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Topic: linux user's forum? (Read 28541 times) previous topic - next topic
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linux user's forum?

i was just wondering if a linux user's forum on ha had ever been considered.  i would love to see a more organized place for us linux users to discuss audio formats, apps, and utilities. 
a windows-free, linux user since 1/31/06.

linux user's forum?

Reply #1
I was just wondering if a linux user's forum on ha had ever been considered. I would love to see a more organized place for us linux users to discuss audio formats, apps, and utilities

That wouldn't be a bad idea. If you are going to do that though you might as well create an Mac OS / X user forum too. In my sparetime I am trying to add more software to the download page for Linux and OS / X. The wiki was severely lacking those a while back, and I am sure there are quite a few users out there.  A lot of open-source software is easy to port to Win and OS / X too. I guess the new trend is a lot of open-source developers are designing open-source applications that can be compiled on OS / X, etc. 
budding I.T professional

linux user's forum?

Reply #2
At first I didn't think this would be a good idea, but then I couldn't think why. So I guess it is!

linux user's forum?

Reply #3
There are no separate forum for MS Windows, Mac OS X, etc. So why should there be one for GNU/Linux?

I like the idea of forums where we discuss OS dependent applications. But if so, they should create one for each of the major operating systems (Mac OS X, MS Windows and GNU/Linux).

linux user's forum?

Reply #4
I think enough topics are relevant to win32 that to create a subforum for them would be rather redundant. I don't see where OSX and GNU/Linux ones would go amiss though.

linux user's forum?

Reply #5
I would certainly support the creation of a forum for Linux orientated questions - and another one for OSX would be cool too. Linux in particular has a bad reputation concerning the ease of setting up audio devices and applications. It would be nice to to get some expertise together here on HA to answer peoples questions and point them towards good answers.

linux user's forum?

Reply #6
I like this idea too.

It would be easier to keep specific discussions "clean"; see e.g. cabbagerat's recent thread about ALSA resampling, which is for some reason also about Windows' kmixer too, now

Searching for linux-specific solutions would become much easier too. (Adding a search term "linux" doesn't really give you linux-specific threads as a result )

linux user's forum?

Reply #7
As a Linux user I'd love to see such a forum,

I started coming here as a Windows user to read up on foobar2000 but since switching to Linux I find myself still here everyday. A separate Linux/Mac/BSD forum would be most welcome.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

linux user's forum?

Reply #8
As a Linux user I'd love to see such a forum,

I started coming here as a Windows user to read up on foobar2000 but since switching to Linux I find myself still here everyday. A separate Linux/Mac/BSD forum would be most welcome.

i'm in the exact same situation...
a windows-free, linux user since 1/31/06.

linux user's forum?

Reply #9
91% Windows users
5% Linux users
3% Mac users

I think this is a sensible idea, with +-10% of our userbase not using Windows (more than I would have expected), and I'm in favor.

linux user's forum?

Reply #10
i think it is a good idea

a single gnu/linux/bsd/osx forum should suffice

linux user's forum?

Reply #12
a single gnu/linux/bsd/osx forum should suffice

I would make two. One Linux/BSD based and the other OS/X based reguarding audio software, etc. 
budding I.T professional

linux user's forum?

Reply #13
I would make two. One Linux/BSD based and the other OS/X based reguarding audio software, etc. 

...and I would make three, for their corresponding audio software:
* GNU/Linux and BSD (AmaroK, exaile, Banshee, ...).
* Mac OS X (Max, Cog, ...).
* MS Windows (Foobar2000 subforum, EAC, dBpowerAMP, ...).

I simply don't understand why there should be no MS Windows sub-forum as well. So the application discussions could be placed in their corresponding OS sub-forum. Then let all the general encoder discussions stay as today, since most of them are OS independent.

That is my $0.2

linux user's forum?

Reply #14
Well, I'm not very active member here, but I am reading on daily basis, and since I've moved onto Linux few days ago, I miss linux software for extracting and playing audio. Sure, I know about Amarok, but for finding good extraction software search isn't very helpful - there should be Linux subforum - and I support krmathis's idea on three forums.

My few cents, if anyone cares.

linux user's forum?

Reply #15
well, there are two strategies:

* break everything out into OS-specific forums (win,linux,bsd,osx) and make a good tree system


* just make a seperate *NIX forum

i'm up for either way

linux user's forum?

Reply #16
I would appreciate a linux forum too.

I think that one of the main reason for not using linux for media applications is,
besides the lack of some programs, the lack of information and guides.
At least I had a lot of problems and open questions as I tried to switch from XP to ubuntu about a year ago.

HA would be a good knowledgebase for audio-related linux questions.

linux user's forum?

Reply #17
I'm agree with Hollunder, Linux (and other OSes beside Windows) has a lack of good information about sound related programs and technologies. On HA there are many linux/macosx related topics in any forum but it's hard to find its if you don't know exactly what you want to know.


linux user's forum?

Reply #18
I would make two. One Linux/BSD based and the other OS/X based reguarding audio software, etc. 

...and I would make three, for their corresponding audio software:
* GNU/Linux and BSD (AmaroK, exaile, Banshee, ...).
* Mac OS X (Max, Cog, ...).
* MS Windows (Foobar2000 subforum, EAC, dBpowerAMP, ...).

I simply don't understand why there should be no MS Windows sub-forum as well. So the application discussions could be placed in their corresponding OS sub-forum. Then let all the general encoder discussions stay as today, since most of them are OS independent.

That is my $0.2

With over 90% of the users on Windows there is absolultely no point in making a Windows subforum, what on earth would it accomplish? The whole point of a Unix forum would be to make *those* discussions easier to find inside all the general or Windows-specific discussions.

linux user's forum?

Reply #19
With over 90% of the users on Windows there is absolultely no point in making a Windows subforum, what on earth would it accomplish? The whole point of a Unix forum would be to make *those* discussions easier to find inside all the general or Windows-specific discussions.

I am fully aware that ~90% of the users run MS Windows.
The benefit from adding a Windows sub forum as well would be that all the general encoder/audio discussions would be a lot easier to find. No need to wade through all the Windows related threads to find 'those' threads.
After all most of the encoder specific questions are OS independent and should not be mixed with EAC, FB2K, etc. related threads.

Or am I totally wrong? 

linux user's forum?

Reply #20
The benefit from adding a Windows sub forum as well would be that all the general encoder/audio discussions would be a lot easier to find. No need to wade through all the Windows related threads to find 'those' threads.
After all most of the encoder specific questions are OS independent and should not be mixed with EAC, FB2K, etc. related threads.

Or am I totally wrong? 

Most threads are either platform independant or clearly marked about what software they are. The fb2k threads even have a dedicated forum, so I don't understand what you mean by "mixed". There are per-format forums for the encoders, too.

Basically I don't understand at all what problem you are trying to solve.

linux user's forum?

Reply #21
Ah, but we ran into a classical "grid" problem. The way I see it, for some topics we discuss, e.g. FLAC, Vorbis, MP3, can be applied bothways. Only foobar2000 rests squarely in the Win32 domain.

Edit: Not that I am against, but we must carefully think how to lay out the forums.

linux user's forum?

Reply #22
Basically I don't understand at all what problem you are trying to solve.

Ok, lets take the General Audio forum as an example.
It is today a mix of platform independent threads (like "The future of audio", "Vinyl and MP3", "Replaygain or not to replaygain?", etc.), and platform dependant threads (like "Windows Master Volume", "TagScanner 4.9", "Euphonos - Mac OS X audio player project", etc.).

What I say is that I think forums like "General Audio" should only contain platform independent threads.
While the platform dependent thread should stay in their separate MS Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X forum.
If we follow your "rules", the "General Audio" forum will continue to stay a mix of MS Windows dependent and platform independent threads. While GNU/Linux and Mac OS X related threads will stay in their own sub forum.
This don't sound right to me!

This is probably at bit off-topic from what I guess the OP mean (find GNU/Linux related threads easier). But if you are going to re-organize the forum, why not make it easier for all of the users?

Still don't get what problems I am trying to solve?

linux user's forum?

Reply #23
one of the strengths of that attracts me to it so much is the fact that it dosen't sub-divide its forums excessively.  my other sites have forums that get posts so rarely, that checking them regularly is boring/pointless, so discussions just don't work well.  by having larger, more active forums that people check more often, while it is more to sort through, more people are active and discussions more sucessful.

at the same time, i've had a very hard time finding quality threads addressing linux applications and the like.  i think if we created a single *nix forum, while not all of the threads would be specifically relevant to me, i would easily be able to sort through them and find, but enought *nix users would be viewing the threads enough to make discussion possoble.

basically, i just don't think the forums would be active enough if we had one for each OS.  possibly, if the proposed forum attracts more *nix users (which i believe it will), at some point in the future the forum will be too crowded and will need to be split to seperate platforms.

just my 2 cents.  anyway this works out, i'll be happy.
a windows-free, linux user since 1/31/06.

linux user's forum?

Reply #24
A little problem though is this: let's say I have a question about cdparanoia on some linux distro, not working well with my particular hardware - does that go in the proposed linux forum, or in CD hardware?

An alternative would then be to create a convention that Linux specific threads are tagged in the title: "[Linux] Topictitle..." - but some people may think that's even worse