-b", use a base 10 number for each color component;
otherwise use base 16 number with "rrggbb". For GDI+, to set color with "a-r-g-b",
use a base 10 number for each color component and alpha channel; otherwise use
base 16 number with "aarrggbb". If you want to draw some thing with transparency
or effects like anti-aliasing, use GDI+. Some fonts (probably OpenType fonts with
PostScript outline) can't be used in GDI+ mode. Full-width hyphen can't be
displayed right in GDI+ mode.

● GDI function
Set font
name - font name
size - font size
style - style
Set multiple styles by combining options
"b" - bold
"i" - italic
"u" - underline
"s" - strikethrough

Set font color
color - color

Draw text
str - string
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate

Draw text within the set limit
str - string
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate
width - drawing width
height - drawing height
option - other option
"bottom" - draw at bottom, needs singleline
"center" - center aligned
"end_ellipsis" - if out of limit, append "...."
"left" - left aligned
"noclip" - no clip, same as no settings for width and height
"path_ellipsis" – like end_ellipsis but used for file path
"right" – right aligned
"singleline" - display with 1 line
"top" - draw at top
"vcenter" - vertical center aligned, needs singleline
"wordbreak" - display with multiple lines
"word_ellipsis" - truncates any word that does not fit in the
rectangle and adds ellipsis.
Details at [url=][/url]

Calculate size of str when drawn.
Arguments are the same as $draw_text except x and y.
Use %gb_calc_*% to obtain values after this function.

Pen settings
color - color
width - width[1], only effective when using "solid" style
style - style["solid"]
"solid" - solid line
"dash" - dashed line
"dot" - dotted line
"dashdot" - line with alternating dashes and dots
"dashdotdot" - line  with alternating dashes and double dots
Details at [url=][/url]

Brush settings
color - color
style - style: if it is not set, then brush is solid
"bdiagonal" - A 45-degree upward, left-to-right line pattern
"cross" - Horizontal and vertical cross pattern
"diagcross" - 45-degree cross pattern
"fdiagonal" - A 45-degree downward, left-to-right line pattern
"horizontal" - Horizontal line pattern
"vertical" - Vertical line pattern

Draw rectangle using pen
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate
width - width
height - height

Fill rectangle using brush
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate
width - width
height - height

Draw rectangle using pen and brush
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate
width - width
height - height

Draw round corner rectangle with pen and brush
x - start point x coordinate
y - start point y coordinate
width - width
height - height
ellipse_width - ellipse width
ellipse_height - ellipse height

Draw line using pen, end point is not drawn.
x1 - start point x coordinate
y1 - start point y coordinate
x2 - end point x coordinate
y2 - end point y coordinate

● GDI+ function
Because pen, brush, font do not have default values, please set them up with
$gp_set_* before using.

○ Overview:
Pen settings
○ Arguments:
argb - color
width - width
style - style ["solid"]
"solid" - solid line
"dash" - dashed line
"dot" - dotted line
"dashdot" - line with alternating dashes and dots
"dashdotdot" - line  with alternating dashes and double dots
line_join - stroke corner style ["miter"]

○ Overview:
Monocolor brush setting
○ Arguments:
argb - color

○ Overview:
Hatch brush settings
○ Argument:
style - Style
Use number in range 0 ~ 53.
Details at
argb1 - Foreground color.
argb2 - Background color.

○ Overview:
Set brush with linear gradual effect
○ Arguments:
argb1 - color 1
x1 - color 1 x coordinate
y1 - color 1 y coordinate
argb2 - color 2
x2 - color 2 x coordinate
y2 - color 2 y coordinate

○ Overview:
Font settings
○ Arguments:
name - font name
size - font size
style - style
"b" - bold
"i" - italic
"bi" - bold and italic
"u" - underline
"s" - strikethrough

○ Overview:
Text drawing method settings
○ Arguments:
alignment - horizontal alignment
"near" - left
"center" - center
"far" - right
line_alignment - vertical alignment
"near" - top
"center" - center
"far" - bottom
trimming - Trimming.

○ Overview:
Shape anti-alias setting
○ Arguments:
antialias - anti-alias
0 - disable
1 - enable

○ Overview:
Text rendering method setting
○ Arguments:
mode - method
"default" - default
"sb+" - single bit per pixel grid fit
"sb" - single bit per pixel
"aa+" - anti alias grid fit
"aa" - anti alias
"ct" - clear type

○ Overview:
Draw arc using pen
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
start_angle - start angle (degree)
sweep_angle - end angle (degree)
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw ellipse using pen
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw line using pen
○ Arguments:
x1 - start point x coordinate
y1 - start point y coordinate
x2 - end point x coordinate
y2 - end point y coordinate
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw pie (fan shape) using pen
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
start_angle - start angle (degree)
sweep_angle - end angle (degree)
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw rectangle using pen
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw string using brush
○ Arguments:
str - string
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:

○ Overview
Calculate size of str when drawn

○ Overview:
Fill ellipse using brush
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Fill pie using brush
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
start_angle - start angle (degree)
sweep_angle - end angle (degree)
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Fill rectangle using brush
○ Arguments:
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:

○ Overview:
Draw string with border.
○ Arguments:
str - string
size - character size, px unit (different from current font size)
mode - draw mode
"" - fill and border
"stroke" - only border
"fill" - only fill
x - top left x coordinate
y - top left y coordinate
width - width
height - height
○ Settings:
○ Examples:

○ Overview
Calculate size of str with border when drawn

● Draw image function
○ Overview:
Draw image
○ Arguments:
x - starting point x coordinate
y - starting point y coordinate
width - width
height - height
path - absolute path to image, wild cards are accepted.
alpha - degree of opacity[255]
option - other options[""]
"nokeepaspect" - don't keep picture aspect ratio
"top" - draw at the top
"topright" - draw on the top right
"right" - draw from the right
"bottomright" - draw on the bottom right
"bottom" - draw at the bottom
"bottomleft" - draw on the bottom left
"left" - draw from the left
"topleft" - draw on the top left
rotate_flip - Rotation and flip [0]
0 - No rotation = Rotate right 180 degrees,
flip vertically then horizontally
1 - Rotate right 90 degrees = Rotate right 270 degrees,
flip vertically then horizontally
2 - Rotate right 180 degrees = Flip vertically then
3 - Rotate right 270 degrees = Rotate right 90 degrees,
flip vertically then horizontally
4 - Flip horizontally = Rotate right 180 degrees,
flip vertically
5 - Rotate right 90 degrees, flip horizontally = Rotate
right 270 degrees, flip vertically
6 - Rotate right 180 degrees, flip horizontally = Flip
7 - Rotate right 270 degrees, flip horizontally = Rotate
right 90 degrees, flip vertically
○ Reference
After executing this function, you can use
%gb_calc_*% to obtain the real dimensions used.

● Other functions
○ Overview
Modify popup size, please use it only when drawing the popup.
Popup size is the upper limits, you can only set to smaller sizes.
%gb_width%,%gb_height% values are changed accordingly.
When width or height is 0 or less, popup won't be drawn.
○ Arguments:
width - width
height - height

○ Overview
Starting point setting
○ Arguments:
x - starting point x coordinate
y - starting point y coordinate

○ Overview
Calculate sum of values designated by TitleFormat.
○ Arguments:
tf - TitleFormat
○ Example: Total number played

Evaluate the expression and calculate
expression - expression
E.g.: $eval(5+3)
E.g.: $eval({%gp_width%-10}/2)
※ Divide by zero expression returns 0.
Can be used with sort

● Change logs:
2008/03/16 rev014
Added - $set_size function
Added - %gb_calc_x% variable
Added - %gb_calc_y% variable
Added - %gb_calc_width% variable
Added - %gb_calc_height% variable
Added - $calc_text function
Added - $gp_calc_string function
Added - $gp_calc_string_path function
Fixed - $draw_image function
Fixed - $gp_set_string_format function(trimming argument) (however, they can always be used before,
just forgot to write here…
Fixed - Several bugs fixed

2008/03/12 rev013
Fixed - Fixed the slip happens sometimes when using keyboard to jump from item to item
Fixed - When drawing in GDI mode, fixed a drawing background bug

2008/03/11 rev012
Fixed - Fatal resource leak
Added - Image cache options

2008/03/10 rev011
Added - Ability to move focus to an item when pressing the first character of %gb_group%
using keyboard
Added - Ability to add to specified playlist instead of replacing it
Fixed - Fixed a bug that prevents you to scroll in Windows 2000 (probably...)
(TL's note: not sure about the last one, the meaning is a little vague and I don't have
Windows 2000 to test)

2008/03/09 rev010
Fixed - For some reason, I changed the variable name %gb_subitem_count% to %gb_track_count%
(the one before can still be used)
Added - Function $gp_set_brush(style,argb1,argb2)
Added - Function $set_org(x,y)
Added - Popup display  transparent mode
Added - Popup delay setting
Added - Function $sum(tf)
Added - Variable %gb_isplaying%
Added - Variable %gb_track_index%
Added - Variable %gb_length%
Added - Variable %gb_length_seconds%

2008/03/02 rev009
Fixed - Fixed the bug that causes rotateflip does nothing
Fixed - Fixed behavior when there's no scroll bar
Added - Added mouse over popup.

2008/03/02 rev008
Fixed - Fixed bug that prevent the use of wild cards in $draw_image function

2008/03/02 rev007
Added - Ability to [always show|if necessary show|hide] scroll bar
Fixed - $set_font function (style)
Fixed - $draw_image function (rotate_flip)
Added - Middle mouse button action
Added - Ability to send to specified playlist
Older change logs omitted.

● Copyright
TitleFormatting Editor
Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson <> All Rights Reserved
Song List:


Reply #1
Trying right now!
Can't figure out how to show images!

EDIT: I did it! But the component doesn't support my Panels UI globals variables.


Reply #2
EDIT: I did it! But the component doesn't support my Panels UI globals variables.

How to do this?
I don't have no idea with this GREAT and fancy plugin...


Reply #3
Here is basically what I have to show the cover of each of my albums, and when selected has a diagonal selection rectangle overtop of the image:

Code: [Select]

Song List:


Reply #4
Wow. Nice plugin. Shame my music collection is mostly coverless at this point in time.

But for those with more commercial music tastes and thus have albums with covers, this would be great!


Reply #5
ill try it


Reply #6
it works nice but need some improvement and a good english translation
Thanks a lot
Perhaps it will allow us to make the same interface as the zune software which is prettu cool i think


Reply #7
The one thing I wish it had was the ability for the rectangles to be alpha transparent.

I'm glad people are enjoying this plugin tho. Many cool things can be found on the japanese wiki .
Song List:


Reply #8
That's a very nice plugin. Any easy way to implement it for foobar newbies? 


Reply #9
Where is this getting its list of tracks from?

I can get it to display an image for the current track (i.e the first track in the active playlist)- but not anything else.


Reply #11
Where is this getting its list of tracks from?

I can get it to display an image for the current track (i.e the first track in the active playlist)- but not anything else.

Some progress:

top box is where you specify grouping criteria (e.g. %album%)
drop down on lhs seems to be display "rows by columns" or "columns by rows".


Reply #12
nicee component


Reply #13
w: 120 h:150
sort:  $num(%gb_playlist_number%,10)

Code: [Select]



$draw_text(%album artist%,5,%gb_width%,$eval(%gb_width%-5),%gb_width%,center,end_ellipsis)
Music is my first love.


Reply #14
Works pretty well (not too power hungry).

If anyone figures out if/how you can control what clicking on a cover does, please post.



Reply #15
my script:
display vertical rectangle with cover , artist date and album text
colours match green xp theme

group ( first edit box) :
$if(%album%,$upper(%album artist%) $if($meta(album artist),,%date%)%album%,@skip)

width 180 height 220

Code: [Select]

$draw_text(%album artist% - ['('%date%') ']%album%,2,$add(%_width%,5),$sub(%_width%,6),$sub($sub(%_height%,%_width%),10),center,wordbreak)
$draw_text(%album artist% - ['('%date%') ']%album%,2,$add(%_width%,5),$sub(%_width%,6),$sub($sub(%_height%,%_width%),10),center,wordbreak)

$if($cwb_fileexists($replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)cover.jpg),$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)cover.jpg,$if($cwb_fileexists($replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder.jpg),$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder.jpg,C:\Program Files\foobar2000\default.jpg)))

After ages only managing to show a default picture - I worked out I needed foo_cwb_hooks  - thanks for the code


Reply #16
Hi !!

  newbie, sorry.......

the component is in place, but............................nothing.  I don't see anything with this name : graphical_browser, in the "preferences" or the "menu"

Please, where can I find something to make it work ?   

thanks a lot.


Reply #17
Hi !!

  newbie, sorry.......

the component is in place, but............................nothing.  I don't see anything with this name : graphical_browser, in the "preferences" or the "menu"

Please, where can I find something to make it work ?   

thanks a lot.

Open it as a panel under panels ui then right click on it - up comes a "settings" option.


Reply #18
Thank you Melomane!!!!:

Now, how i change the background?? It stills in white colour....

and the fonts colour??

Can add some other things in text like genre, artist, format (flac, mp3,...)???



Reply #19
Thank you Melomane!!!!:

Now, how i change the background?? It stills in white colour....

and the fonts colour??

Can add some other things in text like genre, artist, format (flac, mp3,...)???


Check out the first post, I posted a screen shot of the dialog window. The background color can be changed with the bottom left button (its in japanese and pops up a color picker).

Font color is explained in the readme.

To add things like genre, artist, etc just use the tags for the corresponding tag you want to show (genre = %genre% etc). I am pretty sure that this component uses the basic titleformatting language of foobar itself:
Song List:


Reply #20
my script:
display vertical rectangle with cover , artist date and album text
colours match green xp theme

group ( first edit box) :
$if(%album%,$upper(%album artist%) $if($meta(album artist),,%date%)%album%,@skip)

width 180 height 220

What does @skip do?  - I don't think I've seen this used in Foobar before.


Reply #21
What does @skip do?  - I don't think I've seen this used in Foobar before.

I am almost positive that it will skip any track with no %album% tag. Try it yourself; remove the album tag and nothing will show up for that song. Thats what it seems to do for me anyways.
Song List:


Reply #22
Thank you Melomane!!!!:

Now, how i change the background?? It stills in white colour....

and the fonts colour??

Can add some other things in text like genre, artist, format (flac, mp3,...)???


To change background colour -

put this at the start of the settings, change the 192-192-192 to the code of the colour you want


To change font colour use:


(the bottom left hand button opens a colour picker)


Reply #23
with the bottom left hand button you can put color for the global background

@skip : not display item
for exemple:
$if(%album%,$upper(%album artist%) $if($meta(album artist),,%date%)%album%,@skip)

if album when sort by $upper(album artist) [ workaround for sorting bug ] when bydate if not value in album artist  when album else not display item
Music is my first love.


Reply #24
Check out the first post, I posted a screen shot of the dialog window.

Thank you very much!!!!.

To change font colour use:


(0-0-0) means RGB??

How change the fonts shadows colour and size and the fonts size??