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Topic: Re-encoding to Ogg Vorbis (Read 4598 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re-encoding to Ogg Vorbis

Even though I use EAC to rip every once in a while some glitch gets through and is encoded by Ogg Vorbis (Q8).  I then find these errors while playing back the file.  Practice has me using Adobe Audition to decompress the encode to wav and cleaning up the offending portion of the rip.  My next step it to re-encode this cleaned up track back to Ogg Vorbis Q8.

My question is this:

I know full well that transcoding=death and that is not my question.  Re-encoding back into the original codec is the question.  In the case of a defective track am I better off to re-rip the track in question to WAV first, edit it and then encode or can I get by using AA, decompress the encode, clean it up and re-encode?  Which method will give me the better playback quality?  I am not archiving the music...just ripping for use in a portable HD player.

Guess I could try both and ABX it but I was hoping someone here has already been down that path.   

Many thanks,

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us. Jerry Garcia-Grateful Dead

Re-encoding to Ogg Vorbis

Reply #1
Seriously I'd just change CD drives & re-rip the bad tracks. That is the most efficient way to deal with this without having to break you brains.

I had the same problem with an acer cd drive that would introduce a click into track 1 every now and again, each time it was on 6 seconds.

I don't know but editing the wav and encoding might throw off the psymodel if there is something unexpeced ???

Re-encoding to Ogg Vorbis

Reply #2
The process you are following has all the same pitfalls as transcoding. You are definitely way better off re-ripping.


Re-encoding to Ogg Vorbis

Reply #3
The process you are following has all the same pitfalls as transcoding. You are definitely way better off re-ripping.
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Considering this came from a respected source, many closed.

thanks john,

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us. Jerry Garcia-Grateful Dead