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Polls / Re: 2024 Bitrate/Format Poll (Lossy)
Last post by includemeout -
Now I see!

Basically you were just blinded by the green-eyed monster for simply not having a poll to call yours yet!

That explains your OTT rant over there and the half-arsed, rushed, non-existing/imaginary settings options here - amongst the whole 92(!) of them.

Oh, boy!

Edit: Good luck with getting this "sticky on main forum page?"
Edit 2: Gee! Why didn't you say this was such a matter of honour to you in the first place?
I could've easily handled it over to you - just like I offered to take over from IgorC, since we'd been collaborating for a few years back then.

You are not polite and bully. And you have just attacked me.
It has nothing to do with your poll and you don't even know what this poll result will be used for.  I was planning to re-open such poll a few years ago, it's not even a new one.

You don't know who I am, and my involvement into codecs development and collaboration as you say with  Kamedo2 and IgorC on background. 

It's usual to see some old members bulling a newer as pretending/assuming they have more experience
But be careful to bulling a new comer, because it can be actually somebody  who were here  longer than you and made more for this community than you.
Grow up, will you?
General - (fb2k) / Remote control of FB using HID USB device
Last post by Monyx -
Using Win7, ASIO output, Audiolab 8200CDQ, Monkeymote iPadOS. Audiolab is a CD/DAC/Pre-amp that has ability to control PC media device over USB, identifying itself as HID (Human Interface Device). Initial set-up 10yrs ago Audiolab's remote controlled Foobar playback (pause/play, fwd, back) as well as volume of pre-amp into power amps.
Years ago I installed Monkeymote Bonjour, can't recall exactly when but along the way Audiolab no longer controlls FB playback. Is HID control of FB incompatible with Monkeymote? Running FB without the ipad app running no difference. Poured over the setting can't see anything obvious.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_playcount - Record all song plays and scrobbles
Last post by MordredKLB -
That's not what I'm asking. Foo_playcount allows to copy stats between tracks (for ex. if you renamed files using external programs, you can transfer the stats from old to new files). Problem is only rating and basic stats are copied. All that is done via context menu.
Files renamed or retagged (maybe not both at the same time though?) by external programs no longer lose their stats post FB2.0 release. That should also apply to stats from this plugin.
I know this mechanic works, but I'm a little fuzzy on Peter's implementation.
Like transferring stats between different versions of albums, libraries, etc.
Because the tags are metadata based you can transfer stats from an existing album to a different version of the same album by ensuring that %artist% %album% $year(%date%) %title% %tracknumber% are all identical. Once FB detects the change, the playcount stats will transfer over, and then you can freely rename/retag and they will stick. Not quite as convenient as copy/paste, but I use this all the time.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by oops -
Thank you, my friend. No need for anything extra but I really appreciate the thought :) If a preset doesn't work, send a link over and I'll try to figure it out. But as far as I've noticed only really old MilkDrop 1-era presets have issues due to some outdated EEL syntax. Enjoy.
Validated News / Re: Winamp is opening its source code
Last post by mudlord -
Correct. foobar2000 started as an answer to Winamp's....BS at the time. Why invest time in working on something when you can make your own from scratch to fix said problems?

Many things, if not *all* things I do is like that. I code because I know the powers that be either cannot be bothered to do it right, or cannot do it right either.

I don't understand why an old player like Winamp is so important. No one really needs the source codes.

History. Even if its full of jank.

There are countless open source and closed source players. Just use one.

Likewise can be said about many projects in software. The answer is still no. Every single bit of software, how jank it may be, has a time and place.
General - (fb2k) / Re: WASAPI 24 bit padded support
Last post by Case -
Doesn't affect a thing here. foobar continues to give "Unrecoverable playback error: Unknown exception" error here. I need a "Wine for dummies" guide to get Wine supporting that WASAPI mode.
Anyway, it's my understanding that all audio in Wine goes to its own processing pipeline and whether or not you use bitperfect output in foobar2000 doesn't matter.

Edit: Peter wants to avoid useless configuration options as much as possible. Also the option would not do anything for Windows users as there is no need for it. The right thing happens automatically.
General - (fb2k) / Re: WASAPI 24 bit padded support
Last post by mtamistake09 -
You need to disable “event mode” only that way WASAPI Exclusive can work on Linux. Or use the old WASAPI plugin for Foobar. And basically what I mean it would be helpful to add "24 bit padded" to Foobar bitdepth list, as it is the most practical and simple solution to this problem, that would be useful for both Windows and Linux. Yes it is in exclusive mode using Wine.
General - (fb2k) / Re: WASAPI 24 bit padded support
Last post by Case -
You handily ignored most things I said. The dialog in foobar2000 doesn't list such option. If it did, it would be the opposite of handling the format automatically.
Would you be so kind to tell what you did to make exclusive mode WASAPI work in Wine? Or is that even running under Wine or possibly something else? And is that WASAPI [exclusive] bit depth config you show for foobar2000? And is exclusive mode enabled in JRiver?
General - (fb2k) / Re: WASAPI 24 bit padded support
Last post by mtamistake09 -
Hello, it looks like the automatic padding function isn't working quite right on some devices mainly Linux. Would it be possible to just select it manually with the 24-bit (Padded) option? as shown in the JRiver screenshot, Thanks.