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Topic: Has Android/iOS development basically halted? (Read 2760 times) previous topic - next topic
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Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

I remember seeing new beta versions in 2021 almost every month with bug fixes and new features.
The last beta now dates from 6 months ago.

When I scroll thru this forum many minor glitches have popped up in the meantime, but also constant showstoppers (like the limitless FTP connections or the seeking problem) remain unfixed.

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #1
Yes seems like no developer reading anymore.
Hope they still reading secretly and something happen.
Warning: fb2k is addictive.

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #2
Just curious: are there any estimates how many users actively use the desktop version vs. the mobile version?
The Google Play store displays 1+ million downloads, but that's of course not the active user base.

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #4
Apparently VLC is able to do it.
Here's also an explanation how range transfers can be done via FTP.

Anyway, it's not just OGG seeking that doesn't work, it's also FLAC.
Instead of implementing a complex range FTP function, I'd rather simply transfer the whole file into RAM (probably with a changeable limit of x MB max. file size). Then seeking shouldn't be a problem at all.

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #6
New beta builds soon.
I'm finalizing work on transferring various technology from desktop foobar2000 2.0 to Android/iOS.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #7
Awesome, thank you so much!

Re: Has Android/iOS development basically halted?

Reply #9
New beta builds soon.
I'm finalizing work on transferring various technology from desktop foobar2000 2.0 to Android/iOS.
Did you encounter difficulties that prevent the release of a new beta build?
Or am I just too impatient?
I read the "soon" as "a matter of a few days" - just wondering since almost a week has passed.