It does seem pretty bad. I just abxed it with ease and that's amazing for me.
WinABX v0.23 test report
07/14/2004 22:56:44
A file: D:\listeningTests\Originalsmall.wav
B file: D:\listeningTests\megamix2q4.wav
22:57:08 1/1 p=50.0%
22:57:13 2/2 p=25.0%
22:57:15 3/3 p=12.5%
22:57:20 4/4 p= 6.2%
22:57:29 5/5 p= 3.1%
22:57:32 6/6 p= 1.6%
22:57:35 7/7 p= 0.8%
22:57:39 8/8 p= 0.4%
22:57:41 9/9 p= 0.2%
22:57:49 10/10 p< 0.1%
22:57:51 test finished
It sounds like a puff of air in the first second.
Definitely a difference detectable between q 4 and 5. q 5 seems to sound better (less noise)
WinABX v0.23 test report
07/14/2004 23:01:01
A file: D:\listeningTests\megamix2q4.wav
B file: D:\listeningTests\megamix2q5.wav
23:01:15 1/1 p=50.0%
23:01:21 2/2 p=25.0%
23:01:25 3/3 p=12.5%
23:01:28 4/4 p= 6.2%
23:01:31 5/5 p= 3.1%
23:01:34 6/6 p= 1.6%
23:01:37 7/7 p= 0.8%
23:01:40 8/8 p= 0.4%
23:01:45 9/9 p= 0.2%
23:01:49 10/10 p< 0.1%
23:01:51 11/11 p< 0.1%
23:01:53 test finished
I think I know the reason why q 5 (GT3b2 mode) works better than q 4 (QKTune mode). I'll look into it. Should be very interesting. Excellent sample, btw. Many thanks.