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Topic: LyricsDB discussion (Read 435273 times) previous topic - next topic
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LyricsDB discussion

Reply #575
Could anyone please attach the latest known version to check it out, since the site is down ATM?
I guess I could upload it somewhere but... what for? When the site is down the plugin is useless.

Anyway, it's back now.


LyricsDB discussion

Reply #576
Is there any way to just write the lyrics in a plain text file and not the file's metadata...?

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #577
Not with this plugin, AFAIK.

You can maybe write to tags, export to file (should be possible with foo_utils) and then remove tags.



LyricsDB discussion

Reply #578
Ok Alessandro thank you very much.
Seems like "a lot of work" (not really ) but I think it might be the winning combo, as I wasn't able to find a useable standalone app, except for a Linux script that I'm yet to try

Bummer... it only allows export of one lyric at a time, or in general, into one file at a time, which means I'd have to run the command 1000 times for 1000 metatagg'd files...

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #579
this works excellently, thanks so much!

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #580

Id like to partivipate and register, but thourgh the components in the preferences, its not possible... The only accessable menupoints are down there, update, install, etc. Clicking on the lyricsdb just opens a window telling me about the website.
What am I doing wrong?^^

Im using Foobar2000 v1.1.1

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #581
Lyricsdb has suddenly stopped tagging multiple tracks with lyrics.  If I select several tracks and use the "get from db" command, I will be shown the lyrics as always, and I'll click the "Apply to all (this session)" checkbox as always, but only the first selected item will be tagged.  It used to run through all the selected tracks and tag them all.  I did not change anything in my system AFAIK.  It just stopped tagging anything but the first track a few days ago.  I have restarted foobar and my computer.  I tried upgrading Foobar from 1.0.3 to 1.1.5 (current), and this had no effect.

Any idea what happened?  Is this happening to anyone else?  This is a pretty critical problem for me.  I need to be able to set the thing to tag dozens if tracks and walk away while it does so.  I can't go one track at a time though everything I add to my library.  Hoping there's an answer and a fix.  Thanks!

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #582
Is this happening to anyone else?

Same on my system (probably since my foobar upgrade to 1.1.5.)
I switched to Lyrics Grabber 2, which is still mentioned under "Repeated crash reports" though.
It is ten times slower, but I get way more lyrics.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #583
I have some problem

from last time that server down

it keep showing me " some network problems, aborting "

but now i can access server but it still showing the same

i look up for wireshark to see what happen in the Network Leyer

It's look like there is nothing even DNS query out from Foobar
and there no event in Foobar's Console

I don't know what happen i have no proxy config in foobar
( because i don't need that )
i try to use foobar to connect internet ( by using component update function )
it can connect fine but not for mirkforce Lyrics DB ... it still show me

some network problems, aborting ...

is it foobar possible to block legacy plugin from access network ??

i only have one network adapter enable while testing others are all disable

at last i remove all foobar and try new clean install with standard package
result still the same Lyrics DB show " some network problems, aborting "

btw i'll build up new system in VMware to check it soon but i hope someone
can help me out of this

Windows XP SP3
Foobar2000 v1.1.6
Mirkforce Lylics DB v0.0.8 beta 0

Thanks you.
- Nito Niwatori

i try lyric Grabber it's the way to slow and it don't support audio format in my collections
( i use TAK to collect all my disc )

Guitarist with Tinnitus, i wish to hear the pure silent again.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #584
" i try lyric Grabber it's the way to slow and it don't support audio format in my collections
( i use TAK to collect all my disc ) "

oh i found out ... about lyric grabber it not work at first time because file i use to test aready have  lyrics data stored in file...

it's my fault

but for LyricsDB i still can't connect it to server...

Guitarist with Tinnitus, i wish to hear the pure silent again.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #585
at last i found ... why it happen... because my IE are in offline mode that is reason why it never try to send DNS query packet
after it found IE was in offline mode... while foobar work fine because it don't care IE are offline mode or not...
( i don't know what cause my IE gone offline mode because i mainly use Chrome ... i found this by accident. )

Thanks for Great plugin.
Guitarist with Tinnitus, i wish to hear the pure silent again.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #586
Dug, is the site down?


LyricsDB discussion

Reply #587
Dug, is the site down?

Kinda. It's under some stress due to heavy load having this days.
The server needs some upgrade, software and hardware both. Hope we'll see results this week.
dezisehtnys eb lliw noitulover eht

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #588
Hi, all!
I have a problem with exporting lyrics to database.
I can import from db, i have registered from plugin, and accepts my logn and pass. But...
When i'm trying to "export to db" my lyrics, plugin shows "exporting lyrics.." window in which "cancel" button changes on "close" after some time, but progress bar does'nt moves and it label stays [0/1] (if i'm trying to export lyrics from one file). Looks like upload does'nt happen.
Web interface on site tells me: "stats for {my_login}: empty set" too.
Maybe it's encoding problem? I'm trying to upload lyrics in cyrillic (i'm russian user).
Can anyone help me?

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #589
Yes, see the issue, I think you can try again. Fixed a little bug with encoding while exporting, thanx.

By the way we have some news here: the major server upgrade is in beta-testing mode right now. I think I will post about it in a day or two.
dezisehtnys eb lliw noitulover eht

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #591
Thanks, it works now!
Kind of...

Looks like all (well, I only checked 3 or 4) recently uploaded lyrics are not correctly handling the carriage return: can you check that dug?

FYI, editing the incorrect lyric and pasting my tag in the text area works, so it's probably only related to uploading.



LyricsDB discussion

Reply #592
So, great news everyone.

Faster then never ever before!

LyricsDB served more than 50’000’000 requests since it was started 6 years ago.

LyricsDB is now experiencing like 10-20 times more load activity so I was forced to take some counter measures.

Changes I have been busy with last month
1. Main changes affected LEP-server. I have completely redone server part of lyricsdb. It’s in python now.
2. Server’s OS and database software were upgraded.
3. Some minor changes affected web.

Important notice: LyricsDB now accepts paypal and flatter donations. You can find links on about page.

The server is still in testing mode so I will concentrate on fixing bugs, we have plenty of them.
Then I am thinking about major changes in LEP protocol and foo_lyricsdb plug-in upgrade. May be new hosting.
dezisehtnys eb lliw noitulover eht

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #594
Why on some songs under Metadata am i getting <UNSYNCEDLYRICS> showing (as an entry field) but other song files its not there? Even tho these songs have had Lyrics saved to the song the same method as other tracks?

Basically, same method to apply lyrics to songs (Tag&Rename) yet foobar is not displaying lyrics in Text Display ($if2(%unsynced lyrics%,No lyrics available)) and i discovered the songs that werent showing lyrics didnt have <UNSYNCEDLYRICS> in the metadata field.


LyricsDB discussion

Reply #595
Keep up the good work with LyricsDP. I am currently adding all the lyrics of songs in my library that are missing in the database. Hope to see this supported, and will donate to help keep this going.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #596
I can't seem to download lyrics using lyricsDB anymore; any ideas?

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #598
I added that and it did nothing, so I deleted the "foo_uie_lyrics" and that just turned the whole panel grey. It doesn't seem to be using the news lyrics3

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #599
Oh, rofl, I fail. Enabled the new one and working now.