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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP
Last post by Azuriye -
Yes. Totally independent to smart shuffle (or any other sorting you use on the pool!).

Let me know if you have more doubts.

Thanks for clearing my doubts, also I just realised that this global filter seems to be applied. Is there a way to remove it? I feel like something from this filtering is preventing the query to work as intended.
Code: [Select]

For testing this is my pool query.
Code: [Select]
  "readme": "Adds Least Recently Played (LRP) and Lowest Play Count (LPC) tracks.",
  "name": "test",
  "pool": {
    "fromPls": {
      "_LIBRARY_0": 9999
    "query": {
      "_LIBRARY_0": "%jsp3_loved% IS 1 SORT ASCENDING BY %jsp3_last_played%"
    "toPls": "LRP + LPC",
    "pickMethod": {
      "_LIBRARY_0": "start"
FLAC / Re: Weird visual noise band in the acoustic spectrum over 16khz
Last post by Bogozo -
Does that mean it was dithered first and then filtered? Talking about the attenuation at the very top
Looking at pictures by links above, you can see that some noise shaping algorithms have "attenuation at the very top".
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_httpcontrol
Last post by villeneuve -
I just tried that and here it's working perfectly fine. In fact I can browse my whole PC's file structure via FoobarCon (version of the app, version 0.97.28-fc of the component).
General - (fb2k) / Re: Some ogg vorbis files are not playable in foobar2000 v2
Last post by orangefx -
ok, i will deal with those ogg/opus errors over time. @Peter will next week have a look at that file i sent.
since peter did not respond after checking and i would still prefer the corrupted ogg vorbis files to be repaired i found the command line tool OptiVorbis
i am not shure if it works in all situations as advertised. i just tried a few errornous files. "Reported length is inaccurate" was not fixed with their web demo page. but "Nonsense Ogg granulepos value, file is not properly seekable" is.
worth implementing in foobar?!
@Peter @Case hows that sound?
WavPack / Re: Need advices for listening tests (Wavpack lossy)
Last post by guruboolez -
I just finished a pre-test. Purpose: looking for adequate low anchor.
Sample tested: 3 samples in one, Metallica-Vivaldi-MichaelJackson, with fading between each (created with foobar2000 preview tool).

Tested settings:
  • adc 0.7 -q128 (1,18 Mb)
  • ADPCM-XQ 2 bit (648 Kb)
  • ADPCM-XQ 3 bit (973 Kb)
  • PCM 6 bit dithered
  • PCM 7 bit dithered
  • PCM 8 bit dithered
  • WavPack 5.80 -b2f (748 Kb)

ABC/HR for Java, Version 0.5b, 19 février 2025
Testname: low anchor test


1L = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adpcm.3.wav.wav
2R = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adpcm.2.wav.wav
3L = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.6bit.wav
4L = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.7bit.wav
5R = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.8bit.wav
6R = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adc128.wav
7L = D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image_WVb2f.wav

General Comments: Listening # 1 (first seconds): 2R, 3L and 5R have obvious noise issues.

ABX range: 11.53 - 13.20
very fast ABX test (looking for obvious issue)
1L File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adpcm.3.wav.wav
1L Rating: 4.0
1L Comment: Slight hiss, bright sound. String orchestra sound sounds the worst (grainy/sandy sound)
2R File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adpcm.2.wav.wav
2R Rating: 3.0
2R Comment: Grainy sound, not very pleasant with Metallica, very annoying with Vivaldi, but quite good with Michael Jackson
3L File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.6bit.wav
3L Rating: 1.2
3L Comment: White noise, very audible and annoying
4L File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.7bit.wav
4L Rating: 1.7
4L Comment: White noise, not as strong as 3L, but close and still annoying even with loud music
5R File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.8bit.wav
5R Rating: 2.2
5R Comment: Background hiss, annoying on Metallica and Vivaldi, but almost hidden on the last part.
7L File: D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image_WVb2f.wav
7L Rating: 4.5
7L Comment:

ABX Results:
Original vs D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image_WVb2f.wav
    15 out of 16, pval < 0.001
Original vs D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adc128.wav
    7 out of 16, pval = 0.772

---- Detailed ABX results ----
Original vs D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image_WVb2f.wav
Playback Range: 11.534 to 13.202
    1:51:21 PM f 0/1 pval = 1.0
    1:51:23 PM p 1/2 pval = 0.75
    1:51:27 PM p 2/3 pval = 0.5
    1:51:29 PM p 3/4 pval = 0.312
    1:51:31 PM p 4/5 pval = 0.187
    1:51:33 PM p 5/6 pval = 0.109
    1:51:39 PM p 6/7 pval = 0.062
    1:51:42 PM p 7/8 pval = 0.035
    1:51:44 PM p 8/9 pval = 0.019
    1:51:46 PM p 9/10 pval = 0.01
    1:51:53 PM p 10/11 pval = 0.005
    1:51:54 PM p 11/12 pval = 0.003
    1:51:57 PM p 12/13 pval = 0.001
    1:51:59 PM p 13/14 pval < 0.001
    1:52:01 PM p 14/15 pval < 0.001
    1:52:04 PM p 15/16 pval < 0.001

Original vs D:\samples WAVPACK\PERSO TEST 2025\PRETEST\Image.adc128.wav
Playback Range: 11.534 to 13.202
    1:52:48 PM f 0/1 pval = 1.0
    1:52:51 PM p 1/2 pval = 0.75
    1:52:53 PM f 1/3 pval = 0.875
    1:52:56 PM p 2/4 pval = 0.687
    1:52:59 PM f 2/5 pval = 0.812
    1:53:00 PM p 3/6 pval = 0.656
    1:53:03 PM p 4/7 pval = 0.5
    1:53:06 PM f 4/8 pval = 0.636
    1:53:08 PM f 4/9 pval = 0.746
    1:53:10 PM f 4/10 pval = 0.828
    1:53:12 PM p 5/11 pval = 0.725
    1:53:15 PM f 5/12 pval = 0.806
    1:53:18 PM p 6/13 pval = 0.709
    1:53:20 PM f 6/14 pval = 0.788
    1:53:23 PM p 7/15 pval = 0.696
    1:53:31 PM f 7/16 pval = 0.772

  • ADC was transparent on a quick ABX comparison, and can't be used as low anchor
  • ADPCM-XQ 2 bit-per-sample quality is not constant: quite acceptable with the third part (M. Jackson) but very peculiar noise/sand scratching noise on Vivaldi
  • ADPCM-XQ 3 bit-per-sample produces more subtle issues
  • Dithered PCM (with Smart Dither component on foobar2000) is very easy to spot here. The hiss is nonetheless much harder to detect with Michael Jackson
  • Wavpack lossy at minimal quality (200 kbps, fast) was not very hard to spot with the Vivaldi sample (15/16). I'm not sure I could do the same with Metallica or Thriller

From these scores, both dithered PCM and ADPCM are suitable as LOW or MID-ANCHOR.
According to WV worst lossy quality on normal music, I'll suffer during this test and I'm sure that many files will end at 5/5
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP
Last post by regor -
Sorry for annoying, it looks like I have figured it out. Basically with SmartShuffle alone there is a chance for the same album to end up in the current playlist, but instead of grouping them it spaces them out evenly enough to prevent repetition based on the TF value
Yes. It behaves similar (better) to spotify shuffle. You have a readme for smart shuffle at the configuration submenu btw :)  Note smart shuffle does not deduplicate anything at all. Note you may configure how the shuffle works, so it may be applied by artist, but also by date, or whatever...

Having deDuplicate further removes the duplicates present in the playlist that way you only listen to that album artist (set as my TF value) once until the pool query gets called again.
Yes. Totally independent to smart shuffle (or any other sorting you use on the pool!).

Let me know if you have more doubts.