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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Library Tree Discussion
Last post by anamorphic -
^ I already told you how to do that in your thread over here. More examples -

'...' menu > Quick setup > Covers [labels right]
'...' menu > Views > Configure views > Add new button
(to add views below)
'...' menu > Views > View by ... (switch to view)

View by Last Modified (Desc):
Code: [Select]
$nodisplay{$sub(99999999999999,$replace($date(%last_modified%),-,, ,,:,))}Modified: $date(%last_modified%)|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ]%title%

View by Last Added (Desc):
Code: [Select]
$nodisplay{$sub(99999999999999,$replace($date(%added%),-,, ,,:,))}Added: $date(%added%)|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ]%title%
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Spider Monkey Panel (foo_spider_monkey_panel)
Last post by Air KEN -
foobar2000 v2.24 preview 2024-10-04 64-bit
JSplitter (foo_uie_jsplitter) 2024-10-04
Library Tree v2.4.0

JS Playlist-mod
JS Smooth Broser

No problems when starting, playing or stopping (In my environment).

Spider Monkey (foo_spider_monkey_panel) You can also display Panels other than Script.

Japanese wiki Update
Scientific Discussion / Re: Why do some encoders use really specific lowpass values?
Last post by Klymins -
I think cutoff points are calculated from a reference value and there is no reason to use "rounded" values. Also, I think there's a possibility that some encoders specify cutoff points as FFT / MDCT bands and not kHz.

Also, by "calculated from a reference value", I don't mean just multiplying it. Higher bitrates should have lower lowpass values than what a pure multiplication gives, because otherwise increasing the bitrate would only increase bandwidth and not increase quality. For example (for FhG MP3Enc), the cutoff point of 11025Hz 16kbps mono MP3 is slightly above 4kHz, but the one of 22050Hz 32kbps mono MP3 is almost 8kHz, and the one of 44100Hz 64kbps mono MP3 is almost 13kHz.
MP3 - Tech / Re: Current status of MP3 encoders
Last post by magicgoose -
I noticed there is commonly a confusion arising from forgetting that when you compare versions of a song in different formats that one didn't encode themselves (from a common source), then the observable difference is actually more likely to be from dozens of other factors (different mastering, additional processing in a proprietary player or radio software, one or both versions using an ancient and/or sub-par encoder that was poorly tuned, generation loss when not using a clean source, etc…)  and not just the codec that happened to be used at the end for these song versions.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_discogs
Last post by da yuyu -
That´s weird... maybe you are running more than one Foobar 2000 instance at once?

Here is a minor foo_discogs v2.23 (32bits) update.
Tested most releases reported in previous posts and it seems to fix the JSON error.

foo_discogs v2.23

Change log:
- Fixed: Error loading release: JSON Parser Exception Array assertion failed
General - (fb2k) / Foobar2000 player setup
Last post by palheta -
I usually play all my audio files, by default, using foobar.

But suddenly I am not getting any audio. The music is playing on the program, but no audio is coming out.

What should I do?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Spider Monkey Panel (foo_spider_monkey_panel)
Last post by TT -
I noticed from looking at this page which I have bookmarked...

JSplitter is basically SMP with more features and it supports 64bit.

Dev speaks English so you guys might try feature requests/bug fixes over there.

Very promising! Also from the looks of the changelog updates!

EDIT: on first look, it seems it uses the 1.6.2 version which was bugged; will have to ask the dev if the errors were fixed. And maybe if they knows how to compile SMP to 64 bits, we can also have an standalone version even if it is not further developed.

That would be awesome! I hope that you can do it, fingers crossed  :))