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Topic: Make foobar200o mobile stay displayed (Read 2442 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from foobar2000 mobile for...
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Make foobar200o mobile stay displayed

So where should I post a suggestion for improvement ? I would like foobar2000 mobile stay displayed despite the activated screen saver. Poweramp has this feature, which allow to "see what is played" permanently.


Reply #1
There should be a persistent notification displaying the now playing track, perhaps you need to give foobar2000 app the permissions to show notifications on lock screen?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Make foobar200o mobile stay displayed

Reply #2
On my LG cell phone thee is only a general choice to allow all notifications of all applications to be displayed on the lock screen, and that doesn't work. And then there is a general notifications permission by application, which is set for Foobar.
In PowerAmp there is a specific control in the parameters list which is called "Enable Android Lock Screen", with the explanation "Android lock screen controls for PowerAmp".