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Topic: CUI: Custom Column Question (Read 2861 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUI: Custom Column Question

i am having problem understanding how to use the feature playlist filters.
foobar preferences > columns ui > playlist view > columns -- playlist filters (right -- bottom)

i have made a custom column and named it simply "List", have also specified the display script and everything is fine with it.
basically i want this column available on only one playlist and i believe playlist filter does this.
But i have tried typing all kinds of stupid stuff in this playlist filter field but with no luck.

so... how to get this feature "playlist filters" to work?
what am i supposed to type here?

CUI: Custom Column Question

Reply #1
You are supposed to type the name of the playlist (separated by " ;" if there are several: ie playlist1;playlist2....)
if you want your "list" column available to the playlist named "custom PLAYLIST", you have to chosse "show only on playlists:" then type : custom PLAYLIST

This should do the trick...
Decalicatan Decalicatan


CUI: Custom Column Question

Reply #2
EDIT: cool, it worked.

i was initially confused by what foobar meant by playlist name.
i thought i was supposed to give a custom name to the playlist view panel (well... because that's how i want it)
i was clearly being stupid but at least it works now
