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Topic: Foobar v1.6.5 in Windows 11: Selected Playlist Tab Barely Visible  (Read 2406 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar v1.6.5 in Windows 11: Selected Playlist Tab Barely Visible

Coming from Windows 7 with Aero the selected playlist tab was clearly distinguishable from the others, whereas my new setup in Windows 11 it is camouflaged & I struggle to locate it quickly. 

First image is in Windows 11, second is with aero.

The aero theme makes the selected tab stand out much more clearly. I can use winaerotweak to run Aero theme in Windows 11, but it caused some other issues for me.

Is something wrong with my setup or is there any way to change the highlighted tab? Thanks

Re: Foobar v1.6.5 in Windows 11: Selected Playlist Tab Barely Visible

Reply #1
I don't see an edit option to my original post but I more or less resolved my issue by switching to a 3rd party theme for Windows 11.