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Topic: foo_chronflow – Coverflow (Read 80980 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #150
I registered just to say this plugin is amazing, style, functionality, everything about it is utterly exceptional.
Thank you very much for your efforts! :)

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #151
Thank you for this amazing plugin. I really like the options of customization.

I'm wondering, is there any way to scroll with a touchscreen? Can I swipe through covers?

Great work! Thanks again.

Re: foo_chronflow – Song Title display

Reply #152
First off I have to say thank you for this plug-in, it's great.  I am having trouble displaying the song title.  When setting the display in preferences the preview looks as though the correct title should be displayed but instead the last song title of the album is always displayed. In this case the song "Man In The Long Black Coat" should be displayed but instead "Lumina" is displayed.   I've attached a screen shot to hopefully make it clearer what the problem is.  I have pressed the "Apply" button and I have "Reloaded" the source.  

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #153
Update on song title issue:  It turns out that it is not always the last song title on the album that is being displayed. It seems as though cover flow is randomly selecting a title from the album. See screenshot.  Any help on resolving this issue is greatly appreciated. 

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #154
JDPCC, I found this answer to your question in a previous post from Chronial:
There is no solution, only an explanation :). Chronflow works with albums, not songs. It will always pick a random song from the album as input for the title formatting. That the preview displays what you want is just coincidence.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #155
Thank you DWMartin - That is unfortunate.  Since the code has to look at what is in the play list to grab the album info it would seem  with minor modification it can pass the data that is already available instead of some random track from the album.  What is interesting is that the Preview box on the Display tab displays the correct information, so it is available to the plug-in, it's just not being passed to the Cover Display.  Oh well, it's still a pretty cool plug-in and I'm thankful for it.  Maybe Chronial can add that as a feature in a future version.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #156
I have one Good Cover Display Config. It's just default config, but vertical.
There is Code:

function drawCovers(){
   return new Array(-40, 40);

function coverPosition(coverId){
   var coverSpacing = 0.07;
   var x, y, z;
   x = -0.5;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){
      var z_logit = -0.04 + 0.55 / (
       1 + Math.pow(Math.E, Math.abs(6.5 * coverId) - 4));
      var z_root = z = 0.5 *
       Math.pow(1 - Math.abs(coverId), 1.1);
      var alpha = 0.3;
      z = 2 + alpha * z_logit + (1 - alpha) * z_root;
      y = coverId * -0.875;
   } else {
      z = 2 - (Math.abs(coverId) - 1) * 0.01
            - Math.pow((Math.abs(coverId) - 1)*0.025, 2);
      y = -0.875 - coverSpacing * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
      if (coverId < 0)
         y *= -1;
   return new Array(x, y, z);

function coverAlign(coverId){
   return new Array(-1, 0);

function coverRotation(coverId){
   var angle;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){
      angle = coverId * -60;
   } else {
      if (coverId > 0)
         angle = -60;
         angle = 60;
   return new Array(angle, 1, 0, 0);

function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
   return new Array(1, 1);

function aspectBehaviour(){
   return new Array(0, 1);

function eyePos(){
   return new Array(0, 0, 6);

function lookAt(){
   return new Array(0, 0, 0);

function upVector(){
   return new Array(0, 1, 0);

function showMirrorPlane(){
   return true;

function mirrorPoint(){
   return new Array(0.5, 0, 0);

function mirrorNormal(){
   return new Array(1, 0, 0);

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #157

Thank you for this great plugin ; I really enjoy it.

I have few suggestions :
- In the Display's preference tab, it could be more convenient to define the font size as a percentage of the panel's height ; like you did with the position.
- The cover to be displayed could be defined using a titleformating string and, if no image is found, fall back to the internal artreader.

A side note: As this plugin is already well advanced in its developpement, I'm wondering why it is labeled 0.5.2 ; do you have a roadmap in mind ?

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #158
Hi. Great plugin. Much better than what Traktor and other dj mixers provide.

I'm using the discogs addon to add covers but I can't get coverflow to reload the cover without restarting foobar2000. I've checked the prefs. Am I missing something ?

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #159
Hi. Great plugin. Much better than what Traktor and other dj mixers provide.

I'm using the discogs addon to add covers but I can't get coverflow to reload the cover without restarting foobar2000. I've checked the prefs. Am I missing something ?

Press F5.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #160
Hi. Great plugin. Much better than what Traktor and other dj mixers provide.

I'm using the discogs addon to add covers but I can't get coverflow to reload the cover without restarting foobar2000. I've checked the prefs. Am I missing something ?

Press F5.

Thanks :) That did it ... I also found I sometimes needed to use ctrl - F5 as well.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #161
New user here. I love the plugin but have a few questions.
Can double click just add the album to playlist and replace the existing stuff without starting playback and without added tracks being selected? I would like the tracks not being selected with middle click too (adding to active playlist). I can do that with Album list panel and I would like that ability with this too.
One bonus question: How can I group albums randomly every time I open foobar or refresh?

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #162
I'm not good at English...
Thank you for awsome plugin.
Is there any way to use coverflow vertically?
I really want it.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #163
I'm not good at English...
Thank you for awsome plugin.
Is there any way to use coverflow vertically?
I really want it.
See reply #156, a 1/2 dozen posts above yours:
I have one Good Cover Display Config. It's just default config, but vertical.
There is Code:

function drawCovers(){
   return new Array(-40, 40);

function coverPosition(coverId){
   var coverSpacing = 0.07;
   var x, y, z;
   x = -0.5;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){
      var z_logit = -0.04 + 0.55 / (
       1 + Math.pow(Math.E, Math.abs(6.5 * coverId) - 4));
      var z_root = z = 0.5 *
       Math.pow(1 - Math.abs(coverId), 1.1);
      var alpha = 0.3;
      z = 2 + alpha * z_logit + (1 - alpha) * z_root;
      y = coverId * -0.875;
   } else {
      z = 2 - (Math.abs(coverId) - 1) * 0.01
            - Math.pow((Math.abs(coverId) - 1)*0.025, 2);
      y = -0.875 - coverSpacing * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
      if (coverId < 0)
         y *= -1;
   return new Array(x, y, z);

function coverAlign(coverId){
   return new Array(-1, 0);

function coverRotation(coverId){
   var angle;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){
      angle = coverId * -60;
   } else {
      if (coverId > 0)
         angle = -60;
         angle = 60;
   return new Array(angle, 1, 0, 0);

function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
   return new Array(1, 1);

function aspectBehaviour(){
   return new Array(0, 1);

function eyePos(){
   return new Array(0, 0, 6);

function lookAt(){
   return new Array(0, 0, 0);

function upVector(){
   return new Array(0, 1, 0);

function showMirrorPlane(){
   return true;

function mirrorPoint(){
   return new Array(0.5, 0, 0);

function mirrorNormal(){
   return new Array(1, 0, 0);
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #164
Oh, there was a solution already..! thankyou!
But I haver one more problem..
Is it possible to show covers that I select on library?
Actually, I am using another coverflow script made by Br3tt ( )
In that coverflow, the list of coverflow changes according to the list that I chose.
(ex. if I chose folder A, coverflow shows covers inside A)

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #165
I'm in v2.0 beta 23(32bit), how do I solve the problem as shown in the figure.thanks。

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #166
I'm in v2.0 beta 23(32bit)
Try da yuyu's mod (thread > here / download on github), which (I believe) works in fb2k beta. If you were running 64 bit beta, you'd also need to install TablacusScriptControl
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #167
I'm in v2.0 beta 23(32bit)
Try da yuyu's mod (thread > here / download on github), which (I believe) works in fb2k beta. If you were running 64 bit beta, you'd also need to install TablacusScriptControl
thanks.but is same problem.I guess it's a v2.0 beta 23 (32bit) issue because it works fine on v2.0 beta 22 (32bit).

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #168
Sorry, it's a driver issue with nVIDIA. After reinstalling the driver, everything works fine. Thank you.

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #169
Any chance this could get updated for 2.0?

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #171
Just wondered if anyone else encounters this? All works fine, and looks great - until I leave FB2K open and idle for any length of time. Then the Chonflow images all disappear. Nothing gets them back, not even CTRL+F5. Re-start FB and it's all fine again. Is there maybe a cache setting I'm missing, for example?

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #172
Cowerflow x64 does not display the cover art of the currently playing song.
IF I change the playlist and choose a song, cowerflow doesn't budge.
Instead, in cowerflow I can choose the album and play it (double click)

Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #173

This is the thread,119961.75.html

Coverflow (foo_coverflow)
File name and Component name have been changed from v1.18.0 (foo_coverflow) (2023-08-18)

foo_coverflow_mod → foo_coverflow
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)


Re: foo_chronflow – Coverflow

Reply #174
Hi I have two questions:

1 - Is there a way to make the nearby albums disappear once I stop at one particular album and play it?
2 - How can I increase the resolution of the displayed album covers?