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Topic: foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1 (Read 78023 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #53
I'm glad to see a new version of my favorite audio player.

I wonder if I did something wrong but I have some troubles using the new album art patterns. Does it support wildcard? Not for file extension but for path.

Code: [Select]
         track 01.flac
         track 02.flac
         track 03.flac      
         track 01.flac
         track 02.flac
         track 03.flac    
         track 01.flac
         track 02.flac
         track 03.flac

When I type “..\CD.1l*\front.png” in pattern album art aren't displayed for tracks in folder 2 and 3. But when I type “..\CD.1l3\front.png” it works fine.
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foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #54
Anybody else get the error message "Initialization failure : Internal Error - please re-run the foobar2000 installer", when installing 1.0beta1?  This error occurs almost at the end of the installation, just after it says in the NSIS log "Created uninstaller".  Of course I re-ran the installer, multiple times even, but this error pops up every time.  I have never seen it until now...

Any idea on how to extract a more detailed log file from the installer, so I can track down what it barfs on?

I found a post on this forum that pointed at a missing components\foo_ui_std.dll file, but in my case this is not missing at all...

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #55
I wonder if I did something wrong but I have some troubles using the new album art patterns. Does it support wildcard? Not for file extension but for path.

Looks like wildcards for directory paths are not supported. At least for the moment.
stimulating the audio nerve directly

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #56

I must be doing something wrong. I'm a Foobar newbie who is in waaaay over his head running br3tt's XChange3 configuration with a cubic ass-load of additional components. In other words, I'm running a Foobar configuration way above my experience level that I probably have no business running. Well, anyway...I threw caution to the wind & installed v1.0 Beta 1 fully expecting everything to explode with messages of components being banned, components not working right, etc. I've read enough stories on the forum to know what "fun" a new major release of Foobar brings.

So, the installer finishes & the little box next to "Launch Foobar is checked" so I take a deep breath and hit the Finish button. Foobar launches...and......................everything works.

Well, where's the excitement in that, I ask? 

Seriously, though, the only difference in behavior is the new "embedded cover art doesn't take priority anymore" thing, but that's no big deal.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #57
Maybe I missed something?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #59
One other thing: The Apply Replay Gain in context menu Utilities of mp3 files has gone?

Today Apply Track/Album ReplayGain to MP3 Data do show in context menu of foobar2000v1.0 beta 1 when mp3 file(s) selected. I don't know what happened 

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #60
Great I have been a user of Foobar for about the last 5 years. I always wondered when version 1 was going to come out.

The exact opposite of Microsoft who take about 3 versions to get any software going. Windows 7 ?

I just love Foobar for its playlists. (the rest I am too old to understand !)

Thanks Peter and the Guys.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #61
@bb10 thanks

Will there be new sdk?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #62
pathetic screenshot

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #63
...and stereo LPCM http streaming (audio/L16 mime-type).


Will this allow me to stream from Foobar on a PC that has my music library to another networked PC running Foobar that is connected to my amp and speakers?

Can't wait to try this, can you make a quick guide?


foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #64
Anybody else get the error message "Initialization failure : Internal Error - please re-run the foobar2000 installer", when installing 1.0beta1?  This error occurs almost at the end of the installation, just after it says in the NSIS log "Created uninstaller".  Of course I re-ran the installer, multiple times even, but this error pops up every time.  I have never seen it until now...
See if all .dll files in the components folder are named in lowercase or its name otherwise mangled.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #65
pathetic screenshot

hell yeah, ken snyder!

btw, AWESOME UPDATE! i knew something big was going since there were no updates for a long time now... i suppose we're gonna have at least 2 additional betas until a full release?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #66
"To prevent people from running outdated beta versions, every beta version now expires after four weeks from the original release."

Does that mean it'll revert back to the stable releases?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #67
"To prevent people from running outdated beta versions, every beta version now expires after four weeks from the original release."

Does that mean it'll revert back to the stable releases?

No, but it does mean that either a new beta or a stable release should be available within 4 weeks of this release.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #68
i've only just noticed i can access DUI settings when columns UI is active. that's a great new feature. as i use media library search, it's nice that i can add/remove columns on the fly without having to restart foobar. 

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #69
Thank you. Personally I don't care if it's called 5.0 or 0.9124, it's just psychology  Many changes don't affect me as a ColumnsUi user...

  • New context menu structure - better out-of-the-box layout but less customizable.
    Ooooh! No sorting any more? Bad!

  • Built-in support for Windows Media and RTSP streaming.
    Good! Haven't tested yet.

  • “Edit” menu operates on the currently selected object rather than always on the active playlist.

  • Portable installs now remember Media Library paths relatively to the install folder.

  • Reworked Preferences: OK/Cancel/Apply buttons, new layout of standard pages.

  • CD-TEXT reading support.
    Good, but I can't imagine CD-TEXT is really needed  I can't imagine CDs are needed...

  • Ability to choose individual tracks to rip in the “Rip Audio CD” dialog.

    -- Per-Component settings files:
    We all know the .ini-File debate. I think this is a good step into the right direction and everybody should be fine with this now.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #70
For remote controlling, I want to change the DSP setting with FB2K command line. Good news, you made them accessible via menu. Finally! A big thank you! But how can I access them with the command line? I have a DSP setting called "Vlevel standard".

M:\Foobar2000\foobar2000.exe /command:"Vlevel standard"

...does not change anything. Will I have to use foo_runcmd from foosion?

BTW, the "foobar2000.exe /?" could be more informative about the /command syntax...

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #71
A possible bug found. I was playing one album which had no artwork. So I went and downloaded and saved as folder it in the correct folder. Then I went back to foobar (of course it aint showing yet), switched to a different album so that it would refresh and went back to the one I was listening, but it doesn't still show it, but after restart it started to show it : /

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #72
How can I import settings from previous setting file for

oh it works... just copy cfg file in directory

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #73
See if all .dll files in the components folder are named in lowercase or its name otherwise mangled.

Lowercasing the components folder didn't help, but lowercasing "FooBar2000.exe" to "foobar2000.exe" did.

Weird, I would not consider case changing "mangling", but apparently foobar can't handle being "capitalized".  A very strange behaviour, if you ask me.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #74
Keyboard settings (bug?):
- (previously, 0.9) select any of existing shortcuts, hit new - the focus in the field below is on the action form previous command (however its not selected per se)
- (now, 1.0) after selecting a shortuct and then crating new one the focus in the field below always go to "[main] -> edit -> playlist attributes -> copy played tracks to playlist"

It's especially annoying while trying to add few similar shorcuts (for example rating)