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Topic: Ogg Lossless?! (Read 6707 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ogg Lossless?!

Just to make it the all-around codec to use, what are your thoughts on Ogg Lossless mode?!  I know it must have been thought of before, but I obviously missed that thread

Would be extra useful, tagging system is already there, just have an extra mode for lossless!

Post your thoughts, and I have yet to see how I will be flamed on this one


Ogg Lossless?!

Reply #1
FLAC? It's already under the Xiph umbrella.

Ogg Lossless?!

Reply #2
FLAC? It's already under the Xiph umbrella.
Correct. There's even such a thing as Ogg FLAC, which is nothing but lossless FLAC audio in an Ogg container. Analogous to Ogg Vorbis - which is what the OP is obviously referring to -, being lossy Vorbis audio in an Ogg container.

Ogg Lossless?!

Reply #3
Anyone remember oggsquish?  Before the big redesign that reoriented upon lossy performance, Xiph's original 'ogg' encoder was lossless!


Ogg Lossless?!

Reply #4
Ogg is a container format. It's completely lossless.
Nothing you'll mux into it will magically disappear.
"To understand me, you'll have to swallow a world." Or maybe your words.