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Site Related Discussion / Lost my acccout
Last post by newalter4 -
Dear folks,
Could you please help me, suggest something.  I am member from 2003. I tried to change my email for account alter4 to new one as I am going to close my old domain mailbox. When I tried to login after email change attempt the system said I need to pass email verification but I didn’t get any emails. I suggested there were issues with mail delivery and tried to registered new user with that email. The email came but certainly I didn’t complete user email verification. Could you please suggest me what to do, do I need to contact some admin?
Development - (fb2k) / Re: COM/ActiveX/OLE Help
Last post by TT -
Thanks I'll take a look.

Actually I have issues when loading two user-components that are using the same foo_mycom implementation:
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