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Topic: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP (Read 557555 times) previous topic - next topic
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WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #100
Can someone tell me why this is not working for me? I use Windows7 x86 and WMP12.
I put flac files in the playlist and can't see the tags, i tried to install and restart the computer and still not working, what do i have to do?
I also uninstalled the other software (tag extender or something like that).

Also, APE is showing the tags and it is supposed this is only compatible with FLAC! Strange!
Why APE tags are showing and not FLAC tags?
Also can i add star rating to the FLAC and APE files?

Can someone tell me how to make this working?!?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #101
Can someone tell me why this is not working for me? I use Windows7 x86 and WMP12.
I put flac files in the playlist and can't see the tags, i tried to install and restart the computer and still not working, what do i have to do?

Are you sure that WMP Tag Plus is loaded in WMP? The plug-in should be listed in the Tools - Plug-ins menu, and should have a checkmark next to it.

Are the FLAC files in WMP's music library? If they were already in the library before you installed WMP Tag Plus, the files need to be removed from the library and then re-added to let the plug-in read the tags. Select the files, right-click, choose Delete, Delete from library only, and click OK. Then re-add the files, by using Tools - Advanced - Restore deleted library items.

Also, APE is showing the tags and it is supposed this is only compatible with FLAC! Strange!
Why APE tags are showing and not FLAC tags?

WMP Tag Plus doesn't support APE (Monkey's Audio), so the tags must have been read by the other tag support plug-in you had installed. The tags keep being stored in the library, even after removing that plug-in (but they could disappear after a while).

Also can i add star rating to the FLAC and APE files?

Sure, just as you would rate any other file in the library. This isn't really related to WMP Tag Plus, because the rating isn't stored in the actual files, only in the library.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #102
Can someone tell me why this is not working for me? I use Windows7 x86 and WMP12.
I put flac files in the playlist and can't see the tags, i tried to install and restart the computer and still not working, what do i have to do?

Are you sure that WMP Tag Plus is loaded in WMP? The plug-in should be listed in the Tools - Plug-ins menu, and should have a checkmark next to it.

Are the FLAC files in WMP's music library? If they were already in the library before you installed WMP Tag Plus, the files need to be removed from the library and then re-added to let the plug-in read the tags. Select the files, right-click, choose Delete, Delete from library only, and click OK. Then re-add the files, by using Tools - Advanced - Restore deleted library items.

Also, APE is showing the tags and it is supposed this is only compatible with FLAC! Strange!
Why APE tags are showing and not FLAC tags?

WMP Tag Plus doesn't support APE (Monkey's Audio), so the tags must have been read by the other tag support plug-in you had installed. The tags keep being stored in the library, even after removing that plug-in (but they could disappear after a while).

Also can i add star rating to the FLAC and APE files?

Sure, just as you would rate any other file in the library. This isn't really related to WMP Tag Plus, because the rating isn't stored in the actual files, only in the library.

Thanks for the quick reply!! It works now! I had to delete and readd the files  Thanks

When is going to be APE support? Because i have some ape files and i think it would be nice too!
I don't like using 2 plugins at the same time, it could be incompatible...

And about the star ratting, why is it not saved on the file? Isn't it supposed to be compatible with Tag writting support for FLAC files? So i have to do it with "external" tools?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #103
When is going to be APE support?

Support for the APE (Monkey's Audio) format will likely be included in the next major version of WMP Tag Plus. As I'm currently working on other things, this new version will definitely not be released any sooner than next summer. It's still possible that there will be APE support quicker than that, because the Tag Support API for WMP Tag Plus is documented online, and this allows other developers to write their own support for new formats.

And about the star ratting, why is it not saved on the file? Isn't it supposed to be compatible with Tag writting support for FLAC files? So i have to do it with "external" tools?

I don't really see why you want the star rating stored in the files. Ratings are personal information, specific to a single user, and should only be stored in the user's library. Besides that, there isn't any standard FLAC tag for storing the rating. What's wrong with simply using WMP to rate the files, and let it store the ratings in the library only?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #104
Hi guys. I'm new here. I just created an account here just to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH TIM! Your work is perfect!

As I started using WMP Tag Plus + Xiph Org Codec, WMP12 works perfectly with my collection of flac. Seek bar is working now, track time is displaying properly, also i notice the small graphic equalizer display in the lower right of wmp12 is working smoothly (Its not lagging anymore). Also Flac tagging has been saving properly in every track or album (It saves the correct tag including the composers). WMP Tag Plus is really an awesome plugin! I never had any trouble now in my flacs with wmp12 after using your plugin. Again thank you very much Tim. More power to you.

    I'm waiting for your release that support album art.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #105
Hello again.
about the star rating... the problem is that i dont want to loose the tags when i reformat my computer and i dont know of any software capable of backup this, but anyway i preffer having the star ratings stored niithe file because my library is only my library and the ratings are my own personal ratings, that doesn't means i have to share my songs with other people, and if i share them, they can re-rate the files so there is no problem, and it's for comodity, i really preferto do this, and all my library (mp3 files) israted inside the file (i think WMP saves the star rating insidethe file)

its just for comodity. also i tried to open a flac file with mp3tag software and it lets me rate the file with star rating bu i didin't try to save the fiel so i don't know if it really works, i will try it tomorrow.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #106
I'm aware that WMP can save the rating to MP3 files, but this seems to be an exception, I don't think that there are many other media players that do this. However, it looks like the next Winamp version will be able to save ratings to MP3, and possibly other formats.

I will look into adding this feature to the next major WMP Tag Plus version, but I'm still not completely certain. There's a 'de facto' rating tag for FLAC and Vorbis, but not for the other formats (that I know of).

In the meantime, you can use the Metadata Backup tool to create a backup of all the library information, including ratings.

@mondowgs Thanks, good to hear that you like the plug-in

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #107
Thanks for that soft, i will try it.
I also tried rating the FLAC files with "Tag & Rename" and it is stored correctly, but not displayed in WMP12 with your plugin, at least the tag is saved correctly with external taggers.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #108
I've noticed yet another downside to using WMP12's default MPEG4 handler. WMP's volume leveling does not work for .m4a files. I presume WMP Tag Plus has allowed it to work with the other formats.

(Is there a ReplayGain plugin for WMP? I would gladly switch.)

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #109
Actually, the current WMP Tag Plus version doesn't support WMP's volume levelling tags either.

A ReplayGain plug-in for WMP doesn't exist yet, but I might look into writing one myself, if there are enough requests for it.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #110
Actually, the current WMP Tag Plus version doesn't support WMP's volume levelling tags either.

A ReplayGain plug-in for WMP doesn't exist yet, but I might look into writing one myself, if there are enough requests for it.

So WMP must be misreporting "volume leveling applied to current media" for FLAC files. I still stick to WMP despite all the problems as I have yet to find a replacement that meets my needs.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #111
Actually, the current WMP Tag Plus version doesn't support WMP's volume levelling tags either.

A ReplayGain plug-in for WMP doesn't exist yet, but I might look into writing one myself, if there are enough requests for it.

That would be great.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #112
Hello Tim, Hello Everybody
First of all, thanks for providing serious software and solutions for us, and allowing us to use nice features of WMP/WMC.
I was just wondering whether you plan to add musepack support (it uses ape tag format).

Is it supposed to be taken into account along zith t he ape support you re planning in future ?
Thanks for all mate.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #113
Musepack support might be added too, but I'm not sure of it, so I can't promise anything. The main problem is that TagLib does support Musepack, but not Monkey's Audio, and that I would really like to have one single handler for APE tags. It would be ideal if there was a library that supports both formats, but that doesn't seem to exist, unfortunately.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #114
Musepack support might be added too, but I'm not sure of it, so I can't promise anything. The main problem is that TagLib does support Musepack, but not Monkey's Audio, and that I would really like to have one single handler for APE tags. It would be ideal if there was a library that supports both formats, but that doesn't seem to exist, unfortunately.

I understand, indeed, it's preferable and cleaner to have one single handler. Anyway, whaterver you decide, thanks for all the effors mate
Huge Regards...

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #115
Hello Tim, Hello everybody,

first of all, I would like to thank you for this excellent Tool and te great work you are doing.

If the problem I'm going to describe should be discussed in a different thread, please let me know where to go to (not to hell I hope  ).

1. I want to stream my collection of m4a-files from my PC (XP SP3, WMP 11, iTunes 7) via LAN to a Denon 4310 A/V-Receiver.
2. The receiver does not detect files directly from iTunes, so it seems I have to use WMP. Following the Denon manual, only WMP Network Sharing Service and Windows Media DRM10 are accepted as streaming formats.
3. With the Orban AAC/AAC Plus-Plugin WMP now plays m4a w/o problem.
4. With WMP Tag Plus WMP can load m4a-files correctly into the library w/o problem.

The A/V-Receiver finds the media server and all the files, playlists and tags. It plays the few mp3-files I have (so there is not a firewall problem, as the stream is working), but when I select an m4a-file, it reports a file format error.
When I copy the same file to a USB stick and connect the stick directly to the receiver, the files are read w/o any problem.
When I play the same file from the disk using WMP on my PC, it works as well w/o problem.

Is this something, I can sort out with the settings of WMP Tag Plus, or do I need anything else.

I would rather avoid to convert all my files to mp3 and hope to find a better solution. This could either be a way to get the m4a-stream working in WMP or alternatively to establish a stream directly via iTunes.

Thank You

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #116
WMP Tag Plus was only written with basic library usage in mind, and hasn't been tested with 'extras' such as streaming or syncing. Furthermore, because I personally have never streamed music from my PC, I don't have an idea of what could be the problem. If the problem lies with WMP Tag Plus, then I'm afraid that it will be practically impossible for me to fix it, as there isn't any way for me to reproduce the issue without a media receiver.

One thing you could try is temporarily disabling WMP Tag Plus, and checking if the receiver is able to play M4A files then.

Perhaps there are other people on this forum who know more about streaming, and will be able to help you better than I can. If there's a support forum on the Denon website, I suggest that you post this problem there as well.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #117

everytime i start wmp (x64) dialog for wmp tag configuration appears, how to fix it?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #118
Which version of WMP on which version of Windows? With "x64", do you mean that it's a 64-bit version of Windows? WMP Tag Plus isn't compatible with the x64 version of WMP, so it's impossible that you would see the plug-in there.

The simple workaround would be to launch Regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\UIPlugins\{5FA68D2D-062E-4C61-856D-53B388F9FA16}, and change the Capabilities value to "c0000001".

However, this workaround won't fix the underlying problem. If the settings dialog keeps appearing at WMP startup, then this usually means that there's a problem with the registry, and that WMP is unable to write things to it. Does this happen with other WMP plug-ins as well?


WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #119
I see it in wmp 12, but you are right, it is only in 32bit version, but it allways pop up when i use windows media center (which use only x64 wmp), weird.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #120
Hi there, I use WMP Tag Plus to add FLAC tag support to Windows Media Player. Generally it works fine, but there is a little problem with FLAC tracks grouping. For MP3 files player supports 2 tags: album artist and contributing artist. It comes in handy when the album is a compilation of tracks of different artists, so it is possible to group tracks of the same compilation by the means of album artist tag. I don't know whether it is caused by plugin or the player itself, but FLAC tracks are only grouped in the list of albums:

When I open a compilation album I'll see the list of separate tracks:

I think it is because on this page WMP uses a contributing artist tag instead of album artist tag (that is usually used for grouping).

At the same time when the album is not a compilation (album artist is the same as contributing artist) tracks are grouped normally:

Is it possible to "teach" WMP to group a compilation? (I use Mp3tag v2.44 to set tags)

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #121
I see it in wmp 12, but you are right, it is only in 32bit version, but it allways pop up when i use windows media center (which use only x64 wmp), weird.

I have been able to reproduce this on my own Windows 7 system, thanks for the report. I will try to fix it in the next WMP Tag Plus release. In the meantime, you can work around it by making the registry change I suggested in my previous post.

Hi there, I use WMP Tag Plus to add FLAC tag support to Windows Media Player. Generally it works fine, but there is a little problem with FLAC tracks grouping. For MP3 files player supports 2 tags: album artist and contributing artist. It comes in handy when the album is a compilation of tracks of different artists, so it is possible to group tracks of the same compilation by the means of album artist tag. I don't know whether it is caused by plugin or the player itself, but FLAC tracks are only grouped in the list of albums:

Good find, it looks like WMP 12 shows all tracks of an album separately if the tracks don't have an Album artist set (in that case, the Album Artist column will show the same value as the Contributing artist column). WMP 11 didn't do this yet. As the issue occurs with MP3 files too, it's probably not directly related to WMP Tag Plus. It can be worked around by setting the same Album artist for all the tracks of the album, or by switching to Details view, in which WMP won't show the tracks separately.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #122
Good find, it looks like WMP 12 shows all tracks of an album separately if the tracks don't have an Album artist set (in that case, the Album Artist column will show the same value as the Contributing artist column). WMP 11 didn't do this yet. As the issue occurs with MP3 files too, it's probably not directly related to WMP Tag Plus. It can be worked around by setting the same Album artist for all the tracks of the album, or by switching to Details view, in which WMP won't show the tracks separately.

These tracks already have the Album artist tag set to the same artist (but they differ by the contributing artist tags). I care about this problem not only because the list has bad looking, but also because it complicates the search: usually I can see all the albums of the same artist, but in such a case the compilation albums are not treated as the albums of that artist (because each track is treated as the track of contributing artist) and, consequently, they are not displayed in the list.

As the issue occurs with MP3 files too, it's probably not directly related to WMP Tag Plus.

I tag my mp3 in the same way as my flac files, but mp3 compilations are grouped as they should be, but flac files aren't.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #123
It seems that Mp3tag by default writes Album artist in the BAND field. WMP Tag Plus only reads the ALBUMARTIST (or ALBUM ARTIST) field, so that's probably the problem here. I guess that you don't see the Album artist that you set with Mp3tag reflected in the WMP library? Try setting the Album artist directly in the library, that should give the desired result.

You can use an Mp3tag "action" to batch convert all BAND fields to ALBUMARTIST, and you can also remap its Album artist to the ALBUMARTIST field, more information at and

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #124
Thank you, it helped.
There remains the only to add Album Art support to make flac library as convenient as mp3 or wma.