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Topic: foo_bubble_coverflow (Read 438805 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25

What happened ??? now with 0.11 the covers don't display correctly !!! see below :

Redownload 0.11 and tell me if it dispay correctly.

YES it works now!!!

Wonderfull, many thanx to you, and fullscreen seems to work correctly now !!

i continue to test this new version and give you news if i see other pb

thanx again

PS: do u planed to set a Path for album with no cover, to set a default picture when no cover found ? because the empty white square, bof bof ...  => i've tryed to insert a condition in the path for cover but it doesn't work at all, maybe my scripting is bad :

any other idea ?


Reply #26
Yes, covers are displayed normally again. Another issue is, that the component/foobar crashes when leaving the fullscreen mode without any crashlog.

Edit: It would also be nice if the component could remember its state. When I exit foobar with the cover flow window closed, it is automatically open when I start foobar again.

Edit2: Closing the window with "View>Close cover flow window" seems to be remembered after a restart. It's not if the window was directly closed clicking
  • .


Reply #27
Nice Component - I'm sure you've made a lot of  people happy

Would it be possible to have more than one source ? I was trying to use %title%.jpg for singles and front.jpg for albums...but cant enter both


Reply #28
i correct : i always have the pb when trying to go to full screen mode ...

- crash after changing playlist and clicking on the central cover :

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 00693392h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h
Call path:
This is the first crash logged by this instance.
Code bytes (00693392h):
00693352h:  E8 19 7F 00 00 8B 7C 24 50 B8 0C F2 6B 00 89 44
00693362h:  24 18 89 5C 24 1C 89 5C 24 20 89 5C 24 24 89 5C
00693372h:  24 28 89 44 24 2C 89 5C 24 30 89 5C 24 34 89 5C
00693382h:  24 38 89 5C 24 3C 53 C6 44 24 4C 02 8B 4C 24 58
00693392h:  8B 11 8B 52 10 8D 87 90 02 00 00 50 8D 44 24 20
006933A2h:  50 53 FF D2 8B 77 30 8B 06 8B 50 10 8B CE FF D2
006933B2h:  83 F8 FF 74 0A 8B 16 50 8B 42 2C 8B CE FF D0 3B
006933C2h:  EB 0F 86 98 00 00 00 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8B 77
Stack (0012F790h):
0012F770h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F780h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F790h:  00000000 E4944774 01602864 00002F49
0012F7A0h:  0012F858 016025F4 70AFA8CB 006BF20C
0012F7B0h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F7C0h:  006BF20C 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F7D0h:  00000000 0012F84C 006B33F8 00000002
0012F7E0h:  00693B2D 016025F4 00000000 E494471C
0012F7F0h:  004C2F40 10002F40 0000000A FFFFFFFF
0012F800h:  016025F4 0000000A 01606C90 00000000
0012F810h:  0012F8CB 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F820h:  004E22B8 004E2284 0040A7A0 0040A7B5
0012F830h:  00002F49 00000014 006F8A68 004C2F40
0012F840h:  10002F27 E4944710 004C2F40 0012F8A0
0012F850h:  006B3840 00000000 0012F8AC 00693F2D
0012F860h:  00002F49 0044A950 00000002 0000018B
0012F870h:  00002F49 004E14B5 03FD6130 00002F49
0012F880h:  004C6C10 0012F8CB 00000001 0012F800
0012F890h:  004E14B4 004AA700 00000037 00000008
0012F8A0h:  0012F8CC 004A7982 00000001 0012F8D8
EAX: 006BF20C, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 00000015
ESI: 004DF188, EDI: 016025F4, EBP: 00002F49, ESP: 0012F790
Crash location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
ntdll                            loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
kernel32                        loaded at 76870000h - 76948000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 75390000h - 75524000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 767C0000h - 7686A000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77AF0000h - 77BAF000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 76CF0000h - 76DB3000h
GDI32                            loaded at 76770000h - 767BB000h
USER32                          loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 76640000h - 76695000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 76DC0000h - 7788E000h
ole32                            loaded at 77C30000h - 77D74000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 77EF0000h - 77F64000h
IMM32                            loaded at 77EC0000h - 77EDE000h
MSCTF                            loaded at 77890000h - 77957000h
LPK                              loaded at 77EE0000h - 77EE9000h
USP10                            loaded at 77BB0000h - 77C2D000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 75350000h - 7538F000h
tiptsf                          loaded at 738D0000h - 73930000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 76AA0000h - 76B2C000h
version                          loaded at 75D90000h - 75D98000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
foo_bubble_coverflow            loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
OPENGL32                        loaded at 70AE0000h - 70BAB000h
GLU32                            loaded at 70AB0000h - 70AD3000h
DDRAW                            loaded at 73C20000h - 73D06000h
DCIMAN32                        loaded at 74100000h - 74106000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77960000h - 77AE8000h
dwmapi                          loaded at 73F30000h - 73F3C000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 74FF0000h - 7519A000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 01430000h - 01465000h
foo_comserver2                  loaded at 01500000h - 01556000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 01560000h - 015C9000h
foo_cwb_hooks                    loaded at 01470000h - 0149E000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 01610000h - 01651000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 016E0000h - 01720000h
foo_infobox                      loaded at 01760000h - 0179E000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 01930000h - 01A48000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 017A0000h - 017F0000h
foo_navigator                    loaded at 01A50000h - 01A81000h
foo_playcount_mod                loaded at 016A0000h - 016B5000h
MSVCR80                          loaded at 709E0000h - 70A7B000h
foo_playlist_manager            loaded at 01AB0000h - 01AF4000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 01B00000h - 01B48000h
foo_run                          loaded at 017F0000h - 0181B000h
foo_scrobblecharts              loaded at 01B50000h - 01B83000h
WININET                          loaded at 769A0000h - 76A6F000h
Normaliz                        loaded at 77EA0000h - 77EA3000h
iertutil                        loaded at 76950000h - 76995000h
foo_sendtodevice                loaded at 01C10000h - 01C4D000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 01C50000h - 01C93000h
foo_uie_explorer                loaded at 01CA0000h - 01CDC000h
foo_uie_lyrics                  loaded at 01D60000h - 01DC1000h
WINMM                            loaded at 74B20000h - 74B53000h
OLEACC                          loaded at 74AE0000h - 74B18000h
foo_uie_powerpanels              loaded at 01D10000h - 01D33000h
foo_uie_quicksearch              loaded at 01E20000h - 01E66000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum    loaded at 01E80000h - 01EB9000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 75A60000h - 75A65000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 02210000h - 022AB000h
foo_ui_panels                    loaded at 02600000h - 026C6000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 02000000h - 02056000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 02180000h - 021AE000h
foo_utils                        loaded at 021B0000h - 021E9000h
foo_vis_shpeck                  loaded at 02410000h - 02446000h
CLBCatQ                          loaded at 76B30000h - 76BB4000h
nvoglv32                        loaded at 69500000h - 69BD7000h
WindowsCodecs                    loaded at 74760000h - 74812000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 6CD10000h - 6CD81000h
POWRPROF                        loaded at 75A70000h - 75A8A000h
MMDevApi                        loaded at 75290000h - 752B7000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 757E0000h - 7580D000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 75EB0000h - 75FA1000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 760F0000h - 76102000h
USERENV                          loaded at 764F0000h - 7650E000h
Secur32                          loaded at 764D0000h - 764E4000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 76A70000h - 76A99000h
audioses                        loaded at 74700000h - 74721000h
audioeng                        loaded at 74690000h - 746F6000h
AVRT                            loaded at 757D0000h - 757D7000h
PSAPI                            loaded at 765A0000h - 765A7000h
dbghelp                          loaded at 72480000h - 7255C000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 70AFA8CBh, location: "OPENGL32", loaded at 70AE0000h - 70BAB000h
Symbol: "wglMakeCurrent" (+0000008Eh)
Address: 006BF20Ch, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0002497Ch)
Address: 006BF20Ch, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0002497Ch)
Address: 006B33F8h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00018B68h)
Address: 00693B2Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 004C2F40h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 10002F40h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+00000000h)
Address: 004E22B8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E2284h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0040A7A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0040A7B5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C2F40h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 10002F27h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000A7h)
Address: 004C2F40h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 006B3840h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00018FB0h)
Address: 00693F2Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0044A950h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E14B5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C6C10h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E14B4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004AA700h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004A7982h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0045235Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E14B5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004A829Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004539EAh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C3948h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E2284h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00438A00h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004DF188h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004AAD78h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0043FE48h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004DF101h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004DE9D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C08C4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004DF188h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C0884h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004AC8A6h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00432594h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C08B8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0040A7A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0040A7B5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004BDD1Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E23ECh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004A7B8Dh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00432658h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 766F1A10h, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0000006Eh)
Address: 766F1AE8h, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+00000146h)
Address: 0043263Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 766F1A91h, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+000000EFh)
Address: 767376CCh, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "AlignRects" (+00001926h)
Address: 766F2A47h, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "IsWindow" (+0000014Dh)
Address: 0043263Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 766E8C2Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 767376CCh, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "AlignRects" (+00001926h)
Address: 766F2A98h, location: "USER32", loaded at 766D0000h - 7676E000h
Symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+0000000Fh)
Address: 0043263Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0042FFDBh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 10002F72h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+00000032h)
Address: 004C0580h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00430B21h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C0424h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004BFB44h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004BFB44h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 77DE240Bh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B25h)
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C71D4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 77D88BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77DC2CE0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000002F3h)
Address: 77DE2447h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B61h)
Address: 77DE214Ch, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000866h)
Address: 77DE240Bh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B25h)
Address: 77DE240Bh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B25h)
Address: 77DE2447h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B61h)
Address: 77DE5BA9h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid" (+000002FDh)
Address: 77DE1843h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000216h)
Address: 02000002h, location: "foo_ui_std", loaded at 02000000h - 02056000h
Address: 77DC2CE0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000002F3h)
Address: 004E002Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 01D88BF2h, location: "foo_uie_lyrics", loaded at 01D60000h - 01DC1000h
Address: 77D88BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77DC2CE0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000002F3h)
Address: 77DE2447h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000B61h)
Address: 77DE214Ch, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+00000866h)
Address: 77DE162Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000000h)
Address: 77D88BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77DE1843h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000216h)
Address: 00447DC0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004036B3h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004927EDh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004927EDh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E4238h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00428F90h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00447DC0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0049935Dh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00497030h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C0590h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 10002F27h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000A7h)
Address: 004C0590h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004AF124h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C0590h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00430D28h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E09B0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00496D1Dh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004920D2h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004920CCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004B49E0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004B3000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004E4230h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00497030h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004AF518h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004963F4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00497030h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 768B3833h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 76870000h - 76948000h
Symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+00000012h)
Address: 77DBA9BDh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "LdrInitializeThunk" (+0000004Dh)
Address: 76905984h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 76870000h - 76948000h
Symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+00000000h)
Address: 76905984h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 76870000h - 76948000h
Symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+00000000h)
Address: 77D88BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77DC29B8h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77D80000h - 77E9E000h
Symbol: "RtlReleasePrivilege" (+0000003Eh)
Address: 0049645Dh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0069004Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0066006Fh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000510Fh)
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0064006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00620069h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012E99h)
Address: 01C6FE65h, location: "foo_uie_albumlist", loaded at 01C50000h - 01C93000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0001D4B5h)
Address: 0069004Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0066006Fh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000510Fh)
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0064006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00620069h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012E99h)
Address: 00650063h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00630065h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E95h)
Address: 00650072h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00620075h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012EA5h)
Address: 0069006Ch, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0065006Bh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00620035h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012E65h)
Address: 00630034h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E64h)
Address: 00660063h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005103h)
Address: 00650076h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00440020h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00660065h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005105h)
Address: 00430020h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00650074h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00630069h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E99h)
Address: 00650074h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 0063006Dh, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E9Dh)
Address: 00610070h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00002EA0h)
Address: 00690074h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 006C0062h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+000257D2h)
Address: 00630063h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E93h)
Address: 00660064h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005104h)
Address: 0065006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00610034h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00002E64h)
Address: 00630031h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E61h)
Address: 00620038h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012E68h)
Address: 0069004Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0066006Fh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000510Fh)
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0064006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00640047h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 01C6FE66h, location: "foo_uie_albumlist", loaded at 01C50000h - 01C93000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0001D4B6h)
Address: 0069004Dh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0066006Fh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000510Fh)
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0064006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00640047h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 0063006Fh, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E9Fh)
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00630072h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022EA2h)
Address: 00690068h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 00650074h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 006C0062h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+000257D2h)
Address: 00630069h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E99h)
Address: 0065004Bh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 006B006Fh, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+000157DFh)
Address: 00630063h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E93h)
Address: 00660064h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005104h)
Address: 00650070h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00690077h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 00690073h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 00430022h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 0064006Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00690057h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 00660069h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005109h)
Address: 00630069h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E99h)
Address: 0067002Eh, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+000150CEh)
Address: 00690064h, location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00690000h - 006D1000h
Address: 00620035h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00012E65h)
Address: 00630034h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E64h)
Address: 00660063h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00005103h)
Address: 00650039h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00640000h - 00687000h
Address: 00630061h, location: "foo_abx", loaded at 00600000h - 00633000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00022E91h)

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.4.5
Windows 6.0

Additional info:
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0  (foo_unpack)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
Panels UI 0.14.9 beta [Jul 13 2007 - 14:05:55]  (foo_ui_panels)
Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l  (foo_uie_quicksearch)
foobar2000 core  (Core)
Album list panel 0.2.3 beta  (foo_uie_albumlist)
Navigator 0.6  (foo_navigator)
Channel Spectrum panel 0.13  (foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum)
Default User Interface 0.9acc  (foo_ui_std)
Album List 3.2.0  (foo_albumlist)
Converter 1.0.1  (foo_converter)
COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6  (foo_comserver2)
ABX Comparator 1.3.1  (foo_abx)
Send to Device 1.1.2 [Nov 28 2007 - 10:13:31]  (foo_sendtodevice)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.1  (foo_cdda)
Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1v5  (foo_ui_columns)
Volume Panel 0.1  (foo_uie_powerpanels)
Explorer Tree 1.04.6b  (foo_uie_explorer)
Playlist Manager 1.0.2  (foo_playlist_manager)
cwbowron's title format hooks 1.0.14 [Nov  1 2006 - 10:20:44]  (foo_cwb_hooks)
Run services 0.3.2  (foo_run)
Cover Flow 0.11  (foo_bubble_coverflow)
Seek Panel 0.1  (foo_uie_powerpanels)
Special file info box v2.0.0  (foo_infobox)
Standard DSP array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
Playlist tools 0.5.7  (foo_utils)
Shpeck - Winamp vis plug-ins wrapper 0.0.7  (foo_vis_shpeck)
Play Count Mod 1.0.2  (foo_playcount_mod)
RAR reader 1.1  (foo_unpack)
FLAC Decoder 1.1.0  (foo_input_std)
WMA Decoder 1.1  (foo_input_std) Chart Player 0.2.3  (foo_scrobblecharts)
freedb Tagger 0.5.2a  (foo_freedb2)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2  (foo_rgscan)
Lyric Show Panels DEV [Sep 16 2007 - 08:44:03]  (foo_uie_lyrics)
Masstagger 1.6  (foo_masstag)


Reply #30
Double clicking on the cover that is to the front not playing the correct track: very surprised by this one as with myconfig it works perfectly. Which foobar / column ui / playlist component are you using ?

0.9.5/ DUI/ Facets.

Covers load fine, playlist view follows (moves with) the selection of the covers in coverflow, but when I double click on one it snaps Back to replay the currently playing track.


Reply #31
double click play album select in coverflow IF "playback follow cursor is enabled", if not it snaps Back to replay the currently playing track...
Music is my first love.


Reply #32
double click play album select in coverflow IF "playback follow cursor is enabled", if not it snaps Back to replay the currently playing track...

Good find! I'll see what I can do so double clicking does what's expected whether "playback follow cursor" is enabled or not.


Reply #33

No covers displayed at all!

I can scroll through the blank squares and everthing works fine expect that there are just the blank sqares tongue.gif

Cover path is correct!

Can you tell me your cover path as well as the type (JPG, PNG , etc) of the files ?

Cover path is default (folder.jpg stored to the album directory) and I only have JPG!
DUI album art is displaying correctly!


Reply #34
my too have the same problem ( no cover diplay ) ONLY when they are special char as é or ö in displayed titre of album...
for exemple Noir Désir is diplayed as Noir Dsir and cover isn't displayed
Music is my first love.


Reply #35
I've updated the first post with a list of bugs and planned features. So have a look before


Reply #36
with Standalone window flickering when sort to full screen.
request: enter key action ( same as double click )
Music is my first love.


Reply #37
The image resizing looks very crispy. Would it be possible to have a smoother look?

Some font options would be nice as well. Font, font size, vertical offset, 2 lines, etc.

Great work. Keep it up.

EDIT: Oh. One other thing. When playing the first item in a playlist, there's only covers visible in the middle and to the right. What about showing the last items in the playlist on the left so it doesn't look empty?


Reply #38
try the RIGHT control or Shift key + mousewheel or arrow keys, it works for me under PanelsUI, but not with LEFT control key or left SHIFT key

Nope, using left or right shift / ctrl keys doesn't work at all with the mouse wheel. I can use them with the arrow keys tho; they work fine then .
Song List:


Reply #40
this component looks so great !

Indeed it does:
(click for larger image)

Btw, how did you manage to change the font??
Song List:


Reply #42
Here, it does not work, scrolling for 10-20 covers fastly creates a crash without warning and no crashlog available (window mode)

Interesting, though, even if the work of Chronial seems to have a lot of advantages too..

my plugins and their version
Code: [Select]
Core (2007-10-13 15:20:16)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2007-10-13 15:18:48)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2007-10-13 15:18:48)
    Album List 3.2.0
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2006-05-08 19:04:22)
    Audioscrobbler 1.3.2
foo_autoplaylist.dll (2006-02-21 20:57:00)
foo_bitcompare.dll (2006-03-19 07:04:00)
    Binary comparator 1.0
foo_browser.dll (2007-03-23 15:53:00)
    Music Browser 1.2.3b [Mar 23 2007 - 16:52:56]
foo_bubble_coverflow.dll (2008-01-20 17:13:00)
    Cover Flow 0.11
foo_cdda.dll (2007-10-13 15:18:36)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.1
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2006-04-12 17:25:52)
    Channel Mixer 0.9.4
foo_common.dll (2006-02-22 02:26:26)
    Common services 0.1
foo_converter.dll (2007-10-13 15:18:14)
    Converter 1.0.1
foo_cwb_hooks.dll (2007-05-04 11:45:00)
    cwbowron's title format hooks 1.1.1 [May  4 2007 - 12:39:47]
foo_dbsearch.dll (2006-02-22 02:24:14)
    Database search 1.3.1 beta 10
foo_discogs.dll (2007-10-06 22:42:00)
    Discogs Tagger 1.12
foo_dop.dll (2006-06-27 13:20:32)
    iPod manager 0.2.9
foo_dsp_crossfader.dll (2006-11-28 04:49:00)
foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll (2006-06-21 16:21:00)
    Skip silence 0.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-01-20 00:36:56)
    Standard DSP array 1.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2006-08-29 19:43:04)
    freedb Tagger 0.5.2a
foo_history.dll (2006-03-31 10:50:00)
    History 0.2
foo_infobox.dll (2006-10-09 14:17:12)
    Special file info box 2.0.4
foo_input_monkey.dll (2006-08-04 21:57:00)
    Monkey's Audio decoder 2.1.1
foo_input_shorten.dll (2006-02-22 02:25:34)
    Shorten decoder 0.4.2a
foo_input_std.dll (2007-10-13 15:18:22)
    FLAC Decoder 1.1.0
    Standard Input Array 1.0
    WMA Decoder 1.1
foo_lnk.dll (2006-02-22 02:26:30)
    Shell link resolver 1.1
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2006-07-19 22:45:00)
    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.7 beta 4
foo_managedWrapper.dll (2006-08-01 19:10:00)
    foo_managedWrapper 0.3
foo_masstag.dll (2007-10-13 15:17:26)
    Masstagger 1.6
foo_msnalt.dll (2006-04-30 18:57:26)
    MSN Now Playing (alt) 2.4
foo_navigator.dll (2006-11-04 20:56:28)
    Navigator 0.6
foo_playcount.dll (2007-10-16 01:08:00)
    Playback Statistics 2.0
foo_playlist_manager.dll (2006-02-22 02:24:36)
    Playlist Manager 1.0
foo_pqview.dll (2006-02-22 02:26:10)
foo_quicktag.dll (2007-10-16 16:46:00)
    Quick Tagger 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2007-10-13 15:17:18)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_run.dll (2006-06-15 21:08:00)
    Run services 0.3.2
foo_sic.dll (2006-05-16 16:23:00)
    foosic music database 1.0 beta 7
foo_ui_columns.dll (2006-09-08 12:14:32)
    Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1v6 TEST
foo_ui_panels.dll (2007-06-12 11:28:00)
    Panels UI 0.13.8 beta [Jun 12 2007 - 12:28:00]
foo_ui_std.dll (2007-10-13 15:17:02)
    Default User Interface 0.9acc
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2006-06-13 21:18:00)
    Album Art Panel 0.2.0
foo_uie_albumart_msn.dll (2006-06-19 11:53:00)
    Album Art Panel (MSN) 0.2.1
foo_uie_bookmarks.dll (2006-10-19 19:45:00)
    Bookmarks 0.0.9
foo_uie_console.dll (2006-04-28 13:14:38)
    Console panel 0.2
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2006-05-01 18:38:00)
    Explorer Tree 1.04.6a
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2007-03-12 14:32:45)
    Lyric Show Panels
foo_uie_lyrics_panel.dll (2006-04-29 23:15:00)
    Lyrics panel 0.33.3
foo_uie_peakmeter.dll (2007-07-05 10:41:00)
    Peakmeter Panel
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2006-05-28 17:48:00)
    Playlists Dropdown 0.5.7
foo_uie_quicksearch 2.0.dll (2006-05-27 15:13:12)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.0
foo_uie_single_column_playlist.dll (2006-09-24 21:14:00)
    Single Column Playlist Display 0.3.2 beta [Sep 24 2006 - 22:14:46]
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2006-07-01 12:03:00)
    Tabbed panel modifyed 0.2.0
foo_uie_trackinfo.dll (2006-07-09 22:38:22)
    Track info panel 0.8
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2006-08-30 15:36:00)
    Track info panel mod 0.5 beta [Aug 30 2006 - 16:35:44]
foo_uie_vis_egoh.dll (2007-03-12 21:30:00)
    Egoh Spectrum analyser (uie) 1.1.2
foo_unpack.dll (2007-10-13 15:16:58)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_utils.dll (2006-02-22 19:32:16)
    Playlist tools 0.5.5
foo_version.dll (2006-07-16 13:42:00)
    Components versions viewer 0.2
foo_winamp_spam.dll (2006-08-21 16:31:44)
    Winamp API Emulator 0.90

this bug is reproducible.


Reply #43
I got more errors with v0.11. Basically I was trying to test the limits of the compoennt by showing 30 covers, going in and out of fullscreen, and scrolling forward and backward to see if I could generate any crashes (just incase...). No crash, but when I exited foobar, I got the following 3 errors in the order I will post them in:
Song List:


Reply #44
Thanks for the wonderful component, bubbleguuum.

A couple of suggestions:
1. At present, the coverflow window does not update even when i change selection in Facets (my facets is set to "send to facets playlist" on selection change); I have to click on the playlist before the "change" registers. Is it possible to fix this?

2. Would it be possible to omit albums without covers?

3. Long text seems to be not displayed at all. Would it be possible to display "..." instead of not displaying the name?

4. What do you think about enabling "PgUp" and "PgDown" to scroll up/down 10-15 covers?

Once again, thanks for the wonderful plugin.


Reply #45
foo_bubble_coverflow.dll - v0.11
foobar2000 - v0.9.5

Upon startup, coverflow spams my console with these messages:
Code: [Select]
[01:29:02] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:02] ERROR : hello
[01:29:02] NVIDIA Corporation
[01:29:02] GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum
[01:29:02] GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two supported
[01:29:02] ARB_texture_rectangle supported
[01:29:02] EXT_texture_rectangle not supported
[01:29:02] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:02] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:02] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:02] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:03] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:03] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:03] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
[01:29:03] ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class.
When I attempt to load the coverflow panel into my Columns layout I get a separate window that looks like this:

The title in the wireframe window changes along with whatever album is playing so that appears to work.
Ctrl+Wheel & Shift+Wheel appear to work as expected.
If I double click on another wireframe "cover" the playlist will scroll to display that album so that appears to work.
Double clicking on an empty area will switch to full screen mode. ESC will exit the fullscreen mode, however the window is not restored.
UTF-8 album titles are not displayed.
The only way I could find to configure anything was from the ColumnsUI Layout page, by clicking the panel "Configure" button.
IMO the default Sources code of "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder.jpg" is in bad form and should be properly written "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,folder.jpg)" though both forms are functional. Will there be support for multiple image sources and/or separate images for when a cover is not available?
If I change any of the options in the configuration dialog, foobar immediately crashes when I hit [Apply] or [OK] and nothing is saved. No failure.txt is generated.

Many of us would love to see this component come to life, I look forward to seeing a stable release in the future. Thank you for your hard work.


Reply #46
this only opens in WINDOW view for some reason, and I can't figure it out
Code: [Select]
$panel(cover,Cover flow,$sub($get(sidebar-w),$get(xOffset)),$get(yOffset),$ifequal($getpvar(scrollbar),1,$sub(%_width%,$get(xOffset1)),$eval(%_width%-$get(xOffset1)+17)),$eval(%_height%-$get(yOffset)-448),)


Reply #47
i have tried with 45 cover, no problems here with CUI or coverflow window;

request: display in VERTICALLY mode!
Music is my first love.


Reply #48
The component seems to work okay here, though I have only tested  the popup version. I'm getting two "ERROR : hello" messages on the console, which must be the least informative error message ever. They are directly after a message saying "ERROR : Could Not Unregister Class." I guess the latter indicates a failed attempt to unregister a window class while there is still a window belonging to that class.

Note that console::error() and its friends console::warning() and console::info() are outdated. It would be a good idea to switch to console::print() or use console::formatter (as local variable, so the message is printed when the object goes out of scope), and add some information to the messages to indicate where they are coming from (i.e. from your component).


Reply #49
Foobar keeps shutting down if I want to add the component to a panel in columns ui. I use the latest beta from columns ui.
What could be causing the problem?

I can view the coverflow window when I click view in the foobar menu. But adding to a panel seems to be a problem. If I add it to a tab this also doesn't work.

I tried several things sometimes I get a crash log sometimes I don't

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 00B3F747h
Access violation, operation: write, address: 00B3F738h
Call path:
Code bytes (00B3F747h):
00B3F707h:  6F 74 20 52 65 6C 65 61 73 65 20 68 57 6E 64 2E
00B3F717h:  00 43 6F 75 6C 64 20 4E 6F 74 20 55 6E 72 65 67
00B3F727h:  69 73 74 65 72 20 43 6C 61 73 73 2E 00 14 0D B4
00B3F737h:  00 C0 77 B1 00 00 12 B1 00 00 12 B1 00 00 77 B1
00B3F747h:  00 00 77 B1 00 D0 11 B1 00 00 77 B1 00 00 77 B1
00B3F757h:  00 00 77 B1 00 00 77 B1 00 D0 11 B1 00 00 77 B1
00B3F767h:  00 3C 0C B4 00 90 77 B1 00 40 77 B1 00 28 0C B4
00B3F777h:  00 90 77 B1 00 40 77 B1 00 44 69 73 70 6C 61 79
Stack (0013F9F4h):
0013F9D4h:  0013FCF4 00000000 A9D61DD8 A9D61898
0013F9E4h:  773CA549 A9D61958 80535230 804D8FD8
0013F9F4h:  09614EAC 00000002 184289C8 096A4668
0013FA04h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 09613920
0013FA14h:  1842AB08 0962791A 00000002 63079035
0013FA24h:  00000000 1842AAB8 096FA3D0 00000002
0013FA34h:  00000000 184289C8 096C20A8 0013FA74
0013FA44h:  096912D8 00000002 09627937 00000000
0013FA54h:  63079049 001702AC 00000006 0013FBE4
0013FA64h:  002A0304 00000000 096FA3D0 096C20A8
0013FA74h:  0013FBD4 096912D8 00000002 0962713F
0013FA84h:  1842AAB8 09621165 63079081 0013FC4C
0013FA94h:  09620580 00000000 002A0304 7E39B51C
0013FAA4h:  00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
0013FAB4h:  0013FB2C 7C90EAE3 0013FAC4 00000000
0013FAC4h:  7FFDF000 0013FB28 7C80261A 0013FAE4
0013FAD4h:  7C8025F0 001103BB 00040000 0013FB9C
0013FAE4h:  00000014 00000001 00000000 00000000
0013FAF4h:  00000010 001702AC 00000000 7FFDB000
0013FB04h:  7FFDF000 00000000 00000000 002A0304
EAX: 00B3F738, EBX: 00000003, ECX: 08B83A00, EDX: 08B85E08
ESI: 1842AB08, EDI: 08B83AA8, EBP: 184289C8, ESP: 0013F9F4
Crash location: "foo_bubble_coverflow", loaded at 00B10000h - 00B51000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77C38000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77F40000h - 77FEB000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77DA0000h - 77E31000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77E40000h - 77E87000h
USER32                          loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77E90000h - 77F06000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1E2000h
ole32                            loaded at 774A0000h - 775DD000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 76350000h - 7639A000h
IMM32                            loaded at 76330000h - 7634D000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 5B190000h - 5B1C8000h
apphelp                          loaded at 77B00000h - 77B22000h
msctfime                        loaded at 75250000h - 7527E000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 00A50000h - 00A83000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 00A90000h - 00AF5000h
foo_bubble_coverflow            loaded at 00B10000h - 00B51000h
OPENGL32                        loaded at 5F160000h - 5F22C000h
GLU32                            loaded at 5F400000h - 5F421000h
DDRAW                            loaded at 736D0000h - 73719000h
DCIMAN32                        loaded at 73B30000h - 73B36000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EB80000h - 4ED23000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 08B90000h - 08BC5000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 08BF0000h - 08C55000h
foo_custominfo                  loaded at 08C80000h - 08D05000h
foo_custom_pc                    loaded at 08D30000h - 08D6C000h
WINSPOOL                        loaded at 72F70000h - 72F96000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 770E0000h - 7716B000h
foo_discogs                      loaded at 08E30000h - 08ED1000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71A30000h - 71A47000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71A20000h - 71A28000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76AF0000h - 76B1E000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 08EF0000h - 08F37000h
foo_facets                      loaded at 08F60000h - 09005000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 76320000h - 76325000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 09150000h - 09197000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 091C0000h - 092E2000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 09310000h - 09360000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 09380000h - 093D0000h
foo_uie_albumart                loaded at 093F0000h - 0942D000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 09450000h - 09493000h
foo_uie_bookmarks                loaded at 094C0000h - 09515000h
foo_uie_console                  loaded at 09530000h - 0954B000h
foo_uie_quicksearch              loaded at 09570000h - 095B6000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 09700000h - 097B3000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 097E0000h - 0980D000h
foo_utils                        loaded at 103E0000h - 10419000h
iglicd32                        loaded at 10150000h - 1038A000h
igldev32                        loaded at 186F0000h - 18772000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73E80000h - 73EDC000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD8000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76BF0000h - 76C1E000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A40000h - 77AD5000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77AE0000h - 77AF2000h
IMAGEHLP                        loaded at 76C50000h - 76C78000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72C90000h - 72C99000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72C80000h - 72C88000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BB0000h - 77BC5000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BA0000h - 77BA7000h
KsUser                          loaded at 73E50000h - 73E54000h
DBGHELP                          loaded at 59E70000h - 59F11000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 09614EACh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 096A4668h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 09613920h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 0962791Ah, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 096C20A8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 096912D8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 09627937h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 096C20A8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 096912D8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 0962713Fh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 09621165h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E39B51Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001E0h)
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 7C80261Ah, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
Symbol: "WaitForSingleObjectEx" (+000000DAh)
Address: 7C8025F0h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
Symbol: "WaitForSingleObjectEx" (+000000B0h)
Address: 7E39F896h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+0000003Bh)
Address: 103061AFh, location: "iglicd32", loaded at 10150000h - 1038A000h
Symbol: "DrvGetLayerPaletteEntries" (+000015CFh)
Address: 7E3B18E3h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "UnhookWinEvent" (+00000077h)
Address: 7E3CF200h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "SetMenu" (+0000006Ah)
Address: 10306090h, location: "iglicd32", loaded at 10150000h - 1038A000h
Symbol: "DrvGetLayerPaletteEntries" (+000014B0h)
Address: 7E39B50Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001D0h)
Address: 7E39B51Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001E0h)
Address: 096987B0h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E398734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E398816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E3C0457h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E398830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 7E39B4C0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000184h)
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E3C0457h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E39B4D0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000194h)
Address: 7E39B50Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001D0h)
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 09620580h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 7E39B473h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000137h)
Address: 7E3991BEh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "GetProcessWindowStation" (+00000029h)
Address: 7E3991F1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 7E39DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E390000h - 7E420000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 0042C110h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 1000263Ah, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000CAh)
Address: 09642EF0h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 095E0000h - 096E0000h
Address: 0042CCFEh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004C2CB4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004D0EECh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004D0EECh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004D0ED0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 004A0773h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049AE10h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004A0773h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049EBC8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 1000263Ah, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000CAh)
Address: 004C81F4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004B4588h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0042CF3Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049BE4Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00499231h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049922Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004BAF9Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004B93E0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049AE10h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049922Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049923Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004B93E0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004B4972h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049ABBFh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0049AE10h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 7C816FD7h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 7C839AA8h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
Symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+000002B0h)
Address: 7C816FE0h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FF000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 0049AC2Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004D002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 004D002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0051E000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.5 beta 8
Windows 5.1

Additional info:
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2  (foo_cdda)
Facets 2007-12-07  (foo_facets)
Console panel 0.2.1  (foo_uie_console)
Playcounter for foo_custominfo 1.0.1  (foo_custom_pc)
RAR reader 1.1  (foo_unpack)
File Operations 2.0  (foo_fileops)
Default User Interface 0.9.5  (foo_ui_std)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2  (foo_rgscan)
ABX Comparator 1.3.1  (foo_abx)
Album List 4.1  (foo_albumlist)
Standard DSP Array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
Converter 1.0.2  (foo_converter)
Album Art Panel 0.2.7  (foo_uie_albumart)
Album list panel 0.2.3 beta  (foo_uie_albumlist)
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0  (foo_unpack)
Bookmarks  (foo_uie_bookmarks)
Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l  (foo_uie_quicksearch)
foobar2000 core 0.9.5 beta 8  (Core)
Discogs Tagger 1.12  (foo_discogs)
Cover Flow 0.11  (foo_bubble_coverflow)
Columns UI 0.2.1 alpha 10 v3  (foo_ui_columns)
Masstagger 1.6  (foo_masstag)
foo_custominfo 0.1.2  (foo_custominfo)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
Playlist tools 0.5.7  (foo_utils)

Ow I also have an idea that might be interesting, why not link the coverflow component to the albumlist, then when you for example click a year in the album list you can see al the albums of that year in the albumlist but also in the coverflow component. I could be nice for some visual navigation.

I have to say that you do some great work, I really love your foo_discogs component and this seems to be great also