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Recent Posts
Support - (fb2k) / Re: hls not start at current time
Last post by sacrell -
This issue is still alive and well. Would love to see a fix. The most straightforward way would probably be to just play from the live position rather than the beginning. If people are afraid that this might break something - though I can't see what as that is the behavior I have seen in literally every other streaming client I have ever seen - then there could be a toggle somewhere. Or enable seeking. HLS is called HTTP Live Streaming for a reason, I have no idea if this is an oversight or intentional.
CUETools / Is there documentation for the CUERipper-relevant entries in settings.txt?
Last post by Lazlo Nibble -
Based on the parameters available in the file, I suspect that some of the things I'd like to do are configurable but I don't want to change the config file blindly.  Top of my list right now are:

  • Trigger an arbitrary external application (including passing command line arguments) when a rip is completed
  • Override GUI-entered BARCODE value if CATALOG value is found in the subcodes
  • Set a default COMMENT (preferably using the string-expansion syntax)
  • Give some kind of indication when the flags in the TOC and subcodes don't match

But there are likely other tweaks in there I'd like to take advantage of as well.


(Edit: To clarify I'm talking about AppData/CUERipper/settings.txt. I thought everything was in the CUE Tools/settings.txt because my CUERipper/settings.txt file was still on 2.2.2 when I'm running 2.2.6, but it turned out I just haven't closed CUERipper since first running it.)
Opus / Re: OPUS 256k vs MP3 v0? (VBR)
Last post by Octocontrabass -
Another question (not very knowledgeable on the subject),, is that I've read that OPUS has the "disadvantage" (in some cases) of sampling everything at 48khz instead of 44.1khz by default. Why would this be a disadvantage?
The disadvantage is that it can be confusing. If you're not familiar with how Opus works, you might be surprised when you see 48kHz in places where you'd normally see the original sample rate. Plus, Opus files keep track of the original sample rate, so you'll sometimes see that instead of 48kHz.

Do you get Opus gapless by now, without a lot of hassle?
Not that I know of, but I'm happy to rework my half-baked libopusenc frontend if someone comes up with a good API for something like foobar2000 to encode multiple files in a single call to a command-line encoder.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: FB2K 64bit Visualizations on multi-monitor system full screen frame/border bug
Last post by Pixel8tor -
OK, I started off with a fresh install of FB2K 2.1.5 64bit. With almost no configuration. It appears that Spectrum is the default visualization. I double-clicked on the docked visualization window, to maximize it, then I pressed [win+shift+right], to move the maximized visualization to the second display. Then I did a screen grab. The result is the same as my previous post. Everything is up to date, and there are *no* 3rd party components!

Here are a couple of screen grabs to show what's happening. The first is the Spectrum  visualization running full screen on monitor A. You can see the window border on both the top and left sides.The second is of my desktop screen (the green color is my desktop) with the edge of the visualization overflowing on the extreme left.

Something that might be causing this is my Windows interface: I have a thin border around my windows, as you might notice. So I'm thinking maybe the full-screen window style attributes need to be changed to no_border/no-frame, or something like that. But, as I said before, "This doesn't happen with the 32bit version of FB2K 2.1.5." So that might be a clue also.

Thanks for looking into this, take care.

Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: SRLA: A lossless audio codec focused on decode speed and compression rate
Last post by Porcus -
But it uses a double-Rice-parameter approach for the residual.  I wonder, if one just took FLAC and implemented that residual encoding method - just to get an apples to apples approach (and then one could do that to the block bisection strategy too!) - what would one gain?
Yes, I employ recursive Golomb--Rice coding which has two parameters. It is also employed by WavPack and TTA, which update parameters sample-by-sample. It is great for compression rate but it is time-consuming, so I compute optimal parameters for small blocks.
To a code-illiterate like myself, it sounds like a difference between FLAC and ALAC: FLAC stores the Rice exponent parameter, ALAC infers it from the signal, and then upon decoding it has to be calculated. (That in part explains why ALAC is slower, but not why ALAC isn't better ...)

And yes, the block bisection strategy follows FLAC.
You mean ALS / TAK?
But it could be implemented in FLAC, and I guess it would be welcome if it actually helps.
I suggested that with those apodization functions that only do part of the signal block, it would make sense to try whether the "rejected" part has its own predictor. Better brains than mine were skeptical towards the gains, though.

Anyway, attached is something that apparently does not benefit from SRLA's residual encoding method.
Thank you very much for reporting it. I reproduced your result. It seems to lack handling for monoral-silence signal. I will try to improve it.[/quote]
Ah, simple as that.
FLAC has a CONSTANT subframe type, and actually it sometimes happens that the signal is constant but nonzero; I've seen =-1. I can only speculate that some recordings have inverted phase by flipping every bit. You can argue that "this shouldn't exist", but apparently it does. Same goes for "redundant LSBs that aren't all zero": WavPack checks for that and sometimes improves enormously (,121770.msg1024689.html#msg1024689 ) over the competition.