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Topic: DTS decoder & HDCD decoder trouble (Read 2765 times) previous topic - next topic
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DTS decoder & HDCD decoder trouble

I have a trouble on use HDCD decoder and DTS decoder .
I'v set the fb2k as default CD Player, so if I insert a CD,fb2k will play it in default playlist automatically.
But if a DTS CD inserted, I just heard noise in "default" playlist(it act as play DTS without foo_input_dts).
Unless I click "File -> Open audio CD", then I heard music in newly created playlist "Audio CD".

The same thing has happened on HDCD decoder.
In "default" playlist, $info(hdcd) display nothing, but in "Audio CD" playlist, $info(hdcd) display "yes".

Why did this happen? bug or some incorrect configuration of my fb2k?

sorry for my poor english 
almost forgot
foobar2000 v1.1.1
DTS decoder v0.3.0
HDCD decoder v1.5
no active DSP