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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JS3 Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons - Defender
Last post by Defender -
So nice to be able to make radio stream screenshots of the band playing one of my favorite tracks where my nick comes from :-)

New version and this was so much fun to create:

1.24   2025-01-14


This has been so long on my todo list, and finally I got it working :-)
When no embedded icon   is found:
   first check artistlogo folder 'var logoPath'.
   if logo      art is found display,   otherwise fallback to stub image for Icon.
When no embedded artist   is found:
   first check artistpics folder 'var artistPath'.
   if artist   art is found display,   otherwise check yttm folder 'var yttmPath'.
      if artist art is found display,   otherwise fallback to stub image for Artist.

NOTE:   This works for streams/radio.
      Stream will display found icon                        or stub image for Icon.
      Stream will display found artist pic                  or stub image for Artist.
      Stream will display found artist pic for cover, back, cd   or stub image for Radio.
      Mousewheel on albumart in case of stream will alternate between artist & icon.

When info.debug is enabled always show hdcd_* tags

Enjoy, I know I do.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP
Last post by regor -
Sorry, didn't see the post.

I suppose you are talking about pools (?), so you are asking me if the sorting is applied after all groups are inserted or per group, don't you?

It should work this way:
query 1 -> picking method
query 2  -> picking method
-> insert method-> sorting method

Note none of the default presets use Smart Shuffle as sorting, except those at "Genre mixes". Maybe that's your "error", you were expecting something which was not used. You can edit the presets to use it though. The default presets may be found at:
\xxx-scripts\presets\Playlist Tools\pools\default.json (editing it will NOT edit the presets within foobar, use the menus for that)

In any case you may use 'Selection Manipulation\Shuffle by tags\Shuffle by artist' to do it afterwards. As far as I have seen it has been working fine on my side al this time (both the standalone feature and its usage within pools if it was enabled). Only thing "missing" right now is handling multi-value artist, to not repeat any of the single artists if possible (instead of joining them as a single value).
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_flowin, Floating window for Default UI
Last post by Air KEN -
foo_flowin.dll.cfg (Flowin Setting file)
Flowin 2025-01-15 (23inch).zip


foobar2000 v2.24.1 (64-bit)
Display: 1920 x 1080 100% 23inch

Flowin 0.2.2 (foo_flowin) 2024-11-24
JSplitter (foo_uie_jsplitter) 2024-10-04 English version
JScript Panel 3 3.8.5 (foo_jscript_panel3) 2024-11-18,110499.msg1054844.html#msg1054844
Playcount 2003 0.3.0 (foo_playcount_2003) 2024-11-27
Output Info 1.2.5 (foo_outinfo) 2025-01-12: I also use this component on the 27inch model. I forgot.

When No frame is selected.
Preferences > Tools > JSplitter > Move panels with middle mouse button


I hope this is helpful.
CD Hardware/Software / Create accurate Rips with EAC without using CUETools and / or AccurateRip?
Last post by Lurker1987 -
I want to rip my CD-collection (about 300 CDs).
Before starting I read about configuring EAC and feel pretty confident, that I'm able to set it up the correct way.

Now to my "problem":
I want to use an old offline Computer for that task, as it is the only one with a good DVD-drive. I also don't want to use CUETools to verify my rip afterwards on a regular basis.

Reading about EAC and AccurateRip, I came to the conclusion, that there are more or less 2 schools of thought with regards to this topic:

1. AccurateRip is absolutely necessary to be sure to have a perfect rip! Even if the CRCs match, using test & copy, you can never be sure, that your drive didn't produce the same error twice!
2. AccurateRip is the best way to reach that goal, but if you use secure mode with EAC and the CRCs match after using test & copy, you're fine, as errors tend to be random and thus it's very unlikely, that 2 rips produce matching but incorrect CRCs.

This is making me crazy to be honest! :o  ;D
To reduce my uncertainty, I did a little "test" that confused me even more. I ripped several CDs with 2 different drives, each time as a single file with a cuesheet and also as individual files with a cuesheet (so 4 "versions" in total from 2 different drives).
(I set up the correct read-offsets for each drive individually!)

 - the CRCs from the images did match within the 2 passes that each drive produced, but when compared to those of the other drive they were different!
 - the CRCs from the individual tracks more or less matched across the 2 different drives (but not in all cases!!!)

I tried to verify the 4 different Versions via CUETools and each version was accurate! >:(

My questions to you guys:

1. How is it possible, that 2 different drives create different CRCs for the same CD? I was under the impression that AccurateRip compared those CRC values that EAC creates?!

2. Why are the CRC values in EAC matching (in about 90% of cases) when using single files instead of the version with one file for a CD?

3. Most important: Is there a way to be (pretty) sure, that a rip is accurate, even when not using AccurateRip to verify it? What's your opinion about 2 matching CRCs, using secure mode in EAC; would that be enough? And how would it be even possible for a drive to produce the same reading error twice?